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Posts posted by poolboy48220

  1. 19 hours ago, maninsoma said:

    What to do about it now is a very different question than how you could have handled the situation.  I will focus on the latter, which is what you asked:

    What either/both of you should have done is talk about it in the moment so there wouldn't be any weird after-the-fact wondering about the other one's expectations.  As the provider, one could argue that it was his responsibility to broach the subject by saying something like, "Would you like me to spend the night at X rate?" or "If you want, I can stay the night, gratis."   Given he didn't do this, I think that you should have simply said something like, "I'm sorry that my budget is spent for this trip.  You're welcome to stay if you want because I'm really enjoying being with you, but I cannot afford to pay you anything additional this trip."

    This is very similar to what happened to me years ago. An escort I'd met asked me, the next day, if we could meet again & "Do what you'd done last night".  I told him I was tapped out financially, I couldn't afford to hire again so soon. He said "Whatever you can manage", and I think I gave him $20 for our repeat session. 

  2. I dunno. I had a slightly similar situation with a traveller in town, I had a great time hiring him but could not afford another one while he was in town, but I did take him to dinner the next night. If you're feeling bad about it, maybe contact him saying "I had a great time with you all weekend, but I feel bad for not paying you for that last night. Are we okay?"  And let him take it from there. 

  3. My sister has a lock on Thanksgiving. Her in-laws are a bit challenging. None can really cook, one year they came with the big idea of using a can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup in the Stove-Top stuffing rather than water. It took three of them to orchestrate that, along with her brother-in-law directing while waving his can of Miller Lite about. That was the year my parents couldn't attend since my Dad had just had knee surgery, we decided I'd go to the sister's for appetizers then put together plates to take to Mom & Dad's. I called the parents to let them know I was on the way, my mother asked "Dad has a bottle of wine downstairs, do you want to open that?" I answered "I think I'm going to need a martini". Dad was happy to oblige.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Thomas_Belgium said:

    In the link it says Charles from Sean Cody, but I can't find him on the Sean Cody site, maybe it's a new guy.

    More likely it's an older guy (not as in age, but as in when he was on the site 😁) - Sean Cody removes them from the site.  And I do seem to recognize him from a while back.  From some googling "Sean Cody Charles", looks like he was on the site in 2013?

  5. I made my first try at baking with gluten-free flour, making some rolls I've made many times over for a friend who's gluten-intolerant.  I'm not a fan so far, I gave them half the batch and brought the rest to dinner with other friends, and there were a lot of uneaten rolls on plates after dinner.

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