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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. I've often thought how I would run my business if I was a provider - it seems there is alot invested in the one hour standard meeting. As an example - I'd offer 3hours for 2 hours paid. Same time required for getting ready & to travel to/from. And the money has been doubled without much effort on providers end. Assuming this is offered to known select clients, it probably means cocktails & socializing anyway. Lots of ways to incentivize the best clients to book more frequently & perhaps increase per session spend. it's all about being creative
  2. lots of businesses use loyalty programs to keep their best customers and encourage more spending. similarly, many target their most desirable potential customer base & offer special discounts as incentives to try a new business given this forum is a target-rich pool for providers - I’m wondering if any providers offer specials to forum members ? seems like it would be worthwhile because both parties are known entities to some degree and takes a lot of risk out of the equation just a thought - never hurts to try something new
  3. other than promo codes, previews and early buying - what other discount tricks can you recommend ?
  4. pRep is for hiv only and that’s not the issue. gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis & a variety of others are a concern for me. drug resistant strains of all those stis are on the rise. my aim is to minimize my chances for sti exposure yet still engage with others sexually in a selective way safer sex practices (or not) are strictly personal choices and all goes to an individual’s level of risk tolerance - hopefully based on some real data and sexual literacy. The rate of sti transmission for oral sex is historically very low. The rate of sti transmission for unprotected anal sex is exponentially much higher - and that becomes unacceptable for me. many people can have an active sti infection & are asymptomatic - they wouldn’t know they have it & can then innocently transit to the next person. when evaluating sex-workers, I’ll go with the guys that prioritize their own health & well-being over everything else
  5. I could have said it better. I meant things like available hours (not 24/7), an emphasis on safe sex or “no bareback”, if they prefer advance scheduling or same day only, hygiene comments, etc I use it to gauge level of professionalism - and yes, demands in excess of reasonable are also a NO the big ones for me are drug use and unsafe sexual practices. not a prude, but a professional sex-worker just can’t afford the downtime due to inevitable sti if doing anything goes with all clients: translates to excessive risk-taking & poor judgment in my view
  6. your point is well-taken & there are many clues in providers online profiles to use for vetting. we all have different levels of risk tolerance & mine is extremely low. if I see any mention/references of pnp, party or anything goes, that’s an immediate NO for me. I interpret that to mean the provider is risky with their own body and likely won’t treat mine any better. It also tells me they have poor judgment & likely someone I’d rather avoid. I look for providers that have clear ground rules because it tells me they are running a business & serious about what they do. Not somebody looking to make a quick buck who will agree to do anything Pursuing unknown people online who will engage in an “abuse” scene is asking for trouble imo
  7. some healthy anxiety around meeting an unknown provider is a good thing. if you stick to a few basic rules you’ll be fine; only hire extremely well reviewed providers (many reviews with some recent), or publicly known people (porn stars or online influencers) and meet them in a public setting where you can gauge behavior before getting into a private situation. It’s still not without some risk, but you can significantly reduce chances of something going wrong. Trust your instinct and don’t be afraid to walk away.
  8. this thread has morphed from a timely discussion into intentional trolling. it should be locked
  9. definitely- the weekends are amateur hour altho it’s bound to happen - you’re the first person I’ve heard being ripped off at Johnson’s Vs Boardwalk where it’s standard procedure
  10. it’s not really about that - just more desperate cries for attention & drama
  11. Wilton Manors is the gay neighborhood in Ft Lauderdale and the center of gay nightlife. That said - it’s really depressing & tacky, unless you really enjoy strip malls loaded with cheap stuff. It does not have the charm of other gay neighborhoods in large urban areas. It’s especially ugly during the day. If being in the middle of that is a priority- the yes, stay in Wilton Manors. The main attraction in Ft Lauderdale is the beach - and the beach is lovely, albeit surrounded by tacky retail and restaurants (it’s completely different than South Beach and not nearly as sophisticated). It’s not visually depressing like Wilton Manors during the day - just don’t expect any quality shopping or dining. Getting to the beach in Ft L is a schlep and you need to bring almost everything with you. Way easier to stay close to beach and then go to Wilton at night. If you’re not a beach person, then a different calculation and I’d probably skip Ft Lauderdale entirely. It rains almost every day in the afternoon from May through October with lots of heat & humidity. There’s a pervasive odor and dampness almost everywhere during those months - especially in hotels mixed with their cleaning supplies. It’s not exactly comfortable. Choose your time to visit wisely.
  12. you can take your pick why people are leaving Florida - I was there through most of Covid and can speak from firsthand experience. Basically it’s a shithole all around. Don’t confuse it with tourists who will continue to go there no matter what. While there is no state income tax, they get you with every other tax imaginable. The property tax rates are more than NY or CA by far for similar valued properties. Many of the properties there are now impossible to insure. People can now carry guns with no permits whatsoever- if you’ve ever mixed with average Floridians this should scare the fuck out of you. Oh and the weather sucks - last winter was like July or August with overcast skies and lots of rain & humidity. The 4 months of winter that used to be very pleasant with sunny skies and low humidity doesn’t happen anymore. The roads are terrible and S Florida has far worse traffic than LA. The people are notoriously rude in S Florida - it may be a bit better on the West Coast. Yes - lots of people still moving there, but many leaving at the same time. Housing prices are up about 50% in the last 3-4 years and it’s no longer the bargain it once was. In years past, there was a trade-off for Florida being a shithole and the relatively cheap prices. Now that it’s not cheap and still a shithole, there are many better options and that’s why people are leaving, The people moving there now will regret it when the housing market crashes - which it always does in Florida. And it floods - bad almost everywhere. Ft Lauderdale & Miami go underwater in any sort of decent rain which happens routinely all summer. It’s also a cultural wasteland with almost no offerings to keep anyone truly engaged. Still want to move there ? Be my guest - you’ve been warned. Going for a visit ? Go for 5 days and get out. if you live in Florida - you need a car because the public transportation is not an option for regular use. Car insurance is another line item through the roof in Florida because of the bad drivers, mainly older drivers & tourists who have no idea where they’re going. Btw - it’s true gay people are leaving Florida for what it’s worth. There are many reasons to leave besides the political stuff. For the people I know leaving, it’s the cumulative decline in quality of life over last 3-5 years. The smart ones are cashing out real estate equity and getting out while there are still buffoons willing to pay the insane housing prices. The one bright spot in Florida is Johnson’s. It’s the best male strip club in the country and you will not get ripped off there. There is almost zero attitude among the guys and it’s not an insanely expensive night out. Drinks & cover are always reasonable. Dancers are A+++++ with frequent new faces. There is a real show and it’s not just dancers hitting you up for money. Many will give numbers with a good tip.
  13. yes, it’s easy to figure out when people choose to use multiple aliases. funny thing is they think nobody knows the real question is - why is it such a big deal ?
  14. can anyone confirm where legendary Diego works now ?
  15. wrong - gay people are leaving in droves it’s no secret & has nothing to do with real estate prices in Wilton Manors (Wilton Manors is a dump btw) why stay in a place openly hostile say my friend who are leaving now - even Georgia is better than Florida these days too bad it was all done as a campaign stunt for someone that doesn’t have a chance - due to the unlikeable or “ick” factor
  16. thanks R i get it - you need more attention you’re really quite good at that - in a paranoid fantastical verbose sort of way hint - you might want to tone it down before you get banned here too
  17. why would you post this & not identify the sauna ? one of the core ideas here is to warn others of troublesome providers and venues unless it’s just to gossip of course. or, a diversion (quick !! Look over there !! )
  18. as others have mentioned, the formulas have changed due to laws prohibiting certain ingredients. that’s for the legit produced “poppers” then there’s the counterfeit poppers problem which is where you can question the retailer about source. if you think about it - poppers are an easy mark for counterfeiters because consumers don’t really know where they come from and there are no real “brands”. the retailers just want a product to sell with a big margin & the counterfeits are everywhere the fear is who knows what’s in the counterfeit products. I would be very selective where you buys these products
  19. Opinion | Prince Harry Is a More Interesting Prince Than We Deserved - The New York Times WWW.NYTIMES.COM He is not the first royal to give evidence. But he is the first to go to court to seek revenge for his life. Harry Is a More Interesting Prince Than We Deserved
  20. said pot to kettle i see no lessons have been learned pity
  21. impulse control is a virtue so is saying less perhaps you can share with your pal, Riobard
  22. and how do you know this ? do you know Riobard ?
  23. servile unimportant underlings frequently control those who are superior in some way. not a new concept for those desperate to control the narrative or perhaps launder their own reputations is more like it - even in a trashy obscure lil’ o gay forum
  24. Oz doesn’t censor much - and when he does, it’s usually at the behest of his minions the thread in question has either been entirely removed or in sandbox piecemeal a meltdown is kind of mild
  25. well….since you asked one of the banned was a prolific poster there who is typically so verbose that I’m unsure if anyone actually reads the posts ironically, the thing that started it all was a benign comment from a member that uses both sites, suggesting he was posting under another handle here. the writing style is hard to miss none other than Riobard several of the members here were involved in the meltdown there. and some got banned. it was flurry of accusations, threats & vitriol that seemed a long time coming the drama of it all
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