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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Not an escort but I'm guessing these hot guys get dozens of inquiries that take up a lot of their time with no results. If he has good reviews, and you want him, go for it. Otherwise, it's another Saturday watching reruns of Jeff Corwin with the snakes.
  2. Could be a hundred different reasons - may not even involve you. This is like fishing: some of the fish may not like your bait, some of the fish aren't hungry right now, and some of the fish have other poles they're attracted to. Don't take it personal. There's other fish.
  3. Thanks, Karl. Very useful for those of us planning a trip to south Florida in order to thaw out.
  4. JayCeeKy

    Dean Monroe

    Dean Monroe, Blackballed 5 - never has to apologize for anything again.
  5. I totally agree. So many people live poor so they can die rich. Spend it and enjoy it. You'll never see a hearse pulling a U-HAUL cause you can't take it with you.
  6. I'm not sure how you feel about finding someone on Adam4Adam but there is a "Pro" in Charlotte whom I met last year for a session. He has a fantastic body, has a nice, easygoing personality, and not a clock-watcher. He is a top, but not sure if he is versatile. As I said, his body is fantastic: six pack abs, bubble butt, perfect bod (hopefully the tats won't turn you off). I don't know if he is your type, but I certainly plan on seeing him again next time that I'm in Charlotte. https://www.adam4adam.com/profile/view/JaydenTheKing92 PM me for video he has on YouTube
  7. JayCeeKy


    My mom's parents immigrated to Brooklyn from Scotland in the early 1900's. Ironically, they settled in a part of Brooklyn that was settled by my dad's Dutch family in the 1650's (when it was a small town called Bushwick).
  8. I used to love PlanetRomeo. Unfortunately, if you attempt to access that site you are redirected to Hunqz.com. This site, to me at least, is almost incomprehensible. I spent an hour this morning trying to figure out how to access escorts in several locales that I am thinking of visiting - but, I have had no luck in reaching a page where you could choose a particular city. It wasn't long ago that you could access the "classic" version of PlanetRomeo but that no longer works. Perhaps I am not doing something right - and wondering if anyone could offer suggestions on how to "search" various cities on the new Hunqz? (Not trying to hijack this thread, but if a site in inoperable, I think others should know.) If you are very careful, and if you practice "due diligence," you can sometimes find a bargain on Backpage. (I found a super hot (and cooperative) guy on BP when I was visiting Charlotte last year. Steamy hot.) Most of the time, BP is a bust, but not always.
  9. If you want free delivery, shop at Amazon. But don't expect it otherwise.
  10. Many are cold but few are frozen.
  11. "Sex is like snow, you never know how many inches you're going to get, or how long it will last." ---- Unknown
  12. I think even Andy Cohen sensed that things weren't going well when he started to ask Anderson: "Am I boring you? I sense you are starting to tune me out." Between complaining about the cold and wondering whether a muscled kangaroo looked like "a shirtless Zac Efron," it was all quite edgy, and not in a good way.
  13. I wasn't denigrating psychoanalysis or its adherents. I was merely pointing out that it is not very cost effective and that the research shows that insight is not required to produce therapeutic change. And, insurance companies will not pay for therapy beyond a certain limited number of sessions. Insurance companies pay for the alleviation of specific symptoms (e.g. depression, anxiety), not for "insight." If you got the cash and the desire to invest in the long psychoanalytical process, and you find it beneficial, go for it.
  14. I think it's important to note that M.D.'s (psychiatrists) do not specialize in "talk therapy" though most of them are very familiar with the various psychotherapy theories and techniques, especially CBT. Psychiatrists are trained in medication, not so much in talk therapy. It's very rare for a psychiatrist to offer an hour of talk therapy since most of them are paid by insurance companies who almost always refer talk therapy clients to a Social Worker or other Master's Level clinician - mostly b/c the reimbursement rate for Master's level clinicians are more in the range of $125 per hour versus a psychiatrist who can get that same amount for 15 minutes (10 minutes with the client to do a meds review, and 5 minutes for documentation). Some therapists obviously charge more, especially if they have developed a solid reputation in the community or whether they have some type of specialty (e.g. eating disorders, PTSD, Borderline P.D.). As far as the efficacy of talk therapy, research shows that the best predictor of a positive therapeutic outcome is the therapeutic relationship. In other words, though it is not essential that you and your therapist are buddies, it is essential that you and your therapist develop a relationship that inspires hope, that engenders the needed commitment and "work" involved in the change process (which is what therapy is all about), and that the therapist is able to challenge you when you would rather suffer in your old ways rather than breaking old patterns of thinking and acting. Bottom line: if you don't like your therapist you probably won't make much progress and probably will drop out before you complete your treatment goals. Most insurance companies today will pay for 12-16 therapy sessions, with the possibility of another 12-16 sessions if the therapist can justify it (and I do mean JUSTIFY IT). Insurance companies know that the research shows that Best Practices indicate that, in general, CBT, Solution-Focused, and other Behavioral Therapies are not only short-term, but also highly effective. That's why you find Psychoanalytical therapists (who focus on the unconscious and the past, and who insist that INSIGHT is necessary for change) in places like Beverly Hills and the East Side of Manhattan, because who can afford paying for 3 hours of therapy each week for twenty years to discover that your mother didn't love you enough?
  15. Bob Hope, back in the day. I agreed with Johnny Carson who stated that every joke that Hope ever delivered was written for him and that Hope "couldn't ad-lib a fart after a baked bean dinner." More recently, trying to watch Stranger Things, Winona Ryder's over-acting is so distracting that it's hard to watch the show. It's one constant hysterical screech. She's probably a dear person in real life, but, for God's sake, get some acting lessons!
  16. Matt Lauer, the banished anchor of Today, for some reason invariably holding index cards during the cooking segments, always looked to me like he urgently needed to take a whiz.
  17. The Great British Baking Show on PBS. I love hunky Paul Hollywood (oh, those beautiful blue eyes!) and the saucy (pun intended) Mary Berry (no pun intended). Their holiday bake-off was yummy.
  18. As one who provided therapy for 30 years in a variety of setting, I think it is important to emphasize that therapy is not navel-gazing, it's not magic, it's not so much about the past as the present. Therapy is about CHANGE. Perhaps it's about changing your habits, perhaps it's about changing your way of thinking about yourself or your life, perhaps it's about changing the way you react to people or situations. After YOU (with your therapist's help) decide WHAT SPECIFICALLY you want to change, you and he/she can determine a course of action to make these changes. Change (and therapy) mostly happens BETWEEN sessions, not in session when you try out new ways of thinking and/or acting. That is why a good therapist almost always gives "homework." You also need specific goals in order to determine whether you are actually making progress (SMART GOALS = specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-oriented). Insurance companies today won't pay your therapy if you don't have specific goals - no more sitting around talking about "problem-of-the-day) - and they usually won't pay for your sessions after a few months (which should be plenty of time in most situations). If you haven't made any progress towards your SMART GOALS after six months or so (weekly sessions normally), I would look for another therapist. Therapy works, if you work at it! Having said that, I've always also said that a really good, honest, friend is worth about five therapists.
  19. Trump probably doesn't know enough about Net Neutrality to even care - as long as they don't interfere with his four to eight hours of watching television each day (per NY Times).
  20. One of the benefits of having a dentist in the family (e.g. one that provides mostly free services) is that you get only the most BASIC of dental services, no frills.
  21. Calling this con job "Tax Cuts" is the ultimate Orwellian Mind Game. The Republican playbook says that, when the people don't fall for an obvious lie, re-package it into an even bigger lie, and repeat until the uneducated and "low info" voters finally start to repeat it themselves. Of course the patsies also need a daily dose of Fox De-Information to reinforce the lie. Presiding at every one of these economic travesties is "good Catholic boy" and Ayn Rand devotee, Paul Ryan, smiling at the camera, holding an important-looking binder, ready to lead the lemmings off a cliff - what a great American. And Trump, Manafort, Flynn, Trump Jr, Kushner, et al. should be in jail, not running this country into ruin.
  22. Prince Charles - he can hardly wait until his mother dies so he can become Queen.
  23. I think they are probably phasing in a new "telephone numbers only" policy and eliminating a description of "services" that individuals offer - again, Rentboy repercussions continue to affect the escort industry. Just a guess.
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