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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. basically a real time online mental breakdown - facilitated by some very familiar people who shall remain nameless
  2. this is the natural reaction however - there are a few members who are very busy behind the scenes trying to censor others, get them banned and launder their own reputations. so, the people policing (not the mods) are the ones trying to control the overall narrative. one of them in particular is always careful not to engage in to much conflict and then backs off cautiously - only to pursue his real agenda out of sight. guess who ?? Btw - Riobard is but a metaphor for all the slippery & shady queens here operating below the surface to pursue whatever fucked up agenda they have in a very small twisted mind
  3. ha - issues from the perp that got him excommunicated @José Soplanucas how very when someone’s (unpaid) tongue is out of Rhyheims colon, perhaps you can think straight ? not white privileged fanboy shit - but very south of the border fanboy shit, yes ?
  4. you just don’t know when to leave well enough alone so, let me remind you; you have been banned at “the other site” and many of the perps that got you banned are also here - and because they don’t want dirty hands, they have tepid support for your continuing obnoxious shenanigans - and somehow that’s emboldening you ? another complete failure to read the room, as per usual I still dont understand the big deal about your multiple user names & all the secrets (and there are some, obviously) - but really in this forum/context, it’s just like a shady “provider” changing names on RM. As a suggestion however, you might want to change your writing style if you don’t want to be found out - it’s a dead giveaway of course, you’re absolutely not Riobard - that’s just a rumor *and now you’ve deleted the post that prompted this response - except for the quote above which shows exactly how you have absolutely zero impulse control. and so easily triggered ?? please excuse me while I take out the trash - it’s getting noxious in here
  5. this is true - however, 99.9% of people on this site are going to Rio for the obvious reason 100% accurate. I fail to understand the need to minimize crime in Rio. If you want to go, then go - but don’t make it something it’s not. Seem like many of them are trying to convince themselves. It’s a numbers game that gets everyone eventually
  6. not about the person(s) more so the delusions necessary to keep up the charade(s) - and the enablers you need each other, I guess ? so many transparent games cue the usual suspects contacting mods: Rinse/wash/repeat
  7. nope - this is the right place although he's not the only one slinking through here
  8. I'm not one for secrets - or for those that operate behind the scenes as if nobody knows does that sound familiar ? I know - you spend alot of time trying to appear non-confrontational & benign when in fact, you're busy laundering your own reputation & censoring others. indirectly of course so your fingerprints are supposedly invisible. Or are they ? the very seedy & shady underbelly that you prefer unspoken. LOL
  9. according to multiple PMs, Riobard is here posting under at least 1 (perhaps 2) other names shhhhhh - nobody is supposed to know. it's a secret
  10. no - and yes West LA (not to be confused with Westside Los Angeles) is nebulous & vague, depending on who you ask - you’ll get very different answers. Most won’t know the difference between West & Westside; Angelenos tend to be geographically challenged except when it involves a freeway Upper East Side is understood as bounded by 59th St, 96th, East River & Central Park - it is specific & exact
  11. lol - true he could always appeal to the minions to get the ban lifted (fyi - they’re here)
  12. you'd get the same response from Angelenos if you described Hollywood as west LA native or not - it's not complicated
  13. why don't you set an example & redistribute some wealth ? unless it's just performative for your audience here the virtue-signaling is really next level
  14. 100% true and if you look at where they're all from - there's a pattern. Usually not the type that heeds any warnings. Ya know - freedumb & such same ones that didn't listen to Covid vaccines, etc
  15. it's never actually described that way - but ok ?
  16. try this place - not HK, but adjacent https://www.michelangelohotel.com discreet and huge rooms by nyc standards I wouldn't stay in Chelsea these days - too sketchy at night
  17. the crime rates in northern cities are generally higher than Rio overall, but doesn't take into account unique geography of Rio with concentration of tourists surrounded by favelas. As a tourist, you're probably safer in any of the northern cities compared to Zona Sul in Rio. And that would likely be petty street crime. you're exponentially more safe in São Paulo in the wealthy neighborhoods like Jardins most people experience Rio as their gateway to Brazil, but Rio is not all there is in Brazil. and there are many less dangerous options
  18. less triggered, more truth-teller if there was no cheap sex to be had in Rio, you wouldn't go near it. the cheap sex makes it worth the risk no shame - just looks really dumb to deny the obvious tho anyone who has visited Rio more than 2x knows this is true
  19. unfortunately, my sense is that a gang shoot-out in Ipanema is not unusual. The experience I'm referencing was 2008 or thereabouts. When I need a Brazil fix now, I go to SP. Much safer & less likely to have problems
  20. let's be honest here - you & everyone else reading this travels to Brazil for relatively inexpensive sex. along with the variety, availability & passion of Brazilian men if sex was not in the mix at all - Rio would just be another beach with exceptionally high crime get real
  21. if you want to have sex with others watching or you watching others - go to a sex club or other appropriate venue: not in a public street for a "parade" don't get confused that somehow pride opens the door for whatever (sex) you want to do in public spaces just because you just want to do it Not only is it offensive & likely illegal, it could be easily read as hostile/aggressive/unsafe by those who just might want to see a parade I get so tired of the need to make everything gay hyper-sexualized at all times. there are plenty of gay/queer spaces to do exactly that where nobody will care or bother & children will not be present
  22. It actually is a big deal - there are laws against it. police would arrest any straight people having sex in a public space with children - why is it any different for pride ? the failure to understand these basic norms does the LGBTQI community/movement more harm than good. It's a losing argument every single time with no upside
  23. there are other options and perhaps options where you hold more sway over content & moderation ?
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