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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. this is the oldest cliche about Fire Island there is. In both Pines & Cherry Grove, vast majority of houses are dumps (expect for some that are owner occupied), everything is obscenely overpriced compared to Manhattan, no decent restaurants and RAMPANT/visible drug use. It’s not uncommon to see guys doing powder bumps on the ferry and in the bars. Who knows what kind of powder - there are so many. There are frequent overdoses that require medical evacuation - it’s super common. There is an unmistakeable energy that goes along with the crystal meth crowd (agitated, bitchy & aggressive) & it’s pervasive. Drug use seems more of thing in Pines than Grove The weather is generally very unpredictable - it’s about 50/50 chance you get sunny weather with little humidity. I spent many summers wondering why I was paying astronomical sums of money in an isolated place with bad weather surrounded by drug addicts at every turn. I can only see Fire Island as a destination for New Yorkers that can’t really get away for anything beyond a long weekend and then only if you can somehow tune out all the bad behavior at every turn. There are some people that hibernate in their house with a small group of friends only - but if that’s the case, why go to Fire Island at all ? Also - getting there by public transport is a ridiculous schlep. Take a car from Manhattan to the ferry dock and save your sanity.
  2. Transgender rights are similar to gay rights in that the essence of the idea is to overcome “denial of the authentic self” Straight people don’t need to understand being gay to accept gay people as equal in all things. Similarly, straight people or gay people, don’t need to understand what’s it’s like to be transgender to accept transgender people as equal with attendant legal rights. Many gay men have forgotten that being gay was classified as a mental illness until 1973. Public opinion has evolved significantly re: gay rights in the last 50 years. Transgender rights will the same as public opinion and legal rights evolve too. This is a simple idea - you don’t need to understand someone else’s struggle or validate their identity for them to have the same rights as you do. All the confusion about this is usually related to one’s own confusion/vulnerability about identities, labels and the fear of uncertainty or the unknown. It’s not an issue for those who are truly comfortable in their own skin because there is absolutely nothing to fear. FYI - this has become a political issue in the US now because Americans are so easily manipulated. Interesting to note that many indigenous groups & cultures have long had third-gendered (two-spirit) people and it’s accepted/celebrated with no big deal.
  3. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's summer sanctuary home is perfect for Archie and Lilibet APPLE.NEWS The Duke and Duchess of Sussex reside in Montecito with their beloved children Prince Archie and Princess...
  4. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's summer sanctuary home is perfect for Archie and Lilibet APPLE.NEWS The Duke and Duchess of Sussex reside in Montecito with their beloved children Prince Archie and Princess...
  5. thank you for the first-person & recent observations re; Dominican Republic this forum is full of Nick Minaj cousins friends balls syndrome - lots of “opinions” based on no actual experience
  6. narcissists tend to think things are always about them - you’re just not that interesting, sorry. and, you don’t remember me because I didn’t participate in the politics forum here. I did however, support the demise of the political forum because it’s a toxic waste of time, regardless of political beliefs. unless you’re a troll appears your ignore settings don’t work ?
  7. try the Michelangelo Hotel on 51st St. Rooms are huge for nyc, adjacent to Hells Kitchen (lots of providers in the area) and hotel is big enough that nobody pays attention to coming & going.
  8. wrong - I was questioning the logic behind the thought process, or lack therof such as, why would people who proclaim to dislike Harry & Meghan so much, continue to opine about them ad nauseum in any context ?
  9. You mean something like “wokety wokety woke” ?
  10. that’s like driving a car & pretending you don’t know it requires gas (or electricity). technically possible, highly unlikely the elephant in the room so to speak- or very *exotic* parrot 🦜 disingenuous at best - unless of course, the confusion is real
  11. that’s not how social media algorithms work. An algorithm will feed you stories & information that you already agree with, or is predicted you will like, based upon the vast information they already have about all your internet habits. The use of algorithms is to keep you engaged and online, preferably in an agitated state where you will continue high levels of engagement. Social media algorithms do not give you contrary information to your beliefs or likes because that would lead to less engagement. Less engagement means less time online which means less money for social media companies. Thus, whatever your beliefs and values, social media is engineered to reinforce those beliefs and feed you more to the point of radicalization. It’s on both sides - not partisan. This is good - you have connected your distaste for H&M to a core belief which is offensive to you. Most people don’t get that far. The question I’d ask is, why is this “cult of victimhood” an irritant for you ? That too may be something that is not really the core issue. Usually if things don’t bother me in my day to day living, I shrug it off. I can’t imagine a scenario in my daily life where the cult of victimhood could be a thing. I’m more likely to be bothered by my neighbors who can’t park right and makes it more difficult for me in getting in/out of my garage - literally everyday & multiple times a day. I try not to devote any time or attention to things that cause negative intense feelings & there is nothing I can do to change it - because that’s a trap and the ultimate self-inflicted mind-fuck. Maybe you’re surrounded by victims ? Or, have family history where victim behavior was common ? Or, maybe it’s something else entirely ? But, what it’s not is Harry & Meghan - it’s not like you’re going to run into them at a party and you will be subjected to them. You’re likely choosing to consume information about them given you have total control over your media sources - the question is why consume that information if it’s so distasteful ? That’s like drinking something that tastes awful.
  12. I have a neutral opinion on Harry & Meghan - they don’t rise to any level of importance for me to think about them. The only interesting thing about them is the strong dislike (and strong positive attachments) they inspire among some that appear obsessed. And specifically, the continued attention the obsessed give to H&M while wanting them “gone”. That’s an odd sort of cultural phenomenon that espouses a basic contradiction which makes no sense and unfortunately, it’s not unique to Harry & Meghan opinions. It’s a broader sign of American cultural malaise where people are relatively affluent & bored, looking for things to complain about. Their basic needs are met, so time can be spent on issues that have no actual importance. It’s also a sign that some basic critical thinking skills have been abandoned with very little (if any) self-reflection about the source of intense feeling “triggered” by Harry & Meghan. It’s not normal to have such intense feelings about something that has zero affect on one’s own life - unless there’s something else going on that is at the root of the feelings. The obsession is likely the end result of social media consumption and being fed “news” by algorithms that cause those intense feelings or passively watching television where you’re being told what to think. That’s how it works.
  13. Oracle ? More like an *exotic* parrot w talking points
  14. you referenced “recreational” drugs, not drugs that have been decriminalized. there’s a difference in terminology. recreational generally refers to legalized recreational marijuana in some states vs legalized medical use marijuana in others. and Portland doesn’t have an out-of-control crime wave anyway - it’s #62 on the list with 61 other cities with bigger problems. you’re looking for the cause of a problem that doesn’t exist relative to current & comparative US crime trends.
  15. seems to be a clear pattern here - OP posts something that he positions as current topic, but with intent to create a sideways & predictable discussion. Since the politics section is no more, this is how they do it. So boring, so predictable, so pedestrian. if you can’t get your political fix here - go to GayGuides.com which has no moderation policy & welcomes the loony passive/aggressive types.. btw - there is zero logic in a thread by those wishing for Harry & Meghan to “just go away” - and then devoting so much additional time & effort to analyze their latest adventure ad nauseum , thus ensuring the continued relevance of the couple you want to see no more ? Makes no sense & ass backwards.
  16. probably the same as the other 20 states/cities with legal recreational marijuana sale & consumption. It’s too widespread across the country to be a bigger problem in Portland than other places.
  17. why is this even mentioned ? It’s nobody’s business but his. It’s not your secret to tell. this sounds creepy because it appears that your interest in “reconnecting” is only because you now know he’s an escort. If the idea that he’s a now an escort is interesting to you (which it obviously is) - then contact him in that context and be honest about it. Honest with yourself and him. Going at this in a backwards way with an ulterior motive/agenda is sure way to an awkward encounter. This is not a difficult concept between 2 mature consenting adults. if you really missed him that much, you would either (a)still be in contact or (b) not need an escort ad to do the prompt for reconnection
  18. correct - and the media will prioritize sensational reporting to keep people watching. Example - subway crime in New York City. About 4 million people ride subways daily (post pandemic) and crime is very low relative to overall ridership, yet it’s always sensationalized because it’s the largest US media market, almost all news organizations NYC based and it generates national interest. However, when viewing New York City overall crime rate - it doesn’t even make it to the Top 20 US cities. NYC comes in at number 42 for combined incidence of violent crime, while cities like Indianapolis, Tulsa & Anchorage are in Top 20, yet almost no national reporting in those cities because there is no interest. St. Louis and Detroit seem to get mentioned sometimes given they both top crime rate lists, yet almost no reporting of other problematic cities. So, there are two factors at work. Money - media organizations make more money when more people watch or read. The key to more people is more sensational reporting. Reporting on sensational crime in NYC is about as easy as it gets and ensures national headlines/interest. Nobody cares about similar sensational crimes in Anchorage. Narrative - it confirms what many people already believe that certain cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco & Portland are the most dangerous. People like to get their beliefs confirmed in the media they consume. When something is presented that is contrary to their beliefs, they usually go elsewhere. It’s on both sides of the political divide and it is not a partisan issue - it’s human behavior in 2023 where consumers can select their media. FYI - Portland comes in at #62 in terms of incidence (per capita) violent crime. The OP is likely safer visiting Portland than almost any other US city. Interesting what happens when you actually look at statistics and start to think.
  19. you’re making the case to make personal inquiries based on someones outward appearance & how you perceive them - because you’re curious and want to know more. by this logic - should we inquire about someone’s disability because we can see it and want to know more ? Or, is there some line that dictates we use tact and discretion ? the truth is you have no idea how a random stranger will react to your personal inquires about appearance & ethnicity - some will be ok and some won’t. Just like people with disabilities - some will be ok with it and some won’t. So why go there ? do you also ask heavy women if they’re pregnant ? I mean - maybe you’re curious about that too. I’ve actually witnessed someone do this to a women who was not pregnant - at a client/vendor lunch. Want to create an awkward situation very fast, try that. Personal invasive questions that can create awkward situations are bad manners and indicate poor social skills. Find a more interesting & intelligent line of conversation. Comments about appearance are lazy & dated.
  20. Old, white, angry & watching way too much television. Usually speak in dated terminology that’s more akin to talking points. There’s no reasoning with this crowd as they’re angry at everyone/everything/everywhere. Usually angry for their own poor life choices and not happy with current circumstances - they hate change & fight it all day long. Anger rules the day above all else. I saw the same exact thing happen to my parents up close & personal. It’s a disease of the mind manifested in vitriol & anger. It’s a life lesson not to turn out like these people. Very sad.
  21. I just threw up - can it get more cringe ? obviously, yes. I feel like it’s only downhill from here nobody says woke anymore. just like exotic. it dates you. how old are you people ? I suspect the word choice is specific to their online persona here & other sites where they troll - nobody would actually talk this way in real life. Unless they want to sound very very stupid and very very old. which might be possible I guess
  22. correct - doubtful I will go back to Rio. Its natural beauty is unrivaled, yet I no longer have the tolerance for that type of urban danger. Not dissuading others from the Rio adventure, I think it helps to have realistic expectations and understand other less risky Brazil options.
  23. I love a vague reference to dark conspiracy theories while simultaneously sampling a 12 year-olds vocabulary; Touché, how very contemporary ! Viva La Matrix
  24. exactly - I was describing where vast majority of foreign visitors stay in Rio. the other Rio Zona Sul neighborhoods may offer relief from the crush of foreign tourists to seasoned visitors, however, a solitary gringo in the other areas may stick out like a sore thumb. whatever works if you don’t mind being a perpetual target the overall point was that SP has much less crime directed at tourists due to the geography of the city. much easier to blend in to SPs many fine hotel’s & restaurants
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