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  1. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Penn7 in Montreal 3rd report: Campus   
    Sunday night 21:00 show hasn't started yet, so I came back at 23:00. Circa 45 people, 25% women. Most things very similar to Stock, but the space is wide and less deep, so more patrons get a closer view of the stage. Given the attendance, I don't understand why Stock isn't open too.
    One of the patrons told me that the previous night the place was packed, so it would seem - contrary to what I've read here - that Campus isn't underperforming relative to Stock. 
    The dancers' build was more stocky, which I don't like. Only 2 were to my taste. I ended up going to a LD with A, the slimmest one and the only one who came up to chat with me. 
    Unlike the curtained Stock cubicles, here they r open. Only one was occupied. I asked him to count the songs for me, and A was very professional and polite about it. First time I'm sure I got the full time. 
    During the 1st song he started unbuckling me. I reciprocated, but he slowed me down until the 2nd song. When I brushed my face on his btm, he warned me not to rim him. Everything was said and done very politely friendly. 
    When I told him I'd like to suck, he said he charges $250 for that. M proud of myself that I succeeded to refrain from laughing out loud. Since his cock wasn't big, I didn't bother to negotiate. On the whole, another pleasant experience.
  2. Applause
    12is12 got a reaction from muscmtl in Montreal 4th and final report: Daddy's Corner   
    Daddy's Corner at Campus doesn't seem to work. 
    It opens at 3 pm; I went at 6, hoping that later means more. 
    The "corner" is a smaller bar, to the right of the stage and the main bar. There were 5 patrons sitting with their drinks: 3 solitary, 2 talking with a shirtless dancer. The barman was also shirtless. 
    Per my question, one of the patrons repeated the concept on the website, but added that nothing is going on and left. I then talked with the barman. He said they intend to put in a curtain to make the space more intimate (smart). When I asked about dancers, he explained that 2 others were going in and out on errands, because "things were slow". Since the only dancer there didn't appeal to me, after 5 minutes I left. 
    Newbie that I m, I humbly submit this concept probably won't work. Dancers won't come for 5-10 patrons instead of 50. Patrons won't come if there r only 1-3 dancers to choose from. Without the show in the background, u can come, sit with a drink for 10 minutes, take the only dancer for 2-3 lap dances, and then return to a rather "too tranquil" (the leaving patron defined it) setting. 
    Hope to read future accounts that would prove me wrong. (-:
  3. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Hhuu in Montreal 4th and final report: Daddy's Corner   
    Daddy's Corner at Campus doesn't seem to work. 
    It opens at 3 pm; I went at 6, hoping that later means more. 
    The "corner" is a smaller bar, to the right of the stage and the main bar. There were 5 patrons sitting with their drinks: 3 solitary, 2 talking with a shirtless dancer. The barman was also shirtless. 
    Per my question, one of the patrons repeated the concept on the website, but added that nothing is going on and left. I then talked with the barman. He said they intend to put in a curtain to make the space more intimate (smart). When I asked about dancers, he explained that 2 others were going in and out on errands, because "things were slow". Since the only dancer there didn't appeal to me, after 5 minutes I left. 
    Newbie that I m, I humbly submit this concept probably won't work. Dancers won't come for 5-10 patrons instead of 50. Patrons won't come if there r only 1-3 dancers to choose from. Without the show in the background, u can come, sit with a drink for 10 minutes, take the only dancer for 2-3 lap dances, and then return to a rather "too tranquil" (the leaving patron defined it) setting. 
    Hope to read future accounts that would prove me wrong. (-:
  4. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from jayjaycali in Montreal 3rd report: Campus   
    Sunday night 21:00 show hasn't started yet, so I came back at 23:00. Circa 45 people, 25% women. Most things very similar to Stock, but the space is wide and less deep, so more patrons get a closer view of the stage. Given the attendance, I don't understand why Stock isn't open too.
    One of the patrons told me that the previous night the place was packed, so it would seem - contrary to what I've read here - that Campus isn't underperforming relative to Stock. 
    The dancers' build was more stocky, which I don't like. Only 2 were to my taste. I ended up going to a LD with A, the slimmest one and the only one who came up to chat with me. 
    Unlike the curtained Stock cubicles, here they r open. Only one was occupied. I asked him to count the songs for me, and A was very professional and polite about it. First time I'm sure I got the full time. 
    During the 1st song he started unbuckling me. I reciprocated, but he slowed me down until the 2nd song. When I brushed my face on his btm, he warned me not to rim him. Everything was said and done very politely friendly. 
    When I told him I'd like to suck, he said he charges $250 for that. M proud of myself that I succeeded to refrain from laughing out loud. Since his cock wasn't big, I didn't bother to negotiate. On the whole, another pleasant experience.
  5. Thanks
    12is12 got a reaction from Hhuu in Montreal 2nd report: 3 bars   
    Of course
  6. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Penn7 in Montreal 2nd report: 3 bars   
    Saturday 21:45 - Taboo: 
    95% women. As I entered the host was introducing a line up of 3 dancers, encouraging the ladies to entice them with bills. Rather than dancing, the 3 immediately worked the ladies seats collecting bills. I left after 2 minutes. 
    21:55 - Expose: 
    No one on stage. 5 dancers sitting around, mostly with their phones. One, a bit effiminate, tried to engage me. Only 2 patrons, who left after a couple of minutes. I bought a drink, sat for 10 boring minutes, and left. A new patron walked in.
    Both places - no entrance fee.
    22:20 - Stock: 
    Entered with my free coupon. 60 people, few women. Later on, almost together, 2 groups of 6 bachelorette ladies took over the 2 wings of the stage. By then the place was packed. Same show and guys as on Thursday. Again only 3 flashed their cocks: Jovani only at the far back of the stage; Santiago was also jerking himself while working on the pole. That and his energetic moves made him the audience favorite. 
    Again there were very few mingling with patrons and going for a LapDance. I don't understand that, when I remember all the reports here about 'stars' being snatched after dancing, or busy LD cubicles. Maybe patrons get hornier after midnight.....   ? 
    I picked a guy who solicited me on Thursday. [BTW, I saw him in Taboo earlier, and he raced over to Stock a couple of minutes after I had left there.] 
    I didnt understand why he led me to the farthest cubicle, and then he said something like: "No dances. With me, 2 options: wild - $100, and very wild - $200. I will make u cum." 
    He was all over me, while I negotiated him down to "wild and cum" for $70, time of 3 songs. Wouldn't let me suck him.
    He stripped asked permission to unzip me, and we played with each other per agreement. VERY nice surprise! 
    After seeing the guys at the 2 other bars, I understood I had been mistaken in my first report. Undoubtedly the guys in Stock r not just "next door" types. 
    Stock isn't open Sunday - Tuesday, so tonight I'll go to Campus.
  7. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Ganymede255 in STOCK BAR / MONTREAL   
    Per my other thread, I totally agree. Ear plugs help a little...
  8. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    Azdr, it's not a matter of policy. I asked 'my' dancer why he was almost the only one; "everyone does what he is comfortable with". 
    I was surprised that apparently I was the only one motivated by his hard-on to hire him.
  9. Thanks
    12is12 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    Azdr, it's not a matter of policy. I asked 'my' dancer why he was almost the only one; "everyone does what he is comfortable with". 
    I was surprised that apparently I was the only one motivated by his hard-on to hire him.
  10. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from + Pensant in Immigration at Montreal - WTF ?   
    I noticed there was a lot of writing about visas and saving time, but I didn't pay attention; my travel agent had unfortunately told me there'd b no problem after pre-paying online for the visa. 
    After landing and scanning my passport, I was directed to sit & wait in "immigration 1" room. They said that all non citizens and non permanent residents r required to do so. 
    I waited for two hours with about 80 people, 95% of which seemed 'immigrational suspicious'. [I'm a 65 y/o white, and showed them my outbound flight ticket.] When my turn came up, I was asked the same 3 quick questions asked around the globe, and waived thru. 
    It took so much time because for the first 90 minutes only 1 booth was operational. The rest of the officers were mainly chatting among themselves, ignoring the waiting crowd. It was almost insulting.
    Besides venting my frustration, I'm really asking: why is Canada's system so obnoxious? I travel a lot; have never had such an ordeal, including in very bureaucratic or highly disorganized countries....
  11. Thanks
    12is12 got a reaction from BSR in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  12. Sad
    12is12 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Immigration at Montreal - WTF ?   
    I noticed there was a lot of writing about visas and saving time, but I didn't pay attention; my travel agent had unfortunately told me there'd b no problem after pre-paying online for the visa. 
    After landing and scanning my passport, I was directed to sit & wait in "immigration 1" room. They said that all non citizens and non permanent residents r required to do so. 
    I waited for two hours with about 80 people, 95% of which seemed 'immigrational suspicious'. [I'm a 65 y/o white, and showed them my outbound flight ticket.] When my turn came up, I was asked the same 3 quick questions asked around the globe, and waived thru. 
    It took so much time because for the first 90 minutes only 1 booth was operational. The rest of the officers were mainly chatting among themselves, ignoring the waiting crowd. It was almost insulting.
    Besides venting my frustration, I'm really asking: why is Canada's system so obnoxious? I travel a lot; have never had such an ordeal, including in very bureaucratic or highly disorganized countries....
  13. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from jerryskater in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  14. Thanks
    12is12 got a reaction from Alfstoria in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  15. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  16. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from nate_sf in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  17. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Tarheelboy214 in Montreal: newbie report on Stock   
    When I arrived there Thursday 20:50, there were 4 patrons. When I left at 23:15 - circa 50, about a third women. [They weren't grouped, shouting, or getting too much attention by the dancers.] 
    The program started just as I arrived. The first dancer was in undies, but afterwards all were fully clothed gradually removing the shirt. About 13 dancers. At the second round everyone was in underwear. There was no hard-on round, unless it started after I had left. Only one dancer appeared on stage proudly sporting an impressive erection. Two others exhibited full nudity, but no hardons. 
    Dancers circulated among patrons. 4 introduced themselves to me: 3 were nicely soliciting; one was cheeky and assertive. 
    I enjoyed the eye candy and the athletic ability on the pole, but didnt find the 'dances' arousing. The moves were repetitive; nothing creative or un-amateurish. One real bodybuilder (Jackson), 3 tall hunks, one twink, the rest athletic guys next door. 
    There was very little lapdancing going on backstage. When I finally got there, we were the only couple. I chose the hard-on guy, also because of his looks. Per my question as we were walking in, he said he takes his undies off at the second song and I could touch his dick. I enjoyed losing my lapdance virginity (I became fully aroused), though it was obvious he preferred his own hands on his dick rather than mine. I asked if I could suck; "no, just kiss the balls"; so I stopped at 2 dances. I don't think we really spent there full 6 minutes, but I wasn't clock watching. Added $5 as a tip. [M not sure it's ok to post his name here.]
    $6 entrance, same for my Sprite. The usual VERY loud music; used my earplugs.
    As I collected my coat at the reception, I chatted with the receptionist. For some reason he decided to give me a free entrance coupon for the next time, explaining that I'm a nice person (my mom would agree). 
    I stopped for a minute at Campus. Was told that Daddy's Corner was already operating afternoons, but due to the loud music - couldn't understand if there was anything differentiating it from usual going-ons (other than the hours). 
    Will b back on Saturday night. 
  18. Applause
    12is12 got a reaction from + tassojunior in Immigration at Montreal - WTF ?   
    I noticed there was a lot of writing about visas and saving time, but I didn't pay attention; my travel agent had unfortunately told me there'd b no problem after pre-paying online for the visa. 
    After landing and scanning my passport, I was directed to sit & wait in "immigration 1" room. They said that all non citizens and non permanent residents r required to do so. 
    I waited for two hours with about 80 people, 95% of which seemed 'immigrational suspicious'. [I'm a 65 y/o white, and showed them my outbound flight ticket.] When my turn came up, I was asked the same 3 quick questions asked around the globe, and waived thru. 
    It took so much time because for the first 90 minutes only 1 booth was operational. The rest of the officers were mainly chatting among themselves, ignoring the waiting crowd. It was almost insulting.
    Besides venting my frustration, I'm really asking: why is Canada's system so obnoxious? I travel a lot; have never had such an ordeal, including in very bureaucratic or highly disorganized countries....
  19. Agree
    12is12 got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Immigration at Montreal - WTF ?   
    I noticed there was a lot of writing about visas and saving time, but I didn't pay attention; my travel agent had unfortunately told me there'd b no problem after pre-paying online for the visa. 
    After landing and scanning my passport, I was directed to sit & wait in "immigration 1" room. They said that all non citizens and non permanent residents r required to do so. 
    I waited for two hours with about 80 people, 95% of which seemed 'immigrational suspicious'. [I'm a 65 y/o white, and showed them my outbound flight ticket.] When my turn came up, I was asked the same 3 quick questions asked around the globe, and waived thru. 
    It took so much time because for the first 90 minutes only 1 booth was operational. The rest of the officers were mainly chatting among themselves, ignoring the waiting crowd. It was almost insulting.
    Besides venting my frustration, I'm really asking: why is Canada's system so obnoxious? I travel a lot; have never had such an ordeal, including in very bureaucratic or highly disorganized countries....
  20. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Which european country ?   
    There's no country in Europe offering any sex scene close to Thailand Brazil Colombia. 
    However, which country is the closest or least furthest, in terms of sexy unexpensive youngsters and or of appealing venues?
    I've read something about Serbia.....
  21. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from + Italiano in NYC - looking for my ideal type masseur   
    Apologize for the typo )-:
    Any rcmndations about optimal rather than ideal type?
    Maybe one rather than two way oral?
  22. Love
    12is12 got a reaction from JUWS in Steamworks Berkeley?   
    Hi Guys, 
    Could anyone please contribute any pros / cons about this venue? 
    Which days and hours r best?
  23. Haha
    12is12 got a reaction from + tassojunior in Montreal - last minute updates?   
    Thank u both!!
    I certainly m NOT natural at this.
    The idea of cheat notes hadn't occured to me. Hmmm.....
  24. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Capitano in Montreal or South Florida?   
    Tassojunior, $20 per 4 mnts is 'only' 1.5K for 5 hours, 
    and that's without a moment rest.....
  25. Like
    12is12 got a reaction from Tarheelboy214 in From a lapdancer to newbies   
    A few weeks ago I posted a question in the '"ask a provider" forum, if that's the place to ask also providers of lapdancing. I was PMed by one; I notified about it in the thread in order to 'close' it; and two guys PMed me asking about what he had to say. So I got his permission to post our dialogue here. Might be useful for naive newbies such as myself.  Any additional guidance wld be appreciated.
    I intend to lose my lapdance virginity soon. I follow threads about the topic, but m still unclear as to how to behave without being rude or presumptuous on one hand, and being taken for a sucker on the other hand.
    How explicit may I b with a dancer in the pre-dance phase? Shld I ask "may I touch u?" "Fondle?" "Grope?" "Jerk?" "Suck?"
    "Will u b totally naked?"
    Will he b touching me with his hands (beyond dancing moves")? Grope / fondle / jerk / suck ?
    Any kissing?
    M I alowed to take it out? 
    Usually posters write it's up to negotiations, and I guess dancers have prbbly heard everything. However, I like to b respectful and I dont want to b stupid.
    Different clubs have different basic rules.   Some states allow full nude dancers, some don't - which clubs are you planning on?  
    At the most basic, the dancer would be in underwear, grinding on you and with you fully clothed. The dancer can probably touch you but may not - for example I would start with sitting grinding in a guys lap, with my arms on his shoulders.  
    So you could just have fun with that to start. 
    Its possible to do more, but that depends. For example at one club I can go full nude, but then I can't touch the customer.  At that same club, customers can touch me but not anywhere covered by my underwear.  Some customers don't touch, some put their hands somewhere like my arms and if I guess they want more, I will move their hands to my chest or legs to let them know its OK (or they can ask and I explain the club rules for them) and then let them touch me over my underwear. 
    Best way to find out basic rules: A dancer will probably approach and ask you if you want a lap dance - just ask how much, and if they can go full nude, and if they're OK with touching and they'll probably explain rules.  That what I do.  Sometimes I get asked 'are you hard when you're naked' and I say 'yes' because make sure to be erect when I go full nude.  
    Its easier to ask about more once you're in private, so that no one can hear if they say yes to more thats beyond the rules.    As a dancer if a customer is buying  multiple dances and their hands are around my underwear, personally I'm OK if slipped their hand in and they grab my cock, but some dancers might not be, you could just move your hands close and ask 'may I' or something like that but probably don't assume they are OK.  I might ask for a tip extra.  
    Usually you're not allowed to take yourself out. Never had anyone try with me.  The private areas were somewhat visible and monitored by cameras so I dont think anyone would try it there.   
    Asking respectfully is being respectful.  I stood up once off a guys lap and he put me in his mouth and I gently pushed him back to let him know its not OK, but it would have been respectful if he asked first and i could tell him 'no instead of feeling his mouth. Altohugh I was kind of horny so I mostly said 'no' because I didn't want to get in trouble with the club.  
    I know about clubs rules and about prsnl red lines. If I can get a full answr only after we r alone, that might b too late...
    I didnt know the area is monitored, but since it is - how can a dancer "say yes to more that's beyond the rules"? 
    I've learned from u: not to take it out; not to expct dncr to grope or fondle me; small chance for sucking; ask evrythng.
    You could probably ask in the open 'have you ever let a guy touch you' or 'have you ever let a guy suck you' - so you're not even asking for it directly, just seeing what they say. 
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