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Everything posted by ShortCutie7

  1. The vast majority of humans… 1000%
  2. My grandparents were having sex in their 80s after over 60 years of marriage!
  3. I know lots of people who keep kosher at home but will eat in non-kosher restaurants, though that’s not the same concept as the aforementioned kosher-style 😛
  4. Same lol. He’s cute and his cock looks beautiful, but I laughed when I clicked on his profile since it wasn’t what I expected.
  5. I’ve only been with one escort, and getting rimmed didn’t align with what I told him I wanted. ETA: I could also tell that he wasn’t genuinely attracted to me, so his desire wasn’t a factor.
  6. Same! Almost every guy I have ever hooked up with has initiated rimming me without my asking him to.
  7. Kosher style - Wikipedia EN.M.WIKIPEDIA.ORG What is Kosher Style? | My Jewish Learning WWW.MYJEWISHLEARNING.COM A food is kosher if it follows Jewish dietary laws based on biblical food prohibitions, rabbinic expansions... Some context for the terminology (and proof that I’m not imagining it lol).
  8. I agree with you- I’m not the one who created the term; just saying that it is a term that restaurants and venues use. At my own bar mitzvah, the catering hall described itself as kosher-style. I agree that it is bullshit and have learned from orthodox people that there are no levels of kosher… a salad prepared in a non-kosher kitchen is no more kosher than bacon-wrapped shrimp with cream sauce.
  9. @pubic_assistancein my experience “kosher-style” means that the restaurant or catering hall follows all of the basic rules of what “kosher” means except for the way the animal is killed and the presence of a mashgiach/rabbi. A kosher-style deli would not be actually kosher but would not serve dairy, shellfish, or pork.
  10. Yeah, I saw the title of this thread and thought “wouldn’t like 80% of clients likely be overweight? Why would it be an issue?” That said, I am very short (which can be a turnoff for many) and always make it very clear in advance to hookups so they’re not surprised if it’s an issue.
  11. Interesting- most of the Jewish delis I have been to in NYC, Massachusetts, and Florida have been kosher or kosher-style. I can only think of one that has mac and cheese and reubens on the menu (Sarge’s, which has the best deli brisket I’ve had). I’m Ashkenazi and love spicy food and garlic but do have a strong aversion to onions (I’ve posted about it before, but they taste to me like a scientist took the scents of dog shit and rotten eggs, combined them, and turned them into a flavor).
  12. Haha, actually both meanings of “very hot” would be accurate 😂
  13. Walking around Chelsea this morning, in today’s warm weather, I saw dozens of guys I would describe as “very hot”- that is, a notch above the “above average” or “good-looking” guys that I regularly see around. Anyway, let this serve as a reminder that there is an endless supply of hot guys in this world, and don’t let a bad or mediocre experience with one get you down!
  14. Then they weren’t kosher or kosher-style… can’t combine meat and dairy.
  15. What’s surprising to me is that a Jewish deli would have Mac and Cheese at all! On topic, I’ve definitely noticed that in the last couple of years, hot and sour soups in Chinese restaurants have gotten hotter.
  16. Agree with you on facial hair! I think 95% of men look better without it. Same goes for long hair, but I don’t see that as much. Incall location and neighborhood! Like an actually accurate map of where the session would be (and if the escort can even host in the first place) and a way to search by location other than the “near me” filter which is not remotely accurate. On a related note, I wish RM could verify when an escort listed as such received their most recent negative test results (maybe by them “opting in” to upload a screenshot) but understand that may be illegal and could easily be forged.
  17. Exactly! I have posted before and gotten flack for it, but it is a fact that it takes me TWENTY hours of work to take home pay (after taxes and 401k etc) for ONE hour of a provider. Yes, it is worth it, and the jobs are not comparable, but that is a HUGE difference. I think a lot of you are greatly overestimating the income of the average New Yorker. According to the census (https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/newyorkcitynewyork/HSG010222), median per capita income in 2022 in NYC was 48K. An escort charging $300 per hour would only have to work just over 3 hours per week to make that. Again, I’m not saying $300 or even $400 is too much; just putting it into perspective with what most people make.
  18. Based on @pubic_assistance’s posts, I strongly doubt I’m his type lol
  19. Part of the reason I’m interested in using the services of a provider is to get experience topping. As a little guy with a nice ass, I’m expected to be a bottom, but I find it quite painful and only slightly pleasurable. I thus have very limited experience with anal and would consider myself a side. I think a versatile provider would be the most helpful in teaching me to top, especially since in the last couple of years I’ve found myself becoming an ass man 😍
  20. Exactly, that’s why I wouldn’t attempt to negotiate on my end…. it cheapens the experience and is not worth the risk of marring the time eventually spent together.
  21. I think a question that aligns more with OP’s intent would be “what can I as a client do [non-financially] to get the best service possible?”
  22. Love it! In my fantasy, the barber is semi naked the whole time and I feel him up while he leans over me… prior to other activities 😈
  23. It’s an amazing business idea! As a client, it’s a lot easier to justify getting a haircut (“maintenance”) than a massage (“luxury”)!
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