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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. My provider friend tells me he had to rest 6 weeks or so after the surgery.
  2. You got to open 4 packages. Good on you😊 In fact that’s what I’m doing today. I have a session scheduled in a couple of hours. Then tomorrow dinner with family including a cousin who drives me a bit nuts. So today will prepare me for the ordeal😉
  3. Did you make a deposit? How large a if so?
  4. His numerous videos look like they were taken with clients. Different from most RM ads which use 2 models. The bottoms have very ordinary bodies. He also looks like he is making a strenuous effort at topping them. lol
  5. Luv2play


    I think Viktor is no longer in Paris. He currently is based in Hamburg. Today however he just got a very poor review. If you read the comments you would hesitate to hire him based on what is said. Still ymmv.
  6. Anyone here who ever experienced or knew someone who had a penile fracture? In the last year I encountered this with a provider who I have been with a number of times over the last 5 years. He doesn’t advertise any longer but still takes old clients. He suffered a penile fracture over a year ago. He had an operation and resumed sexual activities, including a spectacular date with me this summer. Then he had another and had a second operation. I should mention he has an enormous cock. Don’t know if that was a factor. Anyway I hope to see him again this next year. But only after he assures me everything is ok.
  7. Just by coincidence I gave a bottle of Veuve Cliquot to each of my siblings this Christmas.
  8. What is IYKYK supposed to mean?
  9. That might be a bridge too far at this point.
  10. Today it was announced that the Roman Catholic Church can henceforth bless same sex unions. There are some conditions but the message was clear that Pope Francis is breaking new ground in the area of sexuality and the Church he leads. Of course, not surprisingly, gay marriage is not in the cards (yet) for gay Catholics who which to have their marriages sanctified by the Church. Marriage is still defined by the Church as a union between a man and a woman. And the reactionary part of the Church, including some prominent cardinals and bishops, will continue to be opposed. Even individual priests may refuse to do it but it seems many will be willing to do so. Certainly a red letter day for some gays.
  11. It would look good on vacation in the Caribbean. Match the environment. Not so much here in Canada where the colours are more primary. Like red, yellow and blue and then the combos of green, orange and purple. Sort of like the rainbow flag.😀
  12. Anyone ever hired Viktor Rom? Wish I could post his rm ad but technically hopeless. He’s based in Hamburg but recently was in Paris.
  13. You’re right about Gen X. I have 2 nephews and they are both of that generation. Citizens of the world both.
  14. Luv2play


    I noticed he doesn’t have a review yet. It would be nice if you gave him one as it seems you had a good time. I know I am reluctant to hire someone without a few reviews.
  15. Luv2play


    Most of the guys I hire kiss because I look for that in most providers. That said the quality of the kissing varies as one might expect. Rarely do I get a 10 but I’m happy with a 7 or better. My definition of a 10 is full French kissing both before and during penetration. And at the climax, ou la la!
  16. Luv2play


    If you are looking for a pornstar, Viktorrom is currently based in Paris. He is a top and offers a range of services. He informed me just today that he charges 250euros at his place and 300 out. His WhatApp no. Is 34632602508. If you meet him let us know how it went. 😏
  17. Of course they had a hand in raising the younger generations. Lol
  18. My sister has menu anxiety and I don’t know why as she is fairly confident in most aspects of her life. She is a retired tenured professor from a good university. She has enough money she could order anything on the menu. In fact she could afford to buy most restaurants, she is that well off, having inherited from three different people in the family. But she can never make up her mind on what to order in a restaurant. Knowing this I always order first even though I should allow her to do so as I am of that generation where ladies go first. This solves the problem for her as she will then say” I’ll have what he’s having.” We had lunch in a restaurant this past week and true to form she had what I had. I also ordered a Bloody Mary, which I don’t often have but just felt like it as it was a luncheon. Well she ordered one too. Had I ordered a glass of wine, I am confident she would have too.
  19. As a client that hires at least once every month and frequently more often, the major holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving usually find me with friends or family. In the past New Years as well but now that I live in a small town rather remote from family I wouldn’t mind seeing a provider then. My experience when I lived in Montreal some years ago was that most providers weren’t available then as they either had significant others they spent time with or were into going to parties.
  20. As I recall New York has had these building collapses before. And more than one. They appear out of nowhere and are not related to earthquakes or ground conditions as far as I remember. Usually poor construction and neglected maintenance. It’s shocking really given we’re not talking about a third world country or even a poor area of the country. This is and has been for two centuries the richest city in America. Curious.
  21. I guess I’m fortunate. I only started paying the tax after 50.
  22. Years ago I had a black lab that used to ski with me. Happy memories.
  23. If you look at the pictures you see a wooden framed 7 storey structure with a brick facade. Very cheap construction for that time, the 1920’s. It was probably a walk up as well. Maybe not but given the cheap construction I wouldn’t be surprised. My parents lived in a 6 storey 1920’s apartment building in Montreal that had cement floors between each level and concrete walls between every unit and within units. Brick on the outside. It was the style of building seen on Park Ave or 5th Ave in Manhattan. Solid as Mount Gibraltar. With buildings you have to look at what’s inside the exterior skin.
  24. I am a dog lover so very indulgent about having them around me in any situations. Occasionally I have had to deal with dogs and providers, either in my home or theirs. One amusing situation was when a provider who I didn’t previously know, came for a weekend. This was during the early days of the pandemic before vaccines. I took extra pains to prepare the weekend fairly far in advance by constant texting. He was coming from a different city. A couple of days before he asked if he could bring his very small dog as his friend had let him down. I said OK as long as the dog was well behaved. I had two dogs at the time, both much larger but very socialized. We all got along well together, the small dog spent some time in bed with us but slept in a crate which she liked but beside the bed. My two dogs were very relaxed about the whole situation. It was a great weekend and I saw him several more times. We still keep in touch.
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