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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Having done marriage and family counseling for many years I always reminded engaged couples that you marry a family, not just an individual. I hope it works out, for both their sakes.
  2. Yes, when Churchill Downs opened in 1875 the "South End" was the boonies. Louisville's most famous Son :
  3. I live not far from Churchill Downs but, if you're a Louisvillian, you're more likely to attend "The Oaks" (for girl horses) than the Derby, as the Derby is mostly for wealthy out-of-towners. The Oaks is held the day before Derby (today). I usually go to the track at least once during the Spring meet as well as Keeneland in Lexington. Keeneland is a much prettier race track and more amenable to getting up close to the ponies in the paddock before the race. I like to bet on the horses that appear cool and calm in the paddock before the race, as well as their stats. The best part of going to the track is "people watching" as well as trying to turn a $2 wager into a $20 payoff. Favorites for Derby are Justify and Audible. Bolt d'Oro will be in the running, too. Long shot: Good Magic. Phyllis George hasn't been in local news since Reagan was president and lives in Georgia. Former Miss America (1999) Heather French Henry is married to the former Lt. Governor and is currently prominent in local diet commercials. Former Louisvillian Diane Sawyer, a America Junior Miss winner, swoops in and out occasionally. I don't like mint juleps. Too minty and the leaves get in your teeth.
  4. That's funny. Charles is such a queen.
  5. Who knew that such a hunk was available in Steubenville, OH? Thanks for bumping!
  6. My experience is that fakes figure that if they can at least get in your door, or you in their door, that you'll pay at least something to either complete the encounter, or at least give them something for them to leave w/out a scene. Or, they hope that you're not observant enough to realize that the photos are fake.
  7. Ha, yes! Need to keep my options "open." Nature may abhor a vacuum, but I love one.
  8. I'd do Kyle. But I would have to tape his mouth shut first.
  9. Steve Kornaki, with his boards, charts, and analysis, traumatized me on the evening of November 8, 2016. He was looking at the early returns from North Carolina at about 8:00 p.m. and he stopped suddenly and said: "You know something, these numbers coming out of Wake County (Raleigh) don't look real good for Hillary." Up to that point I was supremely confident that Hillary would be the next president. That was about six hours before the election was called for Comrade Trump! On another note, Steve writes a very humorous story about his first gay sexual encounter while at Boston University: ("When I got home, I took off my clothes and threw them in the trash.") https://www.salon.com/2011/11/16/the_coming_out_story_i_never_thought_id_write/
  10. I agree that James Longman is the hottest thing on television. Watch this clip - what a nice guy - what a gracious man - and openly gay: Watch ABC News at night!
  11. It looked like fun was had by all. I was totally impressed with how amazing the bods of Tristan and Victor are. Those guys have put in a lot of time at the gym!
  12. You will need to put "ViktorD" in search box - use a "k" not a "c" https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-viktord-chicago.127939/ I emailed him a couple of days ago about rates but unfortunately made a typo. He replied quickly that he didn't understand my question due to the typo. I emailed back with a correction and never heard back from him. He must have a lot of business. I never hire someone who's too busy to reply.
  13. Mrs. Bush's advice is fine for a college graduation speech, but my experience is that most people, at the latter stages of the life cycle, evaluate their "success" in life not only on their relationships (especially family), but also on their professional and their extra-familial endeavors (e.g. awards, accomplishments, social status, military service, occupational achievements). I worked with residents in nursing homes at one point - and they will regale you, not only with the names and ages of people they co-created, but also with the little (and big) achievements in their lives ("Back in '44 I fought at Guadalcanal" or "I was named All-State tennis champ in '65"). Psychologist Erik Erikson said that people in their 60's usually look back on their lives and assess whether they did anything significant with their time on earth. So, if I had to give one of those commencement addresses, I would emphasize that although family is a priority, having professional and personal goals, working hard, and never giving up on success (learn from Ray Kroc who started his first franchise at age 62, or Harlan Sanders who started KFC also at age 62) are also important.
  14. Yes, I would say that the Head of H.R. at ABC News has excellent taste. Don't forget about Gio Benitez (pictured here with his husband): http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Gio_Benitez_Tommy_DiDario-400x258.jpg
  15. I think James' tattoo is a Horace paraphrase: Qui metuens vivet, liber mihi non erit umquam. = (If you live your life in fear, you will never be free) BTW, I emailed James - he was quick to respond, but fee was over my budget. Hot, though.
  16. Was watching ABC News the other night when James Longman did a report from the Middle East. Discovered James is openly gay and is called "the Beirut Beefcake" by some. Thought he should be added to our "sexiest news anchors/reporters" list.
  17. Seems like the most sexually permissive countries (France, Italy, South American countries) have been countries where the Catholic Church is strong, whereas those countries with a strong "Protestant ethic" like the USA are often the most uptight. It reminds me of what a Catholic priest once told me about Catholic laws and regulations: The Romans make the rules, the Americans are the ones who follow them.
  18. I have kept 40 years of hiring in a location where I am absolutely positive that only I will ever have the key to entry: my memory.
  19. Yum. (Is it still legal to say that?)
  20. Does anyone know if Trump signed SESTA? It was my understanding that he had until last Saturday to sign; if he doesn't sign, it becomes a "pocket veto" and Congress would have to start over. Since the ACLU and many online companies are seeking clarity on this bill, perhaps it will come back in a more palatable form for sex workers i.e. delineate between adult sex workers and sex traffickers. Since this is an election year and politicians love to tout their "family values" I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.
  21. Not a big fan of getting punched for no reason, but gut punching by a bunch of sexy guys is a big turn-on:
  22. Hopefully, the administrators of this site won't be hasty as to shut down this site which so many find so informative and emotionally supportive. Sesta/Fosta, even though it was overwhelmingly approved by Congress (who's going to vote AGAINST trying to protect children?), was never reviewed by the Judicial Committees in either chamber and, even the Trump DOJ stated that it thought parts of the law are unconstitutional. It likely violates the First Amendment and the language used is so vague and the arguments so specious (e.g. reducing prostitution will reduce trafficking - when, in fact, where prostitution is reduced human trafficking increases) that it is likely that an inevitable court challenge will void this law. I realize that the owner of the site might just say "the heck with it - who needs the aggravation" - I am hoping that they wait to see how this thing shakes out in the courts, for the sake of all who participate in this great web site.
  23. I'm wondering if the "Good" Old Days of street hustling might make a return? It was certainly not as safe (for both the escort or the client) but it did have the advantage of providing the client with the advantage of seeing the goods before the purchase: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceYzEOD-cxU
  24. I remember a story told back in the 1970's: Some bigot said "They should round up all the queers and put them on an island somewhere." To which, someone else replied: "They did, it's called Manhattan." I'm guessing that NYC (and the Northeast in general) has a lot of muscle and worshippers. Having lived in LA, where there is a "cult of the body," there is certainly a large population of bodybuilders and admirers. The South? Not so much. Just guessing.
  25. Most English translations state that Jesus was "the son of a carpenter." The Greek word used was "tekton" which is probably more accurately translated, as you stated, a "craftsman" or "builder." Most homes in those days were not made of wood, but stone - so it is more likely that Joseph and his son were stonemasons or some other type of craftsmen.
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