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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. Talk about going off the deep end. I think you need some advice but not sure you will get it here. Maybe I’m wrong. I’ll let someone else say.
  2. He’s a newbie on RM I assume unless he changed his name. He uses two words to specify his intended audience: solvent and VIP. I would note he is targeting NYC and it is true there is a lot of money there, specifically in banks. As Willie Hutton once said “I rob banks because that is where the money is”. I would say he had the proper focus if he is intending to make a lot of money. The question is, are his marketing skills up to snuff. There is nothing in his ad either through photos or text to indicate you could take him out in public to fancy places. There is also nothing to indicate what kind of services he provides that would deserve high fees. And finally his single photo doesn’t suggest an elite type of escort, in my humble opinion.
  3. It sounds potentially serious to me. They ruled out prostate cancer so it means something else probably in the same area they were treating. That could involve bladder cancer, the closest organ to the prostate. His treatment going forward on an outpatient basis suggests either chemo or radiation, both used in bladder cancer. My brother had this after prostate cancer 16 years ago that came back in the bladder 2 years ago. He’s doing alright at present.
  4. If you read his ad he states Social drink or 😈 Also that one bad review indicating drug use. Two flags.
  5. If you live in Belgium as your moniker suggests, then I can see why you wouldn’t have range anxiety. It’s a different situation in Canada or many parts of the US where distances between large cities are much greater than in Europe. When I lived in Geneva travelling time to other cities in and outside Switzerland was much less than here in Ontario. In 2 hours I could drive through France and get to Italy. At the extreme, it takes a day and a half to get out of Ontario if I was to head west.
  6. The same with me about 20 years ago. Bordeaux Jail in Montreal. He only had one close relative, his mother, who I knew, and she didn’t have a good relationship with him. He had a girlfriend but she was the one who put him in jail. So I was the closest person he could count on.
  7. Do you go to visit him? Years ago a regular of mine was sent to jail for 6 months and I was the only one who visited him on a regular basis. I set up an account with money so he could buy sundries like cigarettes and chocolate bars. When he came out he showed his appreciation to me in non monetary ways.
  8. To put it in four words, you don’t shop local.
  9. I’m of two minds about this issue. While it’s true many artifacts were acquired from in situ locations in the 19th and early 20th centuries from areas of the world where the locals had no idea of their value but the Victorians did, such actions actually saved these items from being irretrievably lost. Not talking about grave robbing though. Like in the case of the Lord Elgin marbles. The Ottomans had stored dynamite in the Parthenon on the Acropolis which accidentally blew the place up. Lord Elgin saw that the Greeks were incapable of protecting these precious antiquities. So he put them in a museum. Similarly here in Canada the totem poles in the Pacific Northwest were exposed to the elements and any that were not taken and put in museums disappeared over the last century or so. Now the ones in Scotland and elsewhere are being repatriated but to museums now which have been built to accommodate them.
  10. In Toronto the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) has the largest collection of native artifacts in Ontario and perhaps Canada. I was there a year ago specifically to look at their Indigenous exhibits and took some photos. Today I understand it is temporarily closed. In Montreal there are several collections, in the Redpath Museum at McGill University and the McCord Museum nearby. I was at the Redpath two years ago but haven’t been to the McCord for years . Not sure what they have done with their Indigenous artifacts. There is a lot of turmoil in museums in Canada regarding this issue over the last several years. Incredibly it appears that the brunt of the controversy has affected the Indigenous curators and administrators who have either left or been terminated. This happened at the National Gallery in Ottawa where 4 senior people left and recently vat the ROM where the head of Indigenous art left. Ironically most or all of these people have been Indigenous people. Stay tuned if you are interested in seeing what they have. Things keep changing.
  11. This would be characterized today as a colonial attitude, which is being condemned these days by Indigenous groups and their supporters. This is a growing international movement and one needs to be aware of it and how it is transforming the discussion of race, human rights, civil rights, history and other spheres of human activity. Here in Canada, where we had a different experience with our native population when European settlement occurred than in the US, the movement is in full bore. The Americans are just now becoming more aware of it.
  12. I notice in the relatively short time you have been on this forum, you have dissed pretty well every provider you have commented on.
  13. Luv2play


    I would suppose there must be some upper limit on age when the HPV vaccine is being considered, even for men who have sex with other men on a frequent basis. Would 75 be that upper limit?
  14. You seem to have had a very eventful first seven years in your life. My childhood was less so but my earliest memory when I was three was moving into a new house. I guess that was something that registered in my mind as it was a large house that we were moving into since my sister had just been born and there were now six of us, parents included. Even so I had to share a bedroom with one of my brothers since the house had only 4 bedrooms ( it had a maids room too but that was off the kitchen and my mother wanted that as a guest room). I seem to remember that the widow who sold us the house was at the door to greet us and give my parents the keys but maybe that was when we went to view it when she was still living there.
  15. “Tho the light be taken from my eyes. We cannot bring back the splendour in the grass, the glory in the flower. We will not grieve, rather take strength in what remains.” With apologies to Wordsworth.
  16. Well I’m 4 years older (like everyone else) but feeling my age more now. Still staying active but as I approach 80 in a few years I realize that I will be slowing down. As far as this hobby goes I may end up doing more massages and fewer escort sessions. Up to now I have enjoyed the full service approach. Financially COVID didn’t impact me at all. My house went up in value but I have no plans to sell it. My pensions weren’t affected and are fully indexed to inflation.
  17. Dave danced at Campus in Montreal during the 90s and 00s. I had several private dances with him. He was very generous with his assets. I’m probably the only one here who took his sister to the Gaiety. We were there the month after 9/11. I had been there in the 90s several times. When I was younger I went to Rounds a couple of times. This would be in the early 80s. The first time I just looked. The second time I hired a tall black guy, very college type. Clean cut and nicely dressed. The boys all dressed well as it was a classy place. The older guys would have dinner with their dates from the bar area. They also had a piano player in the dining room. Those places epitomized what NYC could offer in those days. A lot more too of course.
  18. There’s a preliminary obit in the NYTimes today. It has a comments section and dozens of readers have provided many links to her performances. I did’t realize she got her start at Woodstock when she was only 22 and unknown. Only one of two female performers at the festival. My favourite of her songs is “Look what they’ve done to my song”. Didn’t realize it was a song she wrote to respond to the banning of her Rollerskate song by many radio stations. All because of the line “I don’t go fast but I go far” hehe
  19. My dad grew up in a fatherless home so didn’t have the experience of that talk with a father which I think should occur. So when it came to that time for his three sons, me being the youngest, to have that talk it just didn’t happen. He solved the issue by leaving a book on sexual reproduction lying around the house where I would find it. But around the same time we had a class on the subject at the boys school I attended so that answered my questions. In a sense dad outsourced the work.
  20. Gives a new meaning to “there is no there there” which is how Gertrude Stein characterized her home town of Oakland, California when she was living in self exile in Paris. 😜
  21. I don’t know what the latest stats are concerning mortality rate from melanoma but of the people I know who have had it, a small number in fact, the outcomes have been mixed. Not a large enough sample to be meaningful. But for the few who died, they died far too young. The one closest to me who had it years ago, she sees her dermatologist every six months.
  22. I started it all with my remark that “inconceivable “ was “a bridge too far” It started with a poster calling something axiomatic. That was followed by another saying “self evident”or “unquestionable”, both synonyms to axiomatic. Then another said “incontrovertible”, another synonym. Then another poster said “inconceivable”. That was the “bridge too far” as I saw it meaning you don’t expect us to go there, do you? OK a bit obscure. My idea of humour.
  23. I guess you haven’t taken notice of the fact that India is now part of the BRICS group of countries that over the next 20 years are expected to achieve parity with the most developed countries. At least that is the path they are on. India with its 1.42billion people has a GDP of over $10,000 per capita. Like China if you ignore the billion or so who are mired in poverty, the rest which number in the hundreds of millions, enjoy an educational and wealth status like those in the upper reaches of the developed world. They left the third world quite some time ago.
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