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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. The more difficult trick is to piss in a guy’s throat. That way he doesn’t have to swallow. It just goes straight down to his stomach. The top needs at least a semi hardon to accomplish this.
  2. Nothing. Will be in bed before midnight. Tomorrow I will send messages to a few of my favourite providers, as I do every year. Some I will see in 2024 and others perhaps not as they live far away and don’ t come to Canada any more. But I like hearing from them nevertheless. I had some wonderful experiences with them and treasure the memories. For auld lang syne.
  3. I checked out this Damon Dice today on the computer and found out quite a bit. He’s quite attractive but does not appear to have done even a bi video, much less gay. In the couple of flics I saw where it was mmf threesome, the two guys didn’t touch each other. So from a gay perspective he’s quite boring. He made the point that the porn he is now doing is “ethical” and does not demean women. In fact this Belassa porn company is based in Montreal and is run by women for women and does porn from a woman’s point of view. It found it a bit odd that that being the case he said the filming does not focus on the male’s butthole, just the female’s. I saw one where he fucked the woman anally. I don’t mind watching straight porn if the males are attractive and you get to see a lot of them in action. The bisexual films are often quite a turn on when the two males go at it. I saw one recent film of him where he appears to be a good deal chunkier than the ones pre COVID. But I wouldn’t kick him out of bed. 😛
  4. I can match your story with my last experience with a real estate agent who sucked big time. But I will spare you the details. Just to say it goes both ways.
  5. The house I now live in is the first that had extensive lawns around it on three sides (I live on a corner lot). When I moved in 14 years ago I noticed that people walking by my house on the sidewalks would cut across my lawn near the corner if they were changing directions at the corner.It sort of annoyed me because they were damaging the grass by making a path. To be honest it was probably nothing new and had been going on for years. Anyway I hate cutting grass so set about planting trees and shrubs. I also made a rock cairn near the corner since you can’t have trees near the corner that would block the sight lines for cars (town by-law). I had planted quite a few coniferous trees along with hardwood and the former also give privacy to my backyard, which is by its nature more exposed to walkers-by since I live on a corner. Some people in town on similar lots put in high wooden fences to block off the lawns but I hate them and much prefer landscaping to do the trick. Within a few years everything had grown incredibly and now they are so large there is only a little grass mostly behind the house. Problem solved.
  6. Good reviews from reliable RM clients.
  7. Here his rate shows as Fr200. What is that? Also lists Shower. Would that be Golden Shower?
  8. Is that revere or reverse? I would think the latter.
  9. I avoid this problem by always having cold bottled water on hand and sealed. I offer one to the provider and usually take one myself. I’ve never encountered a problem this way but I also vet my providers pretty carefully.
  10. The problem with COVID is that it causes inflammation of various body parts and can cause lasting damage. That’s why I am continuing with the shots as they come out to deal with the various mutations of the virus. I intend to do so as long as public health authorities here in Canada continue to advise in favour of being up-to-date on vaccinations. And so far I have avoided getting COVID and still lead a fairly normal life style for me. Which includes seeing my regular quotient of providers.😉
  11. I agree that for a short session the provider should not get on his phone. However for an overnight, of which I have had many, the provider usually wants to check his phone in the morning before leaving the client, especially if they are having breakfast together. After all he has the rest of his day to plan perhaps and would want to reply in a timely fashion for any requests that came in overnight.
  12. Interesting that his ad on RM gives his height as 6’8”. In the past RM’s limit was 6’7” and escorts taller than that would note their real height in the text of the ad. One such ad is for Sixfootsexy who has a separate thread below.
  13. It’s interesting because I believe we can’t engage in a religious debate or political debate based on anything the Pope says or does but we can talk about what a great thing he is doing in trying to mend fences with the gay community, albeit with the measured and fairly modest steps he is taking to acknowledge gay unions. His language is very nuanced though as he has said it is alright to bless gay couples but not their unions. At least that is what I understood he is reported as saying. I did not see the official translation.
  14. To the point of what???
  15. The only thing I can say is that he won't see guys over 70, which would rule me out. He told me before the pandemic that was because he once had a client who was over that age and had a heart attack while at Mark's place. He had to accompany him to the hospital to explain what had happened. I was talking with him back in 2019 because I was planning a trip to London and his ad had caught my attention. BTW it hasn't changed much in terms of the pics which I think were all the same back then. Someone recently mentioned he was a bit thicker so you might ask for a more recent pic if his body shape is important. He appears very trim in those photos but the pandemic did a lot to peoples' bodies and not in a good way.
  16. King Charles didn't. And neither did Justin Trudeau. Too political, I suppose. Which we can't discuss here anyway.
  17. A huge number of escorts in London are from Brazil or other Latin American countries and compared to their hometowns, the London rates enable them to send some money home. Assuming they can find reasonable accommodations which are scarce in London. I imagine they often double up or share with even more providers they know to save on expenses. And of course a lot of high rollers come through London so they probably do very well on multi-hour engagements.
  18. My guess is KingArtur will sink into the sea off Miami and not seen again.
  19. Haven’t met him but another in the same category is Ruudo in Toronto. He’s a bit older but massive in all the good ways. And a great guy to boot. My only complaint is that his pictures on RM don’t do him justice. But he also gets stellar reviews including mine like Mr. BlackTen does.
  20. He has an enormous dick so there was more tissue to mend, I imagine.
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