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    MsGuy got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Will it ever fly?   
    Karma. I recall more than a few smug comments coming out of Boeing when Airbus had its trainwreck with the super-jumbo.
  2. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + glutes in Will it ever fly?   
    KMEM: No criticism of Boeing's final () product intended; just remembering all that bragging about how their superior design process would minimise any production delays on the 787. That was what 2 or 3 years ago now? Hahahahahaha!
    Lucky: Drag me into that God-awful train crossing thread & I will pluck out every single hair in your nose. S-L-O-W-L-Y
  3. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from BigTom in Friday Funnies   
    A certain lawyer was quite wealthy and had a summer house in the country. Each summer the lawyer would invite a different escort friend to spend a week or two.
    On one occasion, he invited a Czechoslovakian escort to stay with him. The friend, eager to visit America, agreed.
    Early one morning, the lawyer and his Czechoslovakian companion went out to pick berries for their breakfast. As they went around the berry patch gathering blueberries and raspberries, along came two huge bears, a male and a female.
    The lawyer, seeing the two bears, immediately dashed for cover. His friend, though, wasn't so lucky. The male bear reached him and swallowed him whole.
    The lawyer ran back to his Mercedes, tore into town, and got the local sheriff. The sheriff grabbed his shotgun and dashed back to the berry patch with the lawyer.
    Sure enough, the two bears were still there. "He's in that one," cried the lawyer, pointing to the male, while visions of lawsuits from his escort's family danced in his head.
    He just had to save his friend. The sheriff looked at the bears, and without batting an eye, leveled his gun, took careful aim, and shot the female.
    "What did you do that for?" exclaimed the lawyer. "I said he was in the other one!"
    "Exactly," replied the sheriff. "Would you believe a lawyer who told you the Czech was in the male?"
  4. Haha
    MsGuy got a reaction from + MysticMenace in Curtains: LOOK AT ME, ME, ME   
    Damn you, sync. If you hadn't posted that warning I would have passed on the link but noooo, you just had to post a teaser and my monkey curiosity did the rest of your dirty work for you.
  5. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from samhexum in Don't you hate it when that happens?   
    Bless his heart, I'm sure he is doing the best he can.
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    MsGuy reacted to Rick Munroe in Where to find Jewish escort?   
    LOL Yes, let me get out my little black book of Jewish escorts. I'm sorry I can't be of help to the rabbi. The last time I identified as Jewish was in 9th grade. I do know some some Jewish people but I'm not sure if my mother is still escorting these days.
  7. Like
    MsGuy reacted to jjkrkwood in Where to find Jewish escort?   
    When he says "nice jewish boy", all it means is that he LOVES his mamma.... All the other stuff is superfluous.....
  8. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + purplekow in Sex Robots: Robots to be almost indistinguishable from humans after major 5G upgrade -claims expert.   
    One of the worst things you can say when commenting on sexual performance is that it was robotic. Until romance is bult into this robot, it does not matter how real the act is. I suppose some do not need romance when having sex. but for me. there always needs romance with sex and there has to be a man in roMANce.
  9. Like
    MsGuy reacted to Rudynate in Life Post Life   
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    MsGuy reacted to Rudynate in Life Post Life   
    She has the usual agglomeration of new-agey beliefs that they always have.
  11. Like
    MsGuy got a reaction from + robear in Should I hang out a shingle?   
    When we both worked out at the same gym years ago, I admired your gifts. How could I charge a man who brought that much to the table.?
    Gently cup your left hand behind his head, lean in tight and whispher softly in his ear," Count the cash twice, then put it in plain sight on the table."
  12. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + sniper in @&*#ing Women Drivers!!!   
    I worked in insurance and the data is not at all clear. Women actually have MORE accidents, but because they are slower, the dollar value of damage is less severe. Guys are more likely to total the car, it's true.
  13. Like
    MsGuy reacted to P Gren in Your Daily Bieber   
    Some people really do have too much time on their hands
  14. Like
    MsGuy reacted to samhexum in Overused and empty words   
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    MsGuy reacted to mike carey in Trip to India   
    Just avoid the closed areas.
  16. Like
    MsGuy reacted to mike carey in 411 How can I work with heavy clients without offending them?   
    Getting enraged over half the facts is so 2019.
  17. Like
    MsGuy reacted to rvwnsd in Friday Funnies   
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    MsGuy reacted to + oldNbusted in Tumblr’s new policy relating to adult content   
    Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr and restore site to former porn-filled glory
    Pornhub, media giant!
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    MsGuy reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Why can't escorts offer basic sex   
    Do you feel better now that you've put us all in our place?
    Basic sex isn't basic for everyone: This isn't a one-size-fits-all discussion. Sure, with some escorts there's narcissism or games happening, but for others, sex is just one component of a very layered situation.
    What you're describing is frustration on an hourly level and that's fine. Just be careful not to lump all escorts and situations into one black or white pot. This industry is wild when it comes to shades of grey.
  20. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + FreshFluff in Str8 guys less concerned with race than Gay Men?   
    Yep. Str8 men can’t afford to be picky when seeking sex partners. An attractive young gay men, OTOH, might walk into an adult video store full of men, see nothing of interest, and just walk out.
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    MsGuy reacted to Gadfly22 in solid, liquid, gas, OR...   
    I can relate to this. Sometimes when I fart I'm not sure if it was solid, liquid, or gas unless I drop trou and check.
  22. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + WmClarke in Have you ever wanted children?   
    I used to want children.
    But now that I’ve got two millennials in their 20s living at home again, I am rethinking that decision nightly.
  23. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + WilliamM in Young Men Not Having Sex   
    Or, perhaps more important, makes friends.
  24. Like
    MsGuy reacted to bigvalboy in I'd have given different advice   
    I don't have an opinion, because I don't believe the letter is real.
  25. Like
    MsGuy reacted to + Avalon in I'd have given different advice   
    Regarding the wedding - see what happened when straights were allowed to marry! ;-)))
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