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Everything posted by ShortCutie7

  1. Thanks! Yes, I never even considered using a condom for oral sex until very recently. Never heard of a “tongue condom”; I’ll look into that!
  2. Those lips! Yummmm (and I’m not even a “lip guy”…)
  3. I’ve never used condoms for oral in the past, but as I’m looking into the possibility of playing with providers and am getting more STI conscious in general, I’m thinking of starting to use condoms for oral. Does anyone have any recommendations for kinds of condoms, tips for giving or receiving oral with a condom on, etc?
  4. Anyone have any idea where this incredibly handsome man is and what he is up to? Chatting with him on a hookup app and googling him is how I found this site in the first place; before talking to him I never even considered hiring…
  5. I’ve always wanted to go to this sort of event but would have a requirement… do most of the guys allow kissing (on the lips and body)?
  6. Do we think he’s actually 5’5 or possibly shorter? I would love to play with a guy at eye level (5’3) 😈
  7. Love chest hair on an otherwise twinkish guy
  8. I was suggesting American escorts charge around $150-$200 for a 20-minute session, not $32 lol. For the activities I would want to do the first time meeting a hook-up of any kind, 20 minutes is more than enough, and I don’t think $150-$200 is “cheap”. And completely disregarding any financial aspect, not every potential client can even get away from their lives for a full hour. I personally have a very tight schedule and have even considered paying for a full hour but saying “I can only stay around 20 minutes”.
  9. I totally get that, but 20 minutes can be more than it sounds like! Some of my most memorable hookups have been quickies that felt much longer! Ah, that makes sense! There would obviously have to be a different set of rules like incall only, no anal penetration, etc. But then again, like @56harrisond inferred, as someone with no experience I have no clue how much preparation/overhead goes into a session.
  10. As someone looking to have his first experience with a provider, I’d love for there to be an option to do a 15-20 minute session as a test run of sorts, or just a quick way to release. Wouldn’t it make sense/be a good business model for providers to provide these services at a rate that is about half their hourly rate and would allow for more turnover between clients and more potential regulars? Why is this not a common offering (or offering at all)?
  11. I’m aware that it’s very rare; my neurologist said the same thing! But it’s the only possible explanation when I started to get a prominent bald spot at 25yo a few months after starting the meds, while every man on both sides of my family has always had a full head of hair (my grandpa died at 91 with a full head of hair, my dad and all of my uncles in their late 60s have full heads of hair, etc). It’s my one good gene lol.
  12. Wow, this guy looks gorgeous. One of the few guys I’ve seen on here who makes me think “yeah, I’d DEFINITELY have to pay for that” lol.
  13. Found him! Cubanangel on RentMasseur RENTMASSEUR.COM View my profile on RentMasseur.com
  14. If he’s not willing to use a condom for a client’s safety/sanity, he’s not worth your time or money.
  15. Anyone know if Austin Wolfe’s profile on Scruff is really him? (Its location is consistent with where he likely lives, and I’ve starred it and it has not been taken down yet)
  16. I have had two seizures in my life, both of which were caused by physical stress. The first was brought on by pulling an all-nighter in grad school (having had no known seizure activity prior or frankly even knowledge of what a seizure was); the second was brought on three years later by a 24-hour virus that left me dehydrated. I am now on an anti-seizure med and haven’t had one since, though the med has caused me to prematurely bald. 😔
  17. Yes, I think the cheekbones probably are the defining feature that makes them look incredible from certain angles!
  18. That’s what I’m looking for lol- I can’t link to a scruff profile and don’t believe I’m allowed to post an Instagram link on here- I will DM you.
  19. Has anyone experienced him? Insanely hot pics on Scruff and his linked Instagram but I can’t find anything elsewhere. I’ve never gotten a massage or used the services of a provider before, so I want to make sure my first experience is as safe/satisfying as possible.
  20. and just above average from others. I have met several men who are drop-dead gorgeous from some angles and just good-looking from others. The problem is, I can never pinpoint what a guy’s good angle is or WHY that is! Does anyone have any examples (friends, celebrities, providers, etc) or stories of people who embody this phenomenon?
  21. Thanks for the responses, guys! I did think of the shame piece, but I figured one has to be on the app in the first place in order to respond to a message…
  22. At the end of the day, there’s no way to guarantee anyone’s status. Someone on PreP could forget to take a dose, as could someone who is taking drugs to remain undetectable. It is in everyone’s best sexual health interest to use condoms. I personally have never barebacked (and don’t plan to) and very very rarely do anal in the first place.
  23. Anyone else ever have this experience? It has happened to me twice and is baffling: 1- a guy on Scruff, after mutually unlocking x pics, seems to be enjoying chatting and interested in meeting for a hookup. The next morning, I message him something along the lines of “I just woke up rock hard; how would you get me off?” And he responds “I wouldn’t” and basically reprimands me for daring to have a sexy chat on a hookup app. Like, dude, one of the pics you unlocked is you with a cock in your mouth… wtf? 2- a guy on Grindr whose main pic is his torso and who sent me two pics- his face pic and his torso from another angle- also seems to be interested and we’re chatting on/off for a few days. I say something like “I still can’t get over how tight your body is” and he responds with “I’m still uncomfortable with you discussing my body”. Huh? You never said you were uncomfortable in the first place and two out of your three pics are of your torso. I just don’t get it- has anyone had similar experiences or at least able to provide an explanation?
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