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    MsGuy reacted to + Tarte Gogo in Escorts In China   
    The question of states being legally the successor of another state in terms of treaty continuity (like republic of Portugal being the successor of the kingdom of Portugal, the PRC being the successor state of the empire of China, or the federal republic of Russia being the legal successor of the Soviet Union) are discussed, argued and agreed through diplomacy.
    There are no official rules for this.
    The British had many reasons to agree, together with China, that the PRC was a successor of the Empire. This meant any debt that China had, all the currency that China had issued etc, etc, still had value. All other treaties still could be enforced.
    Yes, it also meant that Hong Kong was going to be returned, but to be honest, HK was extremely dependent on mainland China in 97, especially on fresh water and food. So if the British had refused, China would simply have turned off the taps until they reconsidered. 6.5 million people would have been in an emergency situation that would have cost far too much to the British state to support. With the handover, the relationship with the second largest economy of the world is good, British investors were able to profit from the massive growth that China created (thanks to their tight relationships in Honk Kong, which was a major investment port into the rest of China) etc.
    Also the Brits are now considered trustworthy. You can sign a 99 year treaty with them, and they will abide by it until the end!
    Let’s not forget the value keeping your word and of not making enemies.
  2. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + José Soplanucas in Are You Disappointed When You Find Out That Someone Is Straight?   
    I could not care less. I am disappointed when someone I find attractive does not reciprocate, gay or not gay.
  3. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in Open relationships...   
    My partner and I recently celebrated our 50th anniversary living together. After the first three honeymoon weeks together, we both admitted that we were attracted to other men as well, and the only way our relationship was likely to survive was if we were honest about it. Therefore, we accepted the fact that sex with others was going to happen, maybe even affairs--they did--and we shared the necessary information about who we were sleeping with. We also had an understanding that, because we loved each other, we would let one another go if one of those other relationships reached that level of importance that one of us wanted to leave. It got close a couple of times, but we always decided that our relationship was too important to us, and we split with the potential new partner. I started hiring escorts partly because it eliminated the potential for emotional involvement. In 2013, we got married, and we have been monogamous ever since. (OK, OK! I'll admit it has been easy, since we don't get any other offers nowadays.)
  4. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + oldNbusted in Friday Funnies   
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    MsGuy reacted to + nycman in Are You Disappointed When You Find Out That Someone Is Straight?   
    99.99% of the time....not even a little.
    But the 0.01%....more than makes up for it.
  6. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Seaninsf in Name suggestions   
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    MsGuy reacted to + purplekow in Name suggestions   
    Chien? Words for either sex
    Male Charles DeDog
    Female Bridget Bardog
  8. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Kevin Slater in Rentmen sting be careful   
    Uh, I think you might have it backwards there.
    Kevin Slater
  9. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in Ludwig Wittgenstein   
    That is a misleading description, since he started at the Realschule in Linz the same year that Hitler dropped out, and both were 16 years old at the time. Also, they were from very different social classes; Wittgenstein was a boarding student (his wealthy family lived in Vienna) while Hitler was a day student. Wittgenstein needed a lot of private tutoring, because he arrived unprepared for the standard courses, so he probably didn't even have the same classes as Hitler, who had been a student for a few years. It's unlikely that they had any kind of personal relationship.
    Nevertheless, once Wittgenstein became a kind of cult figure in intellectual circles, his opponents were always looking for some Hitlerian connection.
  10. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
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    MsGuy got a reaction from rvwnsd in British "Exit" Signs   
    Trust me on this, English is the new lingua franca.
    It's been a very long time since Latin exited stage left.
  12. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Victim of a crime   
    I was once nearly talked into buying tight white jeans by a rather smooth salesman at Neiman Marcus.
    If I hadn't come to my senses, I'd have considered that a crime.
  13. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + purplekow in Victim of a crime   
    I wonder who broke his?
  14. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + g56whiz in Victim of a crime   
    Years ago in NYC, Time Warner added the viewing of some porn movies to my bill. I was actually away (at a religious retreat mind you) on the designated dates. I called Time Warner to complain and contest the charge. After a good deal acrimony they agreed. About six months later the co-op’s handy man was summarily fired. It seems one of my neighbors returned home midday to find that handy man sitting on her couch jerking off to porn on her tv.
  15. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + E.T.Bass in Victim of a crime   
    House broken into. Bicycle stolen twice. Front tire of bicycle stolen another time. Hit and run. Calculator stolen. Somebody took/ate my pop tarts in the break room at work.
  16. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Avalon in Where Do You Carry Your Wallet?   
    I'm a dinosaur I don't have a smartphone.
  17. Like
    MsGuy reacted to bnm73 in A short (political) joke for 9/13/18   
    What do you do if a Trump supporter throws a hand grenade at you?
    Pick it up, pull the pin, and throw it back.
    It's just a joke, guys.
  18. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in Avalon Style Post. Do you have an Innie or an Outie Bellybutton?   
    Sorry, I have to save some private information from identity thieves.
  19. Like
    MsGuy reacted to rvwnsd in So annoying!   
    This is not confined to Illinois. It happens in California and Arizona, too.

    Years ago I worked at Eddie Bauer in Skokie, Illinois. We had a very loyal following of very long-time customers as well as new customers who would shop our store. One day, I was ringing up a 40-something lady who was talking on her flip-phone (pre-iPhone days here) and not paying attention to anyone around her, including me as I asked several times how she would like to pay for her purchase. Behind here was an elderly long-time customer and behind her was a rapidly building line. The elderly woman grabbed the phone, said "she'll call you back" to the person on the other end, snapped the phone shut, and said to the younger woman "Now pay the man. I'm an old woman and I don't want to die here." When the elderly woman stepped up to the register I thanked her. She said "sweetheart, when you get to be my age you can say thigs like that too."
  20. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Epigonos in So annoying!   
    A number of years ago I was dining at Valentino's in Santa Monica. It is an outstanding restaurant and it is very expensive. A cell phone rang at the table next to mine and its owner, a middle aged woman, answered and carried on a long conversation in a loud voice for several minutes. Nobody seated at the surrounding tables, myself included, said a word. The third time it happened a "gentleman" seated nearby got up walked over to her table and in a loud voice said "lady get off the fucking phone NOW" The entire room burst into applause. The woman got off the phone, quickly finished her meal and left. Damn it was a wonderful moment.
  21. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Epigonos in So annoying!   
    I have always felt sorry for children who misbehave in restaurants. It is really the asshole parents who are to blame. The parents are too busy doing their own things to spend the time teaching their children how to behave.
    I dislike old people (I'm 77) who drive in the fast lane (75 mph) at 55 mph. I drive 80 mph.
    I dislike old people who have a cart full of groceries and get in the 10 items or less line, at the market, and play dumb.
    I dislike old people who in the grocery check out line wait until their groceries are totaled, then search for their check book and when they eventually find it ask the checker to borrow his/her pen before they start writing out their check.
    I dislike people who no longer feel the need to say excuse me, thank you, or you're welcome.
    I dislike people who, in a crowded place, insist on talking on their cellphones in a loud voice. Do they really think I give a fuck about their conversation.
    Unfortunately this list could go on and on.
  22. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + FrankR in So annoying!   
    In general? Or a specific user?
  23. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in So annoying!   
    Organizations that thank you for a donation, and immediately ask for another one, usually in the thank you letter.
  24. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Charlie in 5 UNUSUAL things about living in Czech!   
    Having lived in both England and Czechoslovakia (when it was one country), I was expecting this to be amusing, but it was simply inane.
  25. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + José Soplanucas in Who do you talk to about your hiring experiences?   
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