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Posts posted by Luv2play

  1. Beautiful boy! I didn't know Antwerp was a magnet for hot escorts ...

    Antwerp is not in the same league as Brussels, the capital and only major metropolis in Belgium with all the international organizations headquartered there, such as NATO and the EU. With all the delegations that visit Brussels, escorts must do very well there. But Antwerp is charming with some great art, if you are into Rubens, Rembrandt etc.

  2. Here in Canada I think overall bookings are down. Some of the usual ads on RM are suspended with time out signs. With my usual handful of regulars, they seem to be keeping themselves busy, but I don’t ask them specifically. The goverment started paying most non-essential workers $2000 a month to stay at home starting last March and these payments are still taking place so that has probably eased the financial strain, particularly for providers who are in a relationship.

  3. I started getting massages again. I've been so tense my muscles needed the attention. His requirement was that we both wore masks during the whole session. I could hardly breath....I'll have to figure out a better way to get comfy. I think my guy was nervous about the whole thing and I totally understand.


    We didn't do the typical extra special super spectacular ending but I totally made a mess of the sheets from the hand job. Will I hire again during these dangerous times? I'm getting to the point where I feel I'm missing a basic human need, so yes I will eventually. But if things are to get worse as predicted I may pull back again. It took me a long time just to order take out from restaurants and I haven't been to the gym in months. I was fortunate enough to have my own equipment but I do miss the eye candy.....A LOT!!!!


    There is so much we don't understand about COVID and it probably won't be fully understood for years to come. I believe I've already had it, I know myself well enough to figure out something didn't feel right. That was back in April, since then I feel fine but I have never been tested, I've been told it's only for those exhibiting symptoms. It's all mess and it will be interesting to see how we will get out of this, either we stand together or we watch each other suffer and perish. Hopefully we can come together and move forward, it's the only way we will survive as a people.

    I understand your anxiety but I think we need to keep some perspective here. For most people who do get Covid19, they will recover with no lasting ill effects. It does cause serious illness and even death for a minority of people. A very small minority, but somewhat larger if you are over 70, have co-morbities like compromised immune systems, conditions like diabietes, servere obesity, lung conditions like COPD etc. This is not proving to be like SARS which had a much higher death rate. If you have already had it and it was mild, the evidence is starting to show that you will be immune from contracting it again (this was reported in today’s NYTimes). You might want to consider getting an antibodies test when it becomes available to you. It would certainly ease your mind. I’m pretty sure I have not had it so not getting treated but taking precautions where I can. That does not include giving up on sex though I am pacing myself carefully. Don’t have contacts anytime less than 3 weeks apart so if I do get infected I will not spread it to another. The virus does leave your body usually within 14 days, some say a few days shorter. Switzerland, which is notoriously conservative about these matters, has decreed 10 days of quarantine for people expected to have been exposed.

  4. Duke, the 9 year old poodle whom I mentioned in my post in this thread in 2011, died four years later. This morning I opened a drawer, and discovered his favorite toy, which I didn't have the heart to throw away then. It still made me choke up.

    I know how you feel. I kept Lucky’s collar and tags, and the hundreds of photos of him, a couple on my fridge door and others stored away in old cigar boxes. Every once in a while I will look at them and remember the good times with that dog. He was one of only three I have had over thirty years, and Storm is still with me. Sammy, my Labrador retriever, was my first, thirty years ago. My best memories of her were paddling my canoe with her in the bow, on a quiet summer morning at my cottage at a lake north of Ottawa. That and her swimming with me, she was just crazy about the water and totally at ease putting her head under water to look for frogs. In my case I have never given toys to my dogs as they seem to be happy without them.

  5. As they are 85 minutes north of NYC, they are about 5 hours from the Canadian border. Unfortunately that border is closed to non-essential travel for the indeterminate future. So they will be at the bottom of my bucket list, unfortunately.:(

  6. Folks usually don't do detective work on their guests...




    shit happens!


    even if the OP burns the house there'$ a way to fix it.


    Towel, big towel, please. Maybe the OP can bring his own and dump it in the trash later.

    I would never loan my house or country property with someone with an attitude like yours (no offence but really).$$ can’t always replace things that are lost in a fire. Over the years I’ve had two different vacation homes and only loaned them out a couple of times. A few small things got broken like garden chairs, no big deal. But no-one offered to replace them. Actually soiled sheets wouldn’t bother me, as long as they had been tossed in a clothes hamper, or better yet, washed before I got back.

  7. First time I have come across this escort. His ad now says he is a top. He is very good looking and if in my neck of the woods, I would be tempted as I am a bottom. But he looks to be pretty vanilla in his offerings which would weigh against him in my book. Still....

  8. Actually if I were to be using a friend’s beach house, I would ask in advance if it was ok to have a guest with me. Unexpected things can happen whenever you loan out your home or vacation property to a friend anyway. You tend to be less forgiving if the “accident” whatever it is, was caused by someone you weren’t aware was also going to be using your property.

  9. I would love an overnight or even weekend with a couple like that in the woods. Their videos give a good idea of what they do. My only reservation would be that they don’t have poison ivy or oak on the property. We had it on our country property in the woods, not around the house, and once I ran into it. The drive back to town was horrible as it started breaking out all over my legs.

  10. You do know that escorts submit bad reviews against their competitors, don't you?

    That review is from Aug 25 and client account created in Aug 27? That doesn't make any sense.


    Moreover, when you click on the client name that profile doesn't exist anymore.

    Whoever created that profile and review did it just to trash the reputation of this escort.

    HardSXStud was created in 2015 yet has several 5-star reviews of clients whose accounts were created between 2008 and 2011.

    So, even though his pics might be outdated (unlikely), this provider reputation seems solid and legit.

    My only concern is that he lists PNP, so for me is a no BUT if I were the client I would make clear that I expect him to deliver when we meet.

    I agree that there are cases when it is obvious an escort is getting a bum rap in a fake review. When all the other reviewers are giving glowing reviews, you know something is amiss with the 1* review. Some escorts reply to a fake review with a response but it is a tricky thing and can go wrong if the tone is not right. IMO a response by the escort that lays out the facts in a dispassionate way and doesn’t get heated is the classy way to handle it.

  11. I went to a local Walmart recently to replace a bed protector that I had thrown out. They had different sizes, I chose the double for around $12. It wasn’t too durable and after one use had a slight tear in it. They’re great if you are having watersports in bed as they save the mattress. You can always put a beach towel on top if you are at a friend’s beach house. At home I use a sheet on top as it is more comfortable and the sheet is easy to wash.

  12. One thing I do is look at the client profiles of providers‘ reviews on RM. Even if I don’t get in touch with the clients to check out their experiences (and if I do, some reply, others don’t), their prefs are listed usually and also other escorts they have met (not always a complete list) but still, all these factors can be taken into account. Also some reviews are very detailed (at least here in Canada) where RM doesn’t censor them as in the US.

  13. I was going through this old thread and thought I would provide an update on my two dogs, 9 years later. After a long and great life, Lucky passed away a year ago January. While I did not know his exact age, he had lived about two years beyond the Belgian Shepherd‘s average of 11 years. He never had a sick day after our move in 2010 from Montreal. His clock just wound down over a period of about 6 months and in the end I had to have him put down, a decision I had to steel myself for but I was with him holding him at the end. Storm will be 10 this month, I guess, as I don’t know his exact age either, being a rescue dog. I finally got him trained and he has been the best buddy for 9 years. Right now he is sitting at my feet. He sleeps at the end of my bed. Shadow might have been a more appropriate name for him, as he follows me everywhere most of the time except when he is sleeping under a bush in the back yard during the hot summer days.

  14. My understanding is that the ads for escorts on RM are fairly expensive and can be taken down or resurrected fairly easily. It might make sense to take it down if the upcoming month(s) are fairly booked in advance.

  15. Daddysreviews are no help cuz too generic (who cares if you find five different ways to say how wonderful he was and omit to say that all he did was take off his clothes so you can worship him). Tired of getting excited over escorts discussed in "The Deli" only to discover that they don't btm or kiss or rim or bb or... yawn.


    So who is your best confirmed "does-it-all" guy?



    Who is your best go-to-guy in Montreal? If you don’t mind me asking?

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