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José Soplanucas

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Posts posted by José Soplanucas

  1. 1 hour ago, Danny-Darko said:

    "You people" will say anything just to keep an argument going by purposely nitpicking at things to take them out of context, deliberately missing a point. Just like KensingtonHomo in the last thread. You have no sound counterargument, so you resort to babbling attempting in vain to ridicule the poster with hopes to appear as the "winner", silencing the opponent. No matter what name you post under, we all have seen through you for years now and your little WOKE clique. Never anything of value to contribute, just your asinine opinions. 🙄  I've said my piece, I have nothing more to add. So keep up your senseless narcissistic rant if you must! 

    WOKE - Definition.jpg

    What is your argument, besides whining? The fact remains that the people you are trying invisibilized is not going for anyone else's rights, they only demand their owns. They are not trying to censor you, you are going for them.

  2. 17 hours ago, Danny-Darko said:

    A diversity so diverse that it can't swallow nor tolerate opinions and people that differ from their so diverse clique! Being so "inclusive" it excludes and censors all who differ from their perception of how other should reason and behave. So VERY diverse and inclusive that it's now facing a global backlash. 🙄 

    Censored? Actually, intolerant voices are loud and clear, and broadcasted in plenty of multi media channels, and are even ruling in many states where people all of kinds are losing rights. Even you and your friends are talking about the current backlash. 

    The fact is that you and your friends are the ones who advocate for suppressing some people's visibility. Some are brave enough to own their intolerance. Some show their cowardice hiding behind "Middle America". No one is advocating for suppressing any of your rights. You are the ones with such an agenda.

    And once again. Please, keep talking (writing). I do not want to silence you or your friends. Au contraire. You guys, are much more transparent than you comprehend. 

  3. 9 hours ago, Danny-Darko said:

    A diversity so diverse that it can't swallow nor tolerate opinions and people that differ from their so diverse clique! Being so "inclusive" it excludes and censors all who differ from their perception of how other should reason and behave. So VERY diverse and inclusive that it's now facing a global backlash. 🙄 

    So you call out as intolerant those asking for more rights and denouncing intolerance? Another very convincing argument for the bright  and squared minded. 


  4. When you ask to Chat GPT what a convicted felon can and cannot do in the US:

    The rights and restrictions for convicted felons in the United States can vary significantly based on the nature of the felony, the state in which the felony was committed, and whether the felon has been granted any form of relief or restoration of rights. Below is a general overview of what convicted felons can and cannot do in the US:

    ### **What Convicted Felons Can Do:**

    1. **Work:** 
       - Convicted felons can seek employment, though certain jobs may be off-limits, especially those requiring professional licenses or involving vulnerable populations (e.g., schools, hospitals).

    2. **Vote:**
       - Voting rights for felons vary by state. Some states automatically restore voting rights after a felon completes their sentence, including parole and probation, while others may require additional steps.

    3. **Own Property:**
       - Felons can own property, including real estate and personal property.

    4. **Travel:**
       - Felons can generally travel freely within the US, but international travel may be restricted depending on the destination country's policies on admitting convicted felons.

    5. **Education:**
       - Felons can attend college and pursue educational opportunities, though they may face challenges in securing financial aid.

    6. **Get Married:**
       - Felons retain the right to marry.

    ### **What Convicted Felons Cannot Do:**

    1. **Possess Firearms:**
       - Federal law prohibits convicted felons from owning, possessing, or purchasing firearms and ammunition. Some states have additional restrictions.

    2. **Serve on Juries:**
       - In many states, felons are disqualified from serving on juries, though this right may be restored in some cases.

    3. **Hold Certain Professional Licenses:**
       - Certain professions, especially those that require state or federal licenses (e.g., law, medicine, real estate), may be off-limits to felons, or they may require additional steps to obtain licensure.

    4. **Vote (in some states):**
       - In a few states, felons permanently lose their right to vote, even after completing their sentence.

    5. **Hold Public Office:**
       - Some states prohibit felons from holding public office, although this restriction can sometimes be lifted through a pardon or other forms of clemency.

    6. **Receive Federal Benefits:**
       - Certain federal benefits, such as public housing or welfare, may be restricted for felons, especially those convicted of drug-related offenses.

    ### **Variations by State:**

    - **Voting Rights:** 
      - **Maine and Vermont** allow felons to vote even while incarcerated.
      - **Florida** has complex rules involving restitution before rights are restored.

    - **Firearm Rights:**
      - Some states have processes for felons to petition for restoration of firearm rights.

    - **Professional Licenses:**
      - States vary widely in how they handle professional licensing for felons.

    ### **Clemency and Expungement:**

    - **Pardon:**
      - A pardon from the governor or the president can restore many of the rights lost by a felon.

    - **Expungement:**
      - Some states allow certain felony convictions to be expunged or sealed, which can alleviate many of the restrictions.

    ### **Additional Restrictions:**

    - **Sex Offenders:**
      - Felons convicted of sex offenses often face additional restrictions, such as residency restrictions and mandatory registration with sex offender registries.

    - **Restitution and Fines:**
      - Felons may be required to pay restitution or fines as part of their sentence, which can affect their financial situation.

    Understanding the specific rights and restrictions for a convicted felon often requires consulting state laws and, in some cases, seeking legal advice to navigate the complexities of the legal system.

  5. I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 

    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 

  6. 1 hour ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    The reality is that some people suffer from rampant internalized ageism and homophobia. @pubic_assistance relentlessly makes disparaging and even hateful statements not only about providers who fall outside of his incredibly narrow view of whom we should all "naturally" be attracted to, but he also - as he does here - treats those of us who hire escorts who are over 25 with more than 5% body fat as if we're insane. He does not recognize that sexual attraction is highly variable and subjective. And, of course, if someone hires an older escort or a bear type of guy, then it can only be because you are so grotesquely ugly that you can't even get undesirables to fuck you for free. 

    I do not understand why @CoM Moderators continue to allow him to spew anti-fat, anti-femme, agist, and ableist crap on here. I can't imagine that the providers enjoy his constant yapping about how hideous they are. 

    Worse, though he has zero relationship with the queer community, he opines on how we should live and who we should want to fuck. Maybe if he went to P-town or Fire Island or got on Scruff with his actual age, he'd see how easy it is for a conventionally attractive middle-aged man to attract younger ones. My husband and I have to bat twinks off like flies when we're out. 

    I could not agree more with your statements about @pubic_assistance. And yet, I could not disagree more with your call to the moderators to silence him. 

    We are what we are, and we all have the right to express ourselves, even when others may find our views offensive. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Lohengrin1979 said:

    How have providers responded to that request? I would love to implement it to clear out the catfish swimming about but I wonder if it’s viewed negatively.

    Overwhelmingly positively. Some are reluctant, afraid of dealing with a client trying to jerk off for free, but kind reassurance has been enough to overcome their resistance. I make clear that I only expect to show our faces during the VC.

    A few ones refused, and I took my businesses to someone else.

  8. I am arriving late to the party! I used to provide my stats, and sometimes my photo, whether or not the provider asked for it. I always thought that it is just fair to provide at least a vague image of he could be meeting, after I assessed (countless sometimes) of his pictures and even videos. 

    In my last hirings I implemented a new policy that solved this issue. I stopped hiring without a videoconference to verify pictures and close the deal.

  9. I think the key word in the OP's question is "aversion". The answer is simple: because there are too many assholes here. 

    I am not attracted to guys my age (61), not even closer, but I do not feel disgusted at them. We all have different preferences, but not feeling attracted to someone or something is not equivalent to feeling aversion.

    It is shocking how often in these forums someone express a preference, to receive a bunch of responses sharing how not attracted to that others are. It is not only about age, but also about tattoos, or body shape, or any other physical feature. Why would anyone need to feel and express rejection for others' preferences? Because they are assholes, probably self-hating assholes. 

  10. I always get sick in my second week in Rio. My last time out was Monday. Since Tuesday, I have been suffering some kind of respiratory infection, other than COVID, I am testing negative. Anyways, just in case, I did not want to go around infecting others and I did not even feel in the mood to go out or have sex. It was hard not to go to Point yesterday.

    Last night was the first night I slept comfortably, and today I spent the day with I since 10am, to celebrate his 23rd birthday. I do not feel yet as to have sex, so we just shared quality time together, and he prepared another churrasco, the boy is a master at the grill. He just left with all our leftovers (food, weed, and Bacardi), to celebrate with his friends tonight.

    I will stay home tonight to finish recovering.

    I am leaving tomorrow morning.

  11. Last night we went to Point. I did not check before their IG, so I had a nice surprise. As today the locals celebrate a holiday, they had a special event with free feijoada, and the food was quite standard good. Besides that, the place was full of hot guys of all kinds looking for a programa. All the guys I have reported in my blog posts were there, with the exception of Jo, the Novinho my Number One is training. The atmosphere was sooooo good, the boys were sooooo friendly. I had the pleasure to finally meet a friend from Gayguides. We had been sharing boys for years now, and it was great to finally shake his hand. Of course, he left with J, an amazing boy I wrote about in my reports.

    Soon after they left, we followed them. I went back to my place with my boy I. We waited for his trainee, who came to my place after clocking out from the gas station he works at. I kicked out my boy and had a full programa alone with the Novinho. He was amazing, the second time he was taking dick and you should see how masterfully he rode it. He is joining the little group of my regulars.

  12. 9 minutes ago, ericwinters said:

    Not sure where this should post... Where can I find a map for the march? I'm trying to pick my hotel to be closer to the route than in years past. Thanks all!

    I do not think this year map is done yet, but all it takes is a google search to find the parade's route for previous years.

  13. New report written in Spanish.


    I am having an amazing time, as usual. In that post I share about a churrasco at my airbnb with three boys. One of them, brought by my Number One, I had never met before and was an amazing surprise. He is interested in becoming a GP, although his full time job in a gas station is a challenge as he is only available on Fridays. He had his first experience as a bottom, fucked by my boy while I was fucking our third guest. HOT. Tomorrow I am bringing him to my place after he clocks out. Not only is he impressively beautiful, besides he is smart, curious, and sweet. 

    That was Friday. Afterwards we went to Point, Bingo Night, but it was a fiasco and we ran away after our second round of caipirinhas. 

    Yesterday I did not go out, but stayed home with my favorite boy. Today I am resting and writing. Tomorrow my vacation is over and my teleworking starts. 

    I always say that this is going to be my last time in Brazil for a while, but I will not meet my word once again.

  14. I love your idea.

    In the US, when I was giving my first steps, I used to contact until 5 escorts at the same time and negotiate contract simultaneously, to take only the one more convenient for me.

    As a traveler, until very recently, I used to take photos of saunas GPs in Brazil. I would not trick them, I would offer them money and honestly tell them what the pictures were for. However, I have learned that they always take the offer without really realizing what they are doing. I have been doing this as recently as my previous trip to Rio. Not any more. I should have learned this a long time ago, but I have been an entitled selfish asshole, thinking only of the clicks in my blog and social media. 


    BAJO LAS ESTRELLAS. Una experiencia inolvidable que se suma a las muchas que Río y sus habitantes compartieron conmigo.

    Rio delivered another unforgettable experience to me last Tuesday. First, we went to 117 and, as usual, I was disappointed. Not only was the crowd underwhelming (most of the GPs I liked were at Point the night before) and the cabin not very clean. Besides, water started to leak almost at the center of the indoors bar right when they were announcing the show. They had to remove tables, and we ran away.

    Today, Thursday, we had the first rain since my arrival, only 5 hours and it was over before noon. I spent the day at Rhyheim's studio and now I am waiting for "I", if you read the report linked above.


  16. In Rio since last Saturday! I wrote a report but it is in Spanish, here it is in case you want to read it.


    I am staying in a small airbnb in Copanema, with a cozy and private terrace featuring a jacuzzi and a bbq pit. The host is an American Black guy, a former NFL player, and the coolest host I ever had, communication has been great. There are door men 24/7, but they have barely pay attention to me or my visitors. 

    The days have been great so far, fully sunny or cloudy but not a drop of rain. It is my first time in Ipanema, I have enjoyed a lot my walks around. I visited the Museu Histórico de Forte de Copacabana, probably one of the worst museums I have even been too. I did love to walk around the former fort itself.

    By the way, for the fearful Gringos and mind liked friends, the cafe at the forte seems to be a perfectly safe place to meet your dates. I am just arrived, but I have not noticed so far any signs of insecurity, danger, or threats. Perhaps a telling sign is that last Sunday, on Avenida Atlantica, no one was wearing headsets or using their phones. However, I was in Copacabana yesterday and the locals walk around using their phones carelessly.

    On Sunday I did my first attempt to hire from a website, as I was not in the mood to go out to a sauna after a long exploration of my neighborhood. A gorgeous man came to my airbnb, but we had no chemistry and my dick did not get hard not even when he sucked it. Definitely, I am going through andropausia and just pictures or video are not enough to guarantee attraction. He was very nice, anyway, and stayed chatting for longer than 2 hours.

    Last night, to go to Point, I used the local Metro for the first time. As Uber is so cheap for me, I had never consider that option until now, when I am exploring how my live would be after retirement. I should have used it before, my trip was probably faster than by car.

    Fortunately, last night in Point my unreliable dick delivered strong hard ons. The place was thriving with one of the most diverse GPs crowds I have ever seen, there even was a guy with only one leg. The ratio client/GP was very good for clients. I hooked with a BEAUTIFUL boy, he was 20 but looked like 17. We are planning a threesome at my place soon. I did not bring him to my airbnb yet. I met with my favorite boy from last trip and came to my airbnb, and also had a great time. 

    Point's remodeling seems to be finished. They have two very nice new cabins where the smokers bar used to be, they assign me one of those. Instead of following the count up to identify the rooms, my cabin was "Siqueira Campos". I did not check the tag on the other cabin. There is still room for the washer and a couple of tables where the hopless smokers hang out. The atmosphere was amazing as usual, the reason why I prefer 202 over 117. It reminds me of those hooker houses for straight men that we see in the movies, with the hookers having fun and socializing with the clients diving in a party mood together. Very unlike 117.

    As I read that they are scamming clients overcharging us at check out, I was very careful to check my bill. It was spotless, and it would have been very tempting for a scammer to smuggle a false charge, as I had a lot of items. 6 caipirinhas, 1 jack Daniel, one red bull, one water, one cabin, one client ticket and one GP ticket, everything was slightly over 300 R.

  17. 2 hours ago, Rod Hagen said:

    I've been Mountain Biking for 30 + years.  I have two bikes hanging from my ceiling.  I'm also not sure road biking belongs in major cities and feel very conflicted about it.  I think I land on the "Your not out in rural America so don't act as if you are."  I mean, they lost 71 metered sites just so people can what?  Bike?

    Interesting. I think cars are more justifiable in rural America. I am all for discouraging the use of cars in cities, and instead promoting public transportation and biking. And I looooove my civic. I do hate SUVs in cities and I would triple the taxes they have to pay. 

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