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Everything posted by JayCeeKy

  1. Maybe she thought you had a vocation to the clergy?
  2. How can you videotape someone visiting porn sites on a computer? Ridiculous.
  3. And yet, when humans kill other species for "sport" no one ever suggests that they be "put down." http://www.animalideology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/donaldtrumpjr.jpg
  4. ABC News Correspondent Gio Benitez and husband Tommy DiDario - not sure about "Best Gay Couple" but one of the hottest
  5. "Maggie Mae the fox, Elmo the emu and four alpacas -- Noel, Micia, Alexandria, and Lil Melody -- did not survive their encounter with Valerio. Three other animals were hurt -- an alpaca named Daisy and two foxes, Copper and Rusty." --- The Times Picayune Zookeepers (and visitors) get to where these "animals" are like family members. Sad. Very sad.
  6. I wouldn't mind being a slut. I'm just lacking the opportunities.
  7. The Courier-Journal in Louisville is $28 a month (daily home delivery). Not bad except for one fact: half its news comes from other Gannett sources such as The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Indianapolis Star. I really don't care to read about a new dorm opening at the University of Cincinnati or that there was a traffic wreck on 465 in Castleton, Indy. The Sunday "Entertainment Section" now consists of four pages, half of which are ads. Being Louisville, the "Sports Section' is usually substantial, but you can get the scores off the Internet. Having canceled my subscription a few months ago, the only part of the Courier that I miss is Rex Morgan, MD, which I have read for years.
  8. Don't they indicate that there's two of them? "Hot Jocks." Each genetically built and equipped to satiate any whim or craving. Titulating experiences, reviewed! We are “hott little muscle numbers”
  9. I had the Ancestry.com DNA test done. Having worked on my pedigree for many years, it was amazingly accurate and provided the names of living relatives including my niece who the test described as "either family or first cousin." It also identified the granddaughter of my grandfather's girlfriend (yes, grandpa was a runaround) - this granddaughter had always wondered why her grandmother was not buried alongside her "husband" as she thought they were married. Whenever you did genealogical research, and especially when doing DNA research, you may come across some family secrets.
  10. Just don't party too much. Remember what Confucius say: "He who drink Fifth on Fourth, may not live to come Forth on Fifth."
  11. JayCeeKy

    LAX area

    Having lived in Westchester (LAX) area, I will say that I used to travel to the WeHo area about 4 x per week. It took about 25 minutes - but I always took backroads (La Tijera to La Cienega all the way into "the Boulevard"). (NEVER take the 405!) I am sure that a smart escort could find his way from WeHo to LAX in about the same time. I am not sure where "most" escorts live but I'd bet most of them live somewhere on the West side, including Santa Monica and WeHo. As mentioned, there's prolly a lot of escorts living in the Valley, too. I have been back visiting LA since moving away but always found a reasonably nice hotel in the Hollywood area to stay in (e.g. Holiday Inn).
  12. As I mentioned in a previous comment, I still say that the best view of Philly is from the rear-view mirror.
  13. From my experience of having lived in south Jersey many years ago, it seemed to me that the area around Rittenhouse Square was gay friendly and relatively safe (though a friend got mugged in the park there late one night). Not sure if that is true today. I worked in North Philly (north of Temple U.) and would not recommend that to anyone, unless they have bulldozed it and started over.
  14. Countries "hating gay people" is somewhat akin to areas in the US "hating gay people." I lived at one point in a county deep in the heart of redneck Appalachia and, if you publicly flaunted your gayness, you would be beat up and probably have gunshots through your windows at night. However, I can most definitely tell you that there was a helluva lot of gay shit going on between rednecks down in the "hollers" and backroads that most everybody knew about but nobody talked about. There's just as many gay people in Iran, Nigeria, Singapore, and Harlan County, Kentucky, as there is in most other areas of the US (not counting gay meccas like NYC and SF) - they just don't talk about it openly. I have a friend who visited Egypt not many years ago who said the level of "down low" gay opportunities in Cairo (including bell hops, taxi drivers, waiters) was amazing. Just had to be careful about flaunting it.
  15. “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?” -- Revisionist historian Donald Trump to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, May 25 phone call, alluding to the War of 1812 against the British
  16. I love Dannon's Light & Fit Greek "Strawberry Cheesecake." It has 80 calories. I frequently have it for dessert.
  17. De gustibus non est disputandum is a Latin maxim meaning "You can't argue over tastes." I would say that I don't find attractive about half the escorts that are reviewed. Having said that, I would say that most "sexiness" is in the escort's persona, presentation, and character, not in his body - which is why the old adage "beauty is only skin deep" should actually be "beauty if MORE THAN skin deep."
  18. And I have a dyslexic friend who is an agnostic and has a sleeping disorder. He tosses and turns at night wondering if there really is a DOG.
  19. JayCeeKy


    The average yearly salary in 1965 was $6,450. So, yes, $200 per week ($10,400 a year) was darn good.
  20. It's not just the ignorance of youth - just about any generation has its share of nincompoops. Did you ever watch Jay Leno's Jaywalking segments? Typical questions and answers (questions were taken from the test for those seeking American citizenship): 1. Who did we fight in the Revolutionary War? Answer: France. 2. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? Woman had no answer. 3. Who elects Congress? Answer: the President. 4. How many stars on the flag? Answer: 32. 5. Where does Congress meet? Answer: The Pentagon. I sometimes wonder how 35-45% of Americans can continue to support this con-man/moron Trump. Then I watch of segment of Jaywalking and I have my answer.
  21. My first "pick up" was in 1975 when a guy who wore jeans so tight that I could visualize the exact outline of his dick in his hip huggers and fantasized it in my mouth. I encircled him like a Cherokee raiding party and ultimately had him in the Mall restroom.
  22. If you're as cranky as I am in the morning, no escort would want to be with me when the cock crows.
  23. Oh my no. Saved the second Quarter Pounder for lunch the following day.
  24. I wouldn't mind having sex with everyone at BelAmi.
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