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Everything posted by ShortCutie7

  1. There’s also the whole Yelp theory that people are more inclined to bother writing a review if it’s negative.
  2. Yep! I was neutral on the earrings; I was just surprised that he was wearing them. I think it was the style of the earrings that made him look less masculine.
  3. AugustAF looks hot AF. No mention of him on here that I can find… name change? https://rent.men/AugustAF
  4. While the OP specifies that piercings are not included in the prompt, I think it’s applicable to say that the first (and only thusfar) provider I met was unexpectedly wearing earrings, and I didn’t mind but it helped me understand why some may have perceived him as effeminate.
  5. Two hookups have picked me up while making out and carried me to bed- both times I was taken aback by how much it turned me on! Neither guy was particularly muscular, so this may be something you can request of a provider of any size (I’m a little guy so do probably weigh significantly less than the typical client, but even so).
  6. Sometimes when I’m getting blown, I can’t tell if I’m cumming so the guy doing the sucking ends up with a surprise load in his mouth… I do warn hookups of this and nobody has ever minded 😈
  7. EXACTLY!! I won’t go too much into my personal/financial situation, but I provide food (encompassing groceries, takeout, etc) for the equivalent of three people (not including myself) in lieu of paying rent. The food costs more than rent would.
  8. Congrats on the recent weight loss! But that’s amazing, $201 a month wouldn’t even get you “dollar pizza” (which is now usually $1.50 for a small slice) in NYC.
  9. Absolutely not, it has taken me a lifetime to embrace my very short height, and it now has become a major part of my personality!
  10. I did not “make up” my definition; that is the definition I have heard/perceived of the word in every context until this thread.
  11. I’m not saying a client’s income should be a provider’s concern at all, I’m saying just the perception of paying 20 hours’ worth of income for 1 hour of work could have an impact on the dynamic. It could go several ways (ie “wow, he must really want me and value my time” or “this loser has to work 20 hours to give me what I command in one hour”).
  12. Ha! If only some escorts understood how little money people with regular 9-5s take home after taxes, retirement contributions, etc… I know my take-home is in reality a fraction of what sounded like a really nice income a few years ago. I don’t know if an escort would be turned on or appalled by the fact that if I give him $400, that is half of what I take home in a week!
  13. We all have different definitions! The primary one I have heard is a guy that is too old and ripped to be a twink but not quite muscular enough to be a hunk. Regardless, the provider being discussed is very hot and one I would personally describe as a twunk in his mid 30s.
  14. I went to one of the schools listed in that article and it is a million percent not worth it. I posted earlier in the thread that I had chosen the wrong school for me/my interests, but even if it had been worth it at the time, inflation would bring tuition closer to 60k than what it is now.
  15. That’s ridiculous! I hope RM realizes that most potential clients would prefer to know as much as possible about a provider without having to contact him.
  16. Whoa, what color would you call his eyes?? Turquoise??
  17. Very handsome pics, and I believe that he’s genuinely from Italy because of his use of the word “sporty”. Hope he’s real!
  18. FWIW, only four escorts came up in LA with the term “actor” in their profile. Two of them used the term “porn actor,” so I eliminated them, and one was not American, so I eliminated him. The escort I suggested you contact was the only one remaining. Some of us are legitimately trying to help you, but feel free to ignore us.
  19. A combination of #1 and 2 actually sounds like decent advice- find an escort who is also an actor. Just did a search of LA escorts with the keyword “actor” and the only one who seems like he might be able to do it has the username prettyboiz- maybe worth a shot contacting him and asking if he can do the accent?
  20. Yeah, kind of ridiculous that the height minimum on RM is 5’5… plenty of guys are shorter (including myself). Some hot short guys not mentioned yet I have buddy-listed (not met or even communicated with) are: JeremyNYC NickSterling SebasFit Greyson_Myles
  21. There’s confusion because at least in NYC, that’s the average rate for ONE hour. And I’d imagine the median single person’s income in NYC is lower than that. The vast majority of New Yorkers I know make less than that.
  22. You’re right, it’s an easy assumption to make, because as OP himself said, he did not notice. My intent was not to yuk on his (or anyone’s) yum nor to shit on this extremely handsome escort, but to point out information that might be pertinent. I myself have messaged a poster who had met with an escort I was planning to meet, got some negative feedback, but since the negative information was things I didn’t really care about, I chose to meet the escort anyway. And guess what? I was glad to have that information going in, it was accurate, and I still had a great time with the escort. ETA: to be clear, I totally see where you’re coming from and don’t wish to further hijack this conversation away from those who have met this escort.
  23. Is there not value to pointing out easy-to-miss red flags (for some) that those looking at his profile may not notice (as OP posted, he did not)? Both in what he selected and did not select? Beyond whatever I or anyone else might think (some could find his selections a turn-on), this is an analysis of his profile and is relevant information to someone looking to meet him.
  24. While I agree with the consensus to not respond, there are ways to respond with white lies that wouldn’t his feelings… ”I don’t usually hire guys more than once; I like to enjoy as many hot guys as possible.” ”I can’t afford to hire more than once in a blue moon.” (In my case, this would not be a white lie lol) ”I had an amazing time with you, but lately I’ve been really into guys who are [insert something he is definitively not].”
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