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Posts posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Contacted him via text a few days ago. His reply was prompt, courteous, and informative. His rate was just a bit more than my budget, though at the end of his message he asked "Are you ok with my rates?" Nice touch. Unfortunately, he was only going to be in the Queen City (no jokes, please) for a day or so and I was unable to make the short trip. I might splurge the next time he comes this way as he looks hot.

  2. Josh Powell. Actually saw him on the local Grindr about a month ago - he had a photo of himself - was definitely an older Josh Powell, but still looked pretty good. He used the name Josh Powell and his profile stated he had been a porn star in the '90s. Not sure how he ended up here in flyover country. I didn't contact him, seems like he was looking more for a relationship than anything else.



  3. I have digital access to the New York Times for $4.24 a month, the rate I've had for the past several years. Next month it goes up to $15.90 per month. So, I'll have to call the paper to cancel and the nice lady will ask me if I would continue for another year at $4.24 a month, which I will agree to. It's a ritual that me and the nice lady at the NYT perform every year.


    It's the same way with Sirius XM for my car - every year it is supposed to go up to something like $226 a year - so I call and cancel the day before the renewal and they offer it to me at $126 a year - another annual ritual (this has gone on for so many years they don't even make a pretense of negotiating, they just give me the discount when I tell them who I am). Make sure you mark the renewal date on your calendar so it doesn't flip to the regular rate.


    I also subscribe to the local paper, the "Curious-Journal" (Courier-Journal) - digital. It's not really worth it anymore since they cut their staff down to bare bones and all you get is basic news (which you can get from local online radio/TV stations), comics, sports, and, on Sunday, photos of the interiors of rich people's homes. However, on weekdays you also get USA Today, so it makes it somewhat worth it. Again, come renewal time, I call to cancel and they give me about half off, which is about what the CJ is worth.


    I had the print edition of the CJ but they kept throwing it in the street.


    I would like to subscribe to WAPO but I am not sure they negotiate. I think they want $39 for an introductory annual digital rate which goes up to $100 after a year. I'll probably give it a try one of these days though I'm not sure that I would read it daily like I do the NYT and the local rag.

  4. Mekhi-Alante-Lucky-Mugshot-Prison-Bae.jpg?format=750w

    Mehki Alante Lucky Mugshot, aka "Prison Bae", 2017


    Mekhi Alante Lucky, 20, is shown here after an arrest in May 2017 in North Carolina for speeding and driving a stolen vehicle. Lucky’s mesmerizing eyes are the result of an eye condition called heterochromia iridium that causes his irises to have different colors. His mugshot went viral and landed Lucky a modeling contract with St. Claire Modeling in New York.

  5. Not a slut - most of us would probably equal your record except for lack of a) money, b) energy, c) looks, d) opportunity.


    BTW, I'm assuming that some of those were duplicates or are there THAT many horny men walking around Sydney? OR are you just that damn good-looking ?

  6. Fun Facts about cats:


    -- cats sleep 70% of their day

    -- A house cat's genetic makeup is almost 97% tiger and they share many behaviors with their jungle ancestors. These behaviors include scent marking by scratching, prey play, prey stalking, pouncing, chinning, and urine marking.

    -- Cats are believed to be the only mammals who don't taste sweetness

    -- Cats have an extra organ that allows them to taste scents on the air, which is why your cat stares at you with her mouth open from time to time

    -- Cats have the largest eyes relative to their head size of any mammal

    -- Cats are crepuscular which means that they’re most active at dawn and dusk

    -- Cats can spend up to a third of their waking hours grooming

    -- Cats mark you as their territory

    -- Many cats like to lick their owner’s freshly washed hair

    -- When your cat sticks his butt in your face, he is doing so as a gesture of friendship, much as an escort might do.

  7. Dog but I love cats too, they're different.

    I know that people love their cats, but I recently read an article stating that scientists believe that cats are only semi-domesticated at best, and not truly domesticated as dogs are. That is, cats "merely tolerate domesticity" and basically only hang out with humans b/c we feed them. In fact, if you didn't feed them they would likely survive on their own since they retain the same hunting skills as their ancestors.


    "Dogs have been by man’s side for tens of thousands of years, and have come to rely heavily on the symbiotic relationship with humans to survive. But cats entered into the human sphere relatively more recently, probably around 5,000 to 10,000 years ago, and can still do well without someone opening a can for them." --Smithsonian Magazine, April 30, 2015


    So, love your cats, but remember that they're only a few missed meals away from hopping the next freight train to Cleveland.






    Sorta off topic, but Brad Patton was in the news in May in Miami. Not quite as muscular but still hot with that great butt, IMHO




    P.S. Not trying to divulge a porn star's real name, but he does list it on his IMDb bio along with the fact that he was an Olympic figure skater at one time. Hard to believe he is 48 yrs old now.

  9. In this election season it might be interesting to note the origin of the word "candidate." Perhaps there are those among us who had the opportunity (opportunity deriving from the Latin phrase, ob portum veniens "coming toward a port" which refers to a favorable wind blowing ships into the harbor -- think of an opportunity as something a good wind blows your way) to study Latin in high school. If so, you may remember that the Latin word for "bright white" was candida - and white was the color that Romans associated with honesty. That's why candidate and the word "candid" share the same cognate. In Rome, those running for office would wear bright white togas to remind people how honest they are. Ironic that so many "candidates" these days are less than candid or honest.

  10. Says he’s in Indiana.

    I think that Bryan was in the Chicago area, possibly Northern Indiana, at one point several years ago, and I think he escorted at that time. However, his last two criminal offenses were in the Charlottesville, Virginia area, and I think his mother (per news reports) lives in nearby Orange County, Virginia (the court required him to live with her prior to sentencing). Since his last conviction in 2018 for abduction with a loaded gun of a female, it is likely that he is on supervised parole in the Charlottesville area following his jail sentence. I read recently that he is married to a female (on several of his OF videos you can hear a female in the background) and many suspect that he uses his gay persona to promote his OnlyFans website. I subscribed to this OF site for one month but was greatly disappointed as it mostly contained photos of his booty-hole and him shaking his large (though almost always limp) Joystick. There were about three videos of gay sex on his OF, most of which lasted about one minute. His body is still tight but the huge hideous tattoo across his chest diminishes (for me) his overall sex appeal - though many were probably turned off by his skinny physique long before the tattoos. As far as escorting, I doubt that he still escorts given his likely closely-supervised legal status. Hope you are holding up during the pandemic though it is unlikely that Mr. Silva will be available for an encounter for a long, long time. BTW, a few months ago I made an innocuous comment about a photo on his Twitter page and was promptly blocked.

  11. I still have wet dreams.

    Unfortunately, I haven't had a wet dream since LBJ was president. If I had one, I'd probably shoot sawdust.


    But we digress.

    Seems to me that Sophomania is not that much different from the often-in-the-news Dunning-Kruger Effect:


    In the field of psychology, the DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability.


    (Trying very hard here not to mention names and thus make this a political commentary.)

  12. What changed at Consumer Reports?

    I was planning to subscribe for researching my next car.

    CR is still a good resource for buying cars, both new and used. My problem with CR is that they used to give you the complete ratings for various items (e.g. appliances, kitchenware, computers, TVs) but now the magazine only gives you the "Best, Best Value, Great Picture" etc. You have to subscribe to their online site (I got for $12/year on sale) to get all the ratings in particular categories. They do have the "Car Issue" every March which you can buy on Amazon for about $12. You can also use their online service for buying a car which will tell you how much the dealer actually paid for the car (including add-ons) and what a good price might be. You probably already know all this.

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