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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Good to know. Did you actually meet him?
  2. Ramblers? Seriously? How lame is that! Go Lions!
  3. Charles Von der Ahe was the founder of Von's supermarkets and was a major donor to Loyola Marymount University (Go Lions!). Their library is named after him. Like the supermarket, this Nashville "Von" appears to specialize in excellent meat products. I hope to find out before week's end. I do see, however, in the "Urban Dictionary" that an Oral Top is someone who only enjoys receiving a BJ but not giving it "Jesse is a total oral top, he never reciprocates".
  4. He says he's "into kissing" - like icing on the cake. Will let you know what I find out.
  5. I'm thinking that an "oral top" sits back and lets the "oral bottom" work on his Python. I hope to find out the meaning soon.
  6. I'm thinking of making a brief visit to Music City to see Von, once this damn rain lets up. He has two glowing reviews on friendboy.pro and certainly has a nice Beaver Cleaver. Judging by his "Few Words" he seems eager to please. Any experience or comments? https://friendboy.pro/boys/Von
  7. Memories Light the corners of my mind Misty watercolor memories Of the way we were Scattered pictures Of the smiles we left behind Smiles we gave to one another For the way we were Can it be that it was all so simple then Or has time rewritten every line If we had the chance to do it all again Tell me, would we? Could we? ---- The Way We Were, Barbara Streisand
  8. I appreciate full disclosure. I agree that competition in the marketplace generally lowers costs, for everyone.
  9. I had the rear window of my car smashed out over night at an apartment complex when I lived in south Jersey. This was a week after I had a disagreement with another resident who said that he "owned" the parking space closest to the building; I disagreed with him stating that the manager said there was no assigned parking. Gee, I wonder who broke my window?
  10. Front left pocket. If I am traveling in an unfamiliar or crowded city I always wear a money belt. I also keep photocopies of important documents (passport, driver's license, health cards) at the hotel - and leave a copy with my sister back home so she can fax if necessary.
  11. Mental health professionals treat symptoms, not diagnoses. Granted, insurance companies and other third-party-payers will demand a diagnosis (so that they can set limits on how much $$$ they're gonna have to pay out - and to designate "best practices" for treatment). But, there are definite signs (what observers notice about the addicted person) and symptoms (problems that the addicted person finds unpleasant and unwanted) of sex addiction. Sex addiction shares some of the same sign/symptoms as substance addiction: an abnormal preoccupation with sex, uncontrollable urges, putting oneself into hazardous or dangerous situations in order to obtain sex, continuing to seek sex even in the face of negative consequences (over-spending, divorce, getting robbed), person begins to focus entirely on sex to the exclusion of other social, professional, or familiar duties and responsibility. The American Psychiatric Association which produced the DSM-5 rejected the inclusion of Sex Addiction (again) in 2012 on the basis of lack of scientific evidence. I suspect that the powerful insurance industry also may have lobbied against its inclusion, but that is my speculation. Adding it to the DSM would have benefitted the "Sex Addiction Treatment" centers as well as pharmaceuticals since they would then set their minds to creating "libido inhibiting" medications. And I suspect that the battle over sex addiction will continue when a revised DSM is proposed. The DSM is a political and economic product as well as a scientific document. (As most of us remember, homosexuality was classified as a disorder in the original DSM.) Often, mental health professionals, in order to receive reimbursement, will bill for problems that result as a consequence of addiction, especially depression and anxiety.
  12. The half-life of Xanax is a lengthy 11 hours. Xanax reaches peak levels in the blood within 2 hours. However, despite taking several days to leave the body, the effects of Xanax tend to wear off after about 4 hours, so it may need to be taken several times throughout the day. Per The American Addiction Center: "There is only one recommended method for coming off Xanax and that is to taper the dose under medical supervision. Since medical detox is the only safe method, any other form of withdrawal from Xanax is not recommended."
  13. Xanax, like any CNS depressant, can interfere with the formation of memory. Well-intentioned people, using Benzos (like Xanax) often develop what's called "Inter-dose anxiety" - i.e. they develop some tolerance to the meds and are strongly tempted to increase either their dosage or the frequency of the dosage, or both. It usually sneaks up on you and can take over your life - like any addiction there is an increasing preoccupation with protecting your "stash" and, because of taking more meds than prescribed, or starting to "doctor shop" or lie to your MD (I can't count the number of times patients have reported that "somebody stole my Xanax"). It can happen to the best of us.
  14. What the OP described sounds more like a Panic Attack than an "Anxiety Attack." It is caused by a sudden dump of adrenaline into the system - the fight-or-flight mechanism - even though there is no imminent danger - thus the racing heart, pressured breathing, feelings of impending death, disorientation, dissociation. Research seems to link Panic Attacks to the buildup of stress in one's life but may have a genetic component since it seems to run in families, and is much more prevalent in females. Since everyone seems to know the risks of getting addicted to a Benzo (e.g. Xanax) - (and more people die from Benzo withdrawal than from opioid withdrawal) - most users of Benzos will swear to the efficacy and safety of Benzos (I had patients when I worked in the clinic who would literally fight you for their Xanax), I will say that many (most?) psychiatrists today will Rx a script for an SSRI (Paxil, Prozac) first, though most sufferers of Panic Attacks will say that SSRI's help "only a little bit." If indeed the precipitator of Panic Attack is the buildup of stress, learning (and more importantly, practicing) better coping skills (deep breathing techniques, positive visualization, exercise, massage) would be recommended. Generalized Anxiety, as many are reporting here, is more like a "slow dump" of adrenaline into the system, but has similar features and treatment.
  15. I had somewhat the same pleasant surprise a couple of years ago when I went to the "MissingMoney" website that tells you if you have any money that a state is holding for you. Sometimes a state or corporation (or even a small company) owes you money and is unable to find out where you live - usually cause you've moved - they are required by law to keep it in a special account. My sister told me about the site and, sure enough, I discovered that the state of New Jersey had several thousand dollars of mine due to some stock buy-back and, instead of sending it to my brokerage house, they sent it to my address in NJ - but I had moved. All I had to do was send copies of my drivers license and SS card and they send me a check + ten years interest! The website is easy to use - just pop in your first and last name and find out if you've got money. http://www.missingmoney.com/
  16. Most states require that the "mandated reporter" make a report. The victim can refuse to cooperate.
  17. One of the hottest porn actors with a sexy tan, Dean Johnson http://cocksuckersguide.com/StarSearch/fullmainimage/11/deanjohnsonfsmn.jpg
  18. Miguelmaster was listed as a "Pro" on A4A in Chicago a month or so ago. I sent him a couple of messages and his replies were very accommodating, articulate, and civil. Unfortunately, various circumstances (on my part) prohibited our meeting. I see that he now advertises on Rentmen in Atlanta and has added a pic or two. Does anyone have any experience with this incredibly sexy man, or any comments on the veracity of his photos? Thanks. https://rentmen.eu/Miguelmaster
  19. Rationalization is arguing with yourself...… and losing.
  20. I liked George Hamilton's pickup line: "Wanna get a drink? Or would you rather just have the money?"
  21. To Tarte's excellent guidelines I might also add: do the pics pass the "smell test" i.e. are they so impressive (e.g. muscular, handsome, ENDOWED, "model-like") that someone might be tempted to steal them? In the example cited, though Tristan is a nice-looking guy, I doubt that anyone would want to steal them. Sometimes you can also smell a rat when the photos don't correlate with the escort's description of himself (this is a notorious giveaway on A4A) - for example, the pics look like a bodybuilder and then the escort describes himself as having an "Average" body. Or, he says he is slim and then he describes himself as being 5'7" and 210 lbs. (and is not a bodybuilder). Finally, I immediately lose interest if the escort has an attitude, has a problem with answering relevant questions that reveal the scope of his services, or seems reluctant to offer any kind of verification. In the end, skepticism is a virtue in the escort-hiring world.
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