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Posts posted by JamesB

  1. 1 hour ago, Your Man in Arlington said:

    If I see and ad which lists BFE as a service, but has no "I am into" section, I will still inquire and see if our preferred activities match.

    I will even still inquire about kissing if some lists BFE as a service, but has an I am into section that leaves out certain particulars (like kissing) since it could be an oversight. I mean, how could BFE not include kissing? 🤷‍♂️

    I agree 100%. Communication is key when hiring. I always like to confirm that the provider is willing to do all that is important to me. I think most providers are happy to answer these types of questions and if one is not, then he may not be the right one to hire.

  2. 2 hours ago, socurious said:

    Do you guys think we providers should tell the client directly that we don't kiss or the "not listed" thing on RM is just enough for them to know? I always try to encourage my clients to ask anything before we meet.

    If not listed I assume you are not willing to do it. If it is listed and it is important to me, I will confirm that you are willing to do it before booking.

  3. I've been asked for a deposit once. I politely reply, as I walked into a conference, that I was not willing to do that and to have a nice day. A couple of hours later when I was able to check my messages I found two messages, one where he was willing to go ahead with the booking without a deposit and another one lowering the rate he quoted just a few hours before. Needless to say that I did not book with this provider. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, hwic04 said:

    Apropos to JamesB’s post re: filter/photoshop, to what extent can that trickery alter the appearance of the individual in an ad? Can someone go from a 6 to a 9, or a 7 to a 10? Isn’t the individual limited to just some minor tweaking of the images? 

    Appreciate hearing from those who can spot photoshopping and understand its capabilities and limitations. If Jonyhuge (and others) area close to their pics, I don’t mind a little enhancement. Just don’t want a 5 who purports to be a 10 to show up. Thx.

    I did not mean to imply that he went from 5 to 10 by touching up his pictures. As far as limitations, you would be surprised what a good photoshop artist can do. Let's not even talk about the new AI.
    To me if all or almost all pics are filtered and/or photoshoped, that is a big red flag. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    And does the toilet seat top look slightly stretched out/not in proportion with the rest of the seat curve directly under his dick??

    For what I can see most of his pics are filtered / Photoshoped. 

  6. In my humble opinion, it's simply good business practice to acknowledge and appreciate your loyal customers. Neglecting them might open the door for competing providers to step in. However, it's worth noting that offering reduced rates may not always be the most effective approach. It's the provider's responsibility to understand their clients individually and determine the most suitable way to show appreciation for each one.

  7. I have gotten some kind of discount from 2 different providers. One who had to travel for over an hour to meet me, used to charge me a "travel fee". After a few sessions, he stopped charging me that fee. The second one just extended the booked time. I usually book him for 2 hours but he stays well over that time. 
    Just to be clear I have never asked a provider for a discount. 

  8. On 8/16/2023 at 9:50 AM, BuffaloKyle said:

    I might take the plunge when he's in Buffalo next month. Keep you guys updated.

    Did you finally meet him?. He is in Orlando now and he sure looks cute. 

  9. Just reading on his profile: "Make sure to mention your profile name or send a pic when contacting me" and the fact that his only two reviews are on the same date is enough for me to pass. Way too many great choices out there to be taking unnecessary risks. 

  10. This is a very interesting post for me since I'm at the same situation at the moment.
    Based on my experience, I would normally not give a provider a second chance.
    In this particular case, this massage provider was a regular for me but his performance started to go down hill the last couple of times. No big deal, this has happened to me in the past with other providers and I just stopped hiring them and move on. This provider did reach out to me apologizing for the previous bad sessions and offering a free session to compensate for his bad performances. For some reason I find it difficult not to give this guy a second chance and just move on like I know I should. 

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