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Posts posted by BenjaminNicholas

  1. Saw it tonight. 

    A solid, appropriately loud and techno-designed version of this long standing rock opera.

    It's had several months to preview and clean up in Chicago at The Goodman and it's come onto Broadway in fighting shape.  

    In typical Des McAnuff style, there's a lot of LED lighting and high-def screens, all used creatively to tell the story.

    Alison Luff, Adam Jacobs and Ali Bourzgui are standouts.  The music requires a healthy range and the leads made it sound effortless.

    HIghly recommend this show if you're a fan of The Who.

  2. 18 hours ago, newdad said:

    And yet your statement "And it's Asia where tips can be seen as offensive, not Europe" was fine to use as if it was an accurate ideology? Do you see the error in that statement?

    Also, I was just in the Asia two months ago (see my post history), and I concur with @BSR's comment above. It's mainly Japan that's against tip, while the poor third-world Asian countries (eg, Philippines) would love to have tips. In fact, when I was in the Philippines, no one turned down the tips I gave—not even any small "eatery" (and I always pursue eating at these small hole-in-the wall restaurants because I've found them to be the most authentic).

    Read with comprehension of how I phrased it.  BSR did, you can too. 

    I said 'can be.'  I made no definitive statement. 


  3. 5 hours ago, nycman said:

    You guys do know there’s New York theater beyond Broadway, right?

    We- and by that I mean, I- are well-aware of off-broadway, off-off-broadway, off-off-off-broadway and fringe.

    But 80%+ of tourists stay in midtown and don't venture out further.

    That no one here has yet mentioned Oh, Mary! at the Lucille Lortell makes me a little sad.

  4. 20 hours ago, Becket said:

    My mother would have loved it. But Benjamin, you don't like us to sing in your Broadway show? We could never go see Les Mis together. I know all the words.

    Look Down! Look Down! Don't look em in the eye!

    Oh God! For Shame! I do not even know your name! Dear Mademoiselle. Who can tell?

    A New Argentina! The chains of the masses untied!    oooops! 

    Just because you know the words doesn't mean it's kosher to sing-along.

    You sit.  You clap.  You piss at intermission.  You get an overpriced beverage.  You clap again.  You stand.  You leave. 

    Welcome to a Broadway show 👍

  5. 4 hours ago, newdad said:

     I just had dinner at a restaurant in Lisbon Portugal (Europe) tonight and the owner was demanding that the customer take back his tips. She was rather pissed that the customer gave her a tip.

    She serves good food and has great Yelp reviews; you should try it. Her restaurant's name is: Frangasqueira Nacional. Check it out on Yelp to see her glowing reviews (puts any RM review to shame).

    And if you don't believe me that she would feel insulted at tips, try even leaving one Euro and you'll hear her go off at you. (saw it first hand tonight. I love Europe and its non-reliance to tipping culture.)

    I'm aware of where Portugal is.  I've been several times.

    I've traveled throughout Europe, where tipping culture is greatly appreciated considering their costs of living.

    One small eatery owner in Lisbon not accepting tips does not make for all European ideology. 


    EDIT:  Just read the restaurant's reviews on google and I think I'm good.  Any place that has multiple bad reviews for racial discrimination and an owner who clearly likes to intimidate patrons can suck a dick...  And not in a good, life-affirming way.

    She seems like a c*nt.  Not shocked at her reaction to being offered a tip. 

    Perhaps a xanax would have been more appropriate.

  6. On 3/19/2024 at 8:04 PM, MikeBiDude said:

    First off, note this is not a “sex tour”. I’m traveling with a friend I’ve met on seeking.

    I’m looking to visit Thailand, Cambodia, and Viet Nam this fall, 14 days on the ground.

    I’m a total foodie so looking forward to Thailand. 

    Any suggestions on a route/plan to hit Bangkok, Phuket, Ho Chi Min City, Ha Long Bay, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh?

    I don’t mind moving around a bit but like a “base” every couple days of 3 nights or so.

    Probably this is too broad of a request, but I’m curious what others here might suggest.

    I'll put together a longer post with suggestions in the next few days, but wanted to say it's nice to see someone travel that doesn't base their entire experience around getting laid.

    South Asia is brilliant and has a lot more to offer than cheap sex.

    You're already getting some great suggestions :) 

  7. 4 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    Especially among some of our demographic in this forum who think they can free-ride off public health efforts while weighing their fear of “discovery” (eg doctor/insurance records) / effort on their own part (if everyone else taking PREP why do I need to …)

    This is the demographic that's most at risk, both to themselves and to others.

  8. 2 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    Just thinking about those folks (whether providers or clients / regular hookup partners) who knowingly (not accidentally or in ignorant bliss) misstate status …

    Given the technology out there including now with AI, do you really think it’s inconceivable someone could fake an HIV test result if that’s all it took to make the questions stop?

    I believe fake COVID tests and injection records overtook fake driving license and green card sales on the streets of New York at one point a couple of years ago …  

    But the whole point of this thread is to take personal responsibility for your health, which negates whatever your sex partner does or doesn't do.

    Sure, anything can be faked.  Anything at all.  We know this.

    It doesn't change the fact that I still take the time to use every single tool in a medical arsenal to protect myself.

  9. 7 hours ago, Spiritualadvisor said:

    A simple solution is to ask the provider to show his test results and offer to show yours. 

    No, it's unfortunately really not that simple.

    How many people has the escort or client had sex with since the test?  

    There's also a gestation period for things like HIV:  A test can give a false negative anywhere from 18 to 90 days post-exposure.

    An NAT HIV test is the most surefire way to go for early detection.

  10. 9 hours ago, Owen FL said:

    When a provider lists negative instead of negative on Prep, does that generally mean they are not on Prep but get tested? I am just trying to understand why someone would not list they are on Prep if they are actually on it….

    somewhat new and only people I have met have listed themselves on Prep but there are some without it listed catching my eye

    The reality is that you need to be on a form of PrEP if you're fucking or being fucked by another man.  It's readily available almost everywhere now.

    Both escorts and clients alike lie to themselves and each other about their sexual responsibility.

    Only you can protect you.


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