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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. To get to the "old" PlanetRomeo, go to the new website. Click on the "green button" in the upper right hand corner. Then click on "Help & Support" - then you will see "Go to Old Website." Then you can click on "Escorts" in the upper right part of page.
  2. Yes, the "insidejamarifox" article is interesting though I found all the "urban lingo" and grammar difficult to follow -- also, appears to be a lot of speculation (including a supposed BF). All things considered, I'm guessing that the pics are indeed accurate.
  3. Maybe it's not that other guys are ignoring you, maybe it's you ignoring other guys.
  4. Katy Perry on SNL - Swish Swish - Backpack Boy stole the show '
  5. Was at a seminar last evening presented by a major investment company. They stated, what most of already know, that we are "late" in the Business Cycle and that, even though we are no where near a recession, growth and expansion of the American economy will be slowing in the next few months. Thus, stock prices will likely decline. If you feel a need do invest in stocks, choose those that tend to remain somewhat steady during declines such as Utilities, Energy, Consumer Staples, and Healthcare - even though those sectors are overpriced as we speak. Overseas markets (esp Japan and Brazil) present possible investment opps though they are in the "middle" of the Business Cycle and probably don't present much room for upticks. The presenter suggested that we consider moving a major portion of our portfolios out of equities and into Bonds (NOT high-yield corporate bonds) even though the Fed has stated that it will raise interest rates at least one more time this year. Janet Yellen will likely not be re-appointed Fed Chair next year and it is not clear where interest rates might end up next year.
  6. Fall has historically been bad for stocks (anybody remember October, 1987?). Even though the fundamentals are good (low unemployment, strong consumer demand), I am expecting a pullback in the Fall. Now is the time to see if your portfolio needs a review and readjust risk. On the other hand, if you sell now, you might miss a huge uptick if (and that's a big if) the Congress cuts taxes. And, you can't make any money in bonds right now.
  7. I always remember what Joan Rivers said: "Whoever says that money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop."
  8. I'm not sure if you are referring to my comment but I sent an email to this young man last year and he responded with an email that included his actual name in the header, or at least a name that I checked out in Facebook. His FB page also includes many, many photos and videos of him and his BF who also advertises on Backpage. Photos are as recent as 4th of July and contain pics from middle school and pics with family members. Comments on his FB page from friends also seem to verify that those are his photos. In further communication with him, everything that he claims checks out, including his location in StL. I could be mistaken, but I don't think so. Just b/c his photos show up in other locations does not rule out that they are his. Just saying.
  9. I'm not sure if you are referring to my comment but I sent an email to this young man last year and he responded with an email that included his actual name in the header, or at least a name that I checked out in Facebook. His FB page also includes many, many photos and videos of him and his BF who also advertises on Backpage. Photos are as recent as 4th of July and contain pics from middle school and pics with family members. Comments on his FB page from friends also seem to verify that those are his photos. In further communication with him, everything that he claims checks out, including his location in StL. I could be mistaken, but I don't think so. Just b/c his photos show up in other locations does not rule out that they are his. Just saying.
  10. Not sure how you feel about Backpage, but I do know that at least several of the young entrepreneur's photos are accurate including: http://stlouis.backpage.com/MenSeekMen/314-793-7228-pl-e-a-s-u-r-e-ki-n-g-ky-l-e-10in/23867414 I cannot vouch for the quality of his service but, as I say, I am 98% sure those are his photos. I intend to drive to the "Gateway to the West" some day to find out since it's only a three hour drive. Is Boxers and Briefs still open in Bellville? That might be another lead to check out.
  11. Not sure how you feel about Backpage, but I do know that at least several of the young entrepreneur's photos are accurate including: http://stlouis.backpage.com/MenSeekMen/314-793-7228-pl-e-a-s-u-r-e-ki-n-g-ky-l-e-10in/23867414 I cannot vouch for the quality of his service but, as I say, I am 98% sure those are his photos. I intend to drive to the "Gateway to the West" some day to find out since it's only a three hour drive. Is Boxers and Briefs still open in Bellville? That might be another lead to check out.
  12. It wasn't that difficult to find his FB page (wasn't trying t0 - just popped up when looking for reviews using his phone number - why people don't use burner phone numbers is beyond me). His photos appear legit. However, his one Daddy's review scared the bejesus out of me.
  13. Have been to SR several times and, even though it's sometimes irritating, I don't mind the ladies since the place is big enough to avoid them. I used to love Unicorn in Indy until it closed - went there about 2 x month but SR has the quantity and quality man-meat. Becket says he had lunch with an escort and his mom - pretty odd. But, I remember when I lived in LA back in the late 80's I picked up a hot Latino on "the Boulevard" one early evening. He said we could go to his apartment just north of Sunset. When he opened the apartment door, his entire family (mom, dad, little sisters and brothers) were sitting at the dining room table just getting started with dinner. Mom asked if I would like to sit down and have some chicken, but I respectively declined. We went to the guy's bedroom but I really couldn't focus too well knowing that "the fam" was just outside the door.
  14. shade (and its cousin, diss), sick (supposedly a synonym for something that is good), cool, and "sucks" (except when I use it in Craigslist ads).
  15. Strunk & White (Elements of Style) still guides my writing since college. Especially Rule #17 17. Omit needless words. Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all sentences short, or avoid all detail and treat subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. For full text of Strunk & White: http://www.jlakes.org/ch/web/The-elements-of-style.pdf
  16. Cincinnati is called the "Queen City." You should feel at home. Actually, if I only had a year to live I'd move there. It would make it seem sooooo much longer. Hamilton County (Cincy) used to be run by fascists and gays in Louisville (my locale) would never venture that way. Now, I think it's just boring. BTW, I like Skyline Chili though I suspect it's an acquired taste.
  17. FreshFluff - your allusion to the Prison Study is appropriate, I think. . Zimbardo's study illustrates that, given the right circumstances, we ALL have the potential to do terrible things - and might help us understand (and maybe empathize, not condone) what happened at the frat house. It's what Zimbardo calls the "Power of the Situation." I like what Martin Luther King said in regards to understanding the evil that lurks in all of us: There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. - Martin Luther King, Jr
  18. Research shows that people are less likely to offer help to someone in distress if other people are also present. This is called the bystander effect. The probability that a person will receive help decreases as the number of people present increases. If your car breaks down you are much more likely to get help from passersby if it's 3:00 a.m. than rush hour. The bystander-effect is sadly illustrated by this event. These frat boys are probably not horrible dudes - just terribly immature like most of us at that age. The pre-frontal cortex (responsible for "good judgement") is not fully functional in males until around age 25. Very, very sad situation for everybody.
  19. A lot of people don't understand the Catholic Church's teaching on sexuality. The Catholic Church, unlike the fundamentalists of the Protestant churches, does not base its teachings on sexuality on the bible. The Catholic Church has never been a fundamentalist church, that is, has never taken the bible literally. For a good summary of this, see Daniel Helminiak's "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality." Daniel is a former priest and has his Ph.D. in scripture. http://www.visionsofdaniel.net/paperSummaryOfWhatBibleReallySays.htm The Catholic Church bases its teaching on Natural Law - on Aristotelian teleology (what is the purpose of a thing?). The Church teaches that the purpose of sexuality is the "procreation and education of children." The Second Vatican Council added a second purpose of sex: the love and mutual support of husband and wife. So, anything outside of the sexual act between husband and wife (in marriage!) is considered gravely sinful b/c it does not conform to the laws of nature. This includes masturbation, homosexuality, adultery, you name it - if it doesn't produce kids, it's a no-no. Several modern Catholic moral theologians have argued that viewing sexuality only in terms of having babies is a very restricting and animalistic view of sexuality. They have argued that sexuality within marriage is the ideal, but is not an absolute. They argue that, if there is one thing that Jesus fought against, it was legalism and absolutism. Some older Catholics may remember Fr. Charles Curran who lost his job at a Catholic university back in the '70's for his book that advocated an acceptance of other forms of sexuality (he asked: does the Catholic Church really think that teens commit a mortal sin by masturbating?). "Curran contended in 1971 that homosexual acts, in the context of a committed relationship, fell short of the ideal but were to be considered good for homosexual people; he stated that "I had come to accept the moral legitimacy of a union of two gay men or lesbians." However, he has since recognized shortcomings in this argument, and in 1992, though without explicitly stating a change of position, he said that "the official hierarchical Roman Catholic teaching should accept the moral value and goodness" of same-sex relationships, not excepting those that include sex." So, who speaks for the church? Pope Francis said a couple of years ago: "If a person is gay and seeks out the Lord and is willing, who am I to judge that person?" Roma locuta; causa finita est
  20. Some pics of the boys: https://www.boysclub21.nl/boys_eng.html
  21. A Single Man (2010). With terrific acting from Colin Firth - and beautiful Nicholas Hoult as every gay man's dream college groupie. Based on a novel by Christopher Isherwood it portrays one day (November 30, 1962) in the life of a college professor (George) who has recently lost his longtime partner and is contemplating suicide. And whenever I'm having one of those crappy days I remind myself of what George tells himself on November 30, 1962: "Just get through the goddamn day."
  22. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kMTdDZEgbPs/UT-nRfRFzyI/AAAAAAAAAMI/jIZiMqOO-N0/s320/Jan-MichaelCopy.jpg Unfortunately, Jan Michael did not age well. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/06/1415301904429_wps_9_EXCLUSIVE_Airwolf_star_Ja.jpg
  23. Whether you have someone in your home or at a hotel is a matter of preference and circumstance. I NEVER have anyone in my home after a extraordinarily traumatic experience about 30 years ago - I unfortunately kept my hunting rifle and ammunition in a guest bedroom closet. When I emerged from the bathroom after our "fun time" the escort had the rifle and was loading ammo. I fortunately was able to run out the back door, over a back fence, and asked a neighbor to call the police, telling him I had come home and thought there was a burglar. When the police drove me home the rifle was lying on the bed, loaded. Luckily the escort was gone. I still have nightmares 30 years later - but, as I say, it's always at a hotel now. Of course, you could just as well have a bad experience at a hotel too, as newspaper accounts attest. Your best bet is to deal with "established" and well-reviewed escorts, though I don't always follow my own advice.
  24. My usual routine is to hand the envelope to the escort as I excuse myself to "freshen up." I always invite the escort to go ahead and open the envelope and count it for two reason: 1) I may have made a mistake; 2) he can't say later that I shortchanged him. I was pleasantly surprised last weekend when the escort said: "No, I trust you" and put the envelope in his pocket. Not only did I have a good time with this young man, he earned my respect. (P.S. I had actually given him a big tip which I hope was a pleasant surprise for him later.)
  25. Shaved. Hardwood floors are cleaner than shag carpet.
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