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  1. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to + JamesB in RentMasseur Rejected my review   
    If you click the provider's phone number while logged in, that should be enough for approval. Alternatively, you can send a message to the Webmaster with a screenshot of some of your conversation with the provider, and they will publish your review.
  2. Agree
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Do you feel today’s news, will have an indirect affect on biz?   
    I tend to think that not really. The reason for that is that at this point in the political environment where we are, people are just polarized, and what happens is being used to just reinforce what they have already chosen to believe, and act accordingly. So people who hire will continue hiring, people who judge and don't hire out of their beliefs of morality will continue reaffirming their preference in their beliefs and actions.
    As a client, lately I have been watching what I spend, and that includes hiring, due to inflation. I believe that is a more influential factor that might or might not be related to the current political climate. All business are influenced by the overall economy, some for better, some for worse. Just my thoughts, not law.
  3. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Foreign Terrorist Organizations? Well, I'm glad for the warning, but let's not forget that in the USA we now have this history of Americans opening fire in public, shooting strangers. It's a little bit of a presumptuous assumption to issue a warning only around foreign threats.
    Gay Pride in my town got disbanded and since then there have been attempts at re-defining and redesigning it, and the result has been having a bunch of kids walking around like an unattended kindergarten. So I have no interest in attending "Pride", the new version of what used to be "Gay Pride", as it's not compelling at all.
    The larger picture, IMO, is that historically Gay Pride has always come with a high risk of attacks. It's 2024 now and we are not supposed to expect it, but risk has always come with marching, at least that's how it was back then. The commercialized, Disney-fied version of the march that we have today might not make the connection with the risk that involves marching to celebrate us, but those who remember history do know well that risk and threats have always been present. Or have people already forgotten how the whole thing came about in the first place?
  4. Eye Roll
    soloyo215 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Foreign Terrorist Organizations? Well, I'm glad for the warning, but let's not forget that in the USA we now have this history of Americans opening fire in public, shooting strangers. It's a little bit of a presumptuous assumption to issue a warning only around foreign threats.
    Gay Pride in my town got disbanded and since then there have been attempts at re-defining and redesigning it, and the result has been having a bunch of kids walking around like an unattended kindergarten. So I have no interest in attending "Pride", the new version of what used to be "Gay Pride", as it's not compelling at all.
    The larger picture, IMO, is that historically Gay Pride has always come with a high risk of attacks. It's 2024 now and we are not supposed to expect it, but risk has always come with marching, at least that's how it was back then. The commercialized, Disney-fied version of the march that we have today might not make the connection with the risk that involves marching to celebrate us, but those who remember history do know well that risk and threats have always been present. Or have people already forgotten how the whole thing came about in the first place?
  5. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to + JamesB in Maybe as a client I should ask for a deposit (half-joking)   
    My issue with deposits is that they only benefit the provider, offering no protection to the client. Deposits place all the risk on the client, creating an undesirable unilateral condition.
  6. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in Disabilities   
    I'm so sorry that you have gotten such horrible responses or no responses. Some people are just cruel.
    Other than that I'm afraid I don't have much more to suggest. I wish I could.
  7. Sad
    soloyo215 reacted to Thomas_Belgium in Disabilities   
    Because this topic is closed:
    & I don't want to go too much off topic in this topic:
    Yes, indeed, I'm looking for a guy (to hire) for years. My search started befor covid, I always write in de first message I'm in a wheelchair because I have a muscle disease. All guys I contacted didn't reply or didn't want to meet. Last year a guy replied "I don't do diseases"....
  8. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Overnight with an escort   
    An overnight is perhaps different for every provider, but for most, it's 12-14 hours of time.
    What happens during that time can be discussed.  That's for you to determine.
    5-6 hours feels a bit abrupt.
  9. Haha
    soloyo215 reacted to pubic_assistance in Breaking Down a Barrier with a Provider   
    Use the universal language of cash to inquire.

  10. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from 14funwhbabs in Ghosted   
    You're not hideous (as far as I know 🙂 ). The masseur is an asshole in the way he handled that. I don't believe something spooked him, he might just be the kind of asshole who caters only his own preference instead of being professional and cater the intended public (within  reason). If things were the way you posted them, I don't see any bad action on your part.
    I have known and met many gay men who are that self-centered and careless about what other fellow gay men feel or have to go through, and are quite dismissive in that way. Fortunately, that's not represenatative of the larger provider community. Unfortunately, in the recent years the field has gotten saturated with many people wanting to make money or just have fun and get paid for it, hence, a growth in unprofessional behavior from many providers.
    Additionally, the concept of "ghosting" has become a thing in recent areas. The same is happening with people looking for work, getting interviews, and at the time of the offer they get ghosted. That seems to be a thing that is common to see in many other industries too.
    I encourage you to look for another provider. Also, this is the perfect place for you to mention that provider by name and share your bad experience, so others don't have to go through the same unprofessional event.
    Sorry that happened to you.
  11. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from Peter Eater in New Beta RMass website.   
    Looks like it's just a redesign to make it responsive to mobile devices. Not much difference in terms of the interface. It hasn't fixed the issue with sorting. When I choose to sort by distance, and then I choose the type of massage, it leaves the sorting by distance.
    So nothing new, nothing impressive.
  12. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to ericwinters in CNN, Who's this?   
    Not sure where to post.  But who the hell is this? We need more of him. Come on CNN!

  13. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to FaustOust in Hiring from OnlyFans?   
    How does one know if an OF creator or porn actor is also available for hire?  Should you contact them through OF or social media or is the industry all on RM?
  14. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to Jamie21 in Hiring from OnlyFans?   
    They’ll usually use the same name on their Onlyfans as on their advertising for hire if they are for hire. The Onlyfans serves as a shop window. Also they’ll have a Twitter profile associated with their Onlyfans and that often has the links to all their socials (Instagram etc) which would include their RM or other websites if they are for hire. 
    However, I know quite a few guys who I’ve worked with either seeing clients or making films, who started out seeing clients and then moved on to doing Onlyfans. Some of them make so much more money on Onlyfans (and travel all the time) that it’s not worth their time seeing clients any more so they cancelled their RM advert and don’t bother advertising for clients in that way. They get clients contacting them directly, are selective and charge a much higher rate. 
  15. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in tops who exclusively do something, but not another   
    I'm a top who very selectively rims, but has zero issue with oral. 
    Bottom line, rimming is far riskier than sucking dick, especially if either party hasn't had their hep vaxes.
    Also, a lot of guys can keep their cock clean, but don't have a clue when it comes to hole maintenance.
  16. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Sometimes I wonder how anyone can do this with a 9 to 5…   
    Keep reading…

    In this person’s case: dude is a single gay man with no wife or kids to go home to. He has an ex husband, which sounds like he’s gotten stiffed on the divorce (and probably taking it out on me in the process), but it’s not due to having to be home by a certain time.
    The main point though is, I think clients need to recognize that escorts/masseurs don’t necessarily live to revolve their world around them. And I dislike when a client makes me feel like my effort to drive to them is insignificant. This particular client had a nack for being impatient with me, and idk if it’s anxiety, controlling or what: but I would imagine most escorts would have dropped him right off the bat.
    But being I have a limited amount of guys to work with in the market I live: I can endure it, TO AN EXTENT. But at this point, I’m tired. I don’t have time for bossy, demeaning, petty dudes who think their narrow timelines, is more important than essential things I may have to handle. Some of them don’t realize: if these things aren’t taken care, I can’t operate or be in a capacity to meet them at all. 
  17. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from rvwnsd in Looking like an old queer   
    Don't be sad, and don't pretend to be happy when you're not. Don't go to bars if you're not going to have fun there. Bars are places where many people pretend to be something they're not anyway.
  18. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + Pensant in I have a luxury problem   
    Well, considering that I am half Dominican, I think that you should check your American self-serving shit before insulting a country that chances are you've never been to. So feel free to stop talking out of your ass and go fuck yourself, asshole.
    Nobody's asking for it.
    Stop right there, not worth addressing so many erroneous presumptions about my or my husband's family, nor my vacations, my traveling, nothing.
    Thank you. BTW, my in-laws are normally lovely people. just not great travel companions. They have thrown surprise birthday parties for me, they have been there when my husband has been sick or when I've been sick, we get together for Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc, and as I said before, they get along among themselves much better than my own family. Also one of them does have a disability that affects her cognition. They're just not the best people to vacation with.
    Here are a few pictures of the "shithole" where I'm staying.

  19. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Do Little Lies Matter When Dealing with a Provider?   
    I have asked a provider to wear a mini skirt and call himself "Anna". Clients pay for making some fantasies that they have, to come to live, and that involves all kinds of simple or complex background stories that may or may not be based on reality. So half truths, and no truths are quite common when it comes to the "content" of the experience.
    When it comes to the logistics around the experience, I figure that some lies are just a way of letting me know that I shouldn't care for details or for things that don;t concern me, so I accept some lies out of respect for privacy or only who knows what. When there's a pattern of lying, when the provider is always late and with a different story every time, or when there are inaccuracies in what he says he provides versus what he's willing to do, then those lies are addresed.
    I personally don't think that the "if someone is deceptive about small things, chances are they will be deceptive about the big or important things, too" applies to everything and everyone, I remember when I was young I used to lie a lot, out of inexperience in how to handle certain things and people, and it was to keep people away from my personal life and business. I was also protecting myself from people who never gave me a good vibe, or didn't look right to me. I also have a good BS detector, and depending on the circumstances, I might show or directly communicate that I am having a hard time believing what I'm hearing. However, for as long as I get what I need/paid for, I don't dig too much into what I am told, unless I feel that there migh be a threat. Important lies that I address are more around my personal safety, drug use, agreed-upon amount , agreed-upon service, or hygiene. Other than that, if I like the guy why should I care if he lied about why he was late once or his real age? I tend to look at the overall experience and the context.
    Just my thoughts, not law.
  20. Agree
    soloyo215 got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in Sometimes I wonder how anyone can do this with a 9 to 5…   
    One of the issues of this not being a recognized profession. I'm sure a good market analysis or analytics can shed some light on the most likely and most common times clients want services. I agree that a great number of the "target demographic" might be people that after 5pm might want to be with family or with other responsibilities.
    Personally I have some flexibility in my schedule, and I'm technically in a 9-5 job, but I can book at pretty much any time of the day. I can see that being challenging for others.
  21. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to + Italiano in NYC providers who kiss?   
    Well, don't forget that a client's experience does not necessarily reflects what the masseur offers to everybody, but this guy took more time in kissing me, eating me and f*****g me than massaging me, and his fees are super reasonable.
    Essentiall on RentMasseur
    RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com  
  22. Like
    soloyo215 reacted to Boaxxx in Sharing pictures/stats with providers as a courtesy   
    I'm wondering if others share unsolicited pictures and stats with their provider prior to meeting. I always do and I do it out of common courtesy, thinking it is only fair that if I know what the provider looks like along with their stats, then they should know what I look like and my stats.  
    I have never had a provider ask for pictures/stats yet I always provide prior to meeting. 
  23. Haha
    soloyo215 reacted to Jamie21 in Sometimes I wonder how anyone can do this with a 9 to 5…   
    Most of my clients are middle of the day bookings between 11am and 4pm is most frequently booked. Sometimes it’s also the 5pm to 7pm slot too, which is known in France as Cinq et Sept. The traditional time when men see their mistress after work before they head home to the wife. 
    “Hello dear I’ll be home just after 7, it’s been a busy day at the office and the trains are delayed”….
  24. Like
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Top to Top Relationship. . . Will it work?   
    You can get to love each other, form a family, get together, be there for each other, but the issue is going to surface, always. Even if one of you "sacrifices" for the other, there will always be your true preferences. It can change in time, but in my experience, (a) relationships always involve compromises, it's a matter of what you're willing to compromise on, and (b) overlooking things like that can create resentments and more conflicts.
    I couldn't tell go ahead or move on, as it is a personal decision what they want to do in conflicting things in a relationship. You like what you like and he likes what he likes.
  25. Applause
    soloyo215 got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Memorial Day   
    Comment: Election Year
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