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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. people who desire specific pronoun usage will almost always let you know in a first encounter - after that, just respect their wishes & proceed accordingly its no more complicated than that - you do not need to understand anything beyond their wishes. keep it simple
  2. lol - there are schemes and then there are schemes. always perpetrated by those w hidden agenda & shady intent. exponentially exacerbated in the squalid recesses of anonymous Internet forums/chat rooms a tangled web of identities, deception & illusion just don't get sucked into PMs & divulge any personal information is the best advice this has grown noxious & I need air
  3. I'm not the stalker - in this scenario & this forum, you've seen the entirety of my actions. I have no alternate user names & Im not hiding anything. I'm not harassing or doxxing people offline, I'm not searching through every online sex forum for clues to find people IRL, nor am I a drooling fanboy for pornstars. Also have never contacted mods to silence someone or get them banned. Perhaps you should suggest "help" to the real stalkers here who are known & creep people out IRL. wonder who that could be ? or maybe the hypocrites with very short memories who basically facilitated a mental breakdown for sport - now it never happened ? weird how that works
  4. LOL - I think you do that all on your own I understand the truth is problematic for many here I wonder what people do in real-life, when running to mods to censor is not an option ? probably just stay at the keyboard & in the basement stalking OF, garotocomlocal & similar. Some of you do have that reputation
  5. a few basic rules from a longtime GH patron (who wants head only) 1. no means no - don’t stalk, beg or any other unwanted contact 2. no biting 3. no lube, condoms, filming, texting or other phone use 4. no trying to put my dick in your ass - this has happened sooooo many times it’s unbelievable 5. no talking or kiki w your friends (unless you want to kill the vibe fast) 6. no cologne you’re either there to get sucked or do the sucking - stick to business and get it done
  6. it’s been discussed ad nauseam - beat into the ground & left for dead want to provide a deposit and get ripped off ? go for it, it’s your money, or it was your money until you did something stupid, like a deposit otherwise - NO again - NO still don’t understand - NO
  7. you were catfished, or you were the catfisher ?
  8. not only so much negativity- but so many consequences. I read countless stories about people being fired because of social media stuff, spouses catch the other one cheating bc social media contacts, social media stalking & identify theft. And the list goes on I mean - what are the actual benefits (other than feeding narcissists never ending need for recognition) ? I really don’t see it
  9. this subject matter of interest looks very similar to someone else here - let's hope not
  10. for all things Brazil - you’ll find way more information at gayguides.com unless there are some restrictions at issue ?
  11. I see the usual suspects have bailed on Rbard aka SirBippityBobbityBoo or whatever the nom de plume dujour is at the moment
  12. you know - if it was Riobard, there would surely be S Park videos oh wait -
  13. and due to the need to be extra extra at all times while trying to insert street references et al to sound current - the end result is an incomprehensible mishmash of faux academic nonsense that native English speakers ignore the garotos don't stand a chance
  14. I have no doubt you have more accurate information. I just know these forums are like oxygen to him & he can't not react - so perhaps it's a temporary ban where he can't post. he made it clear he could sign on there, yet doesn't post. and we all know about the lack of impulse control, among other things
  15. imagine what the poor garotos must put up w from him ? my guess is at double or triple price, they still want out asap
  16. broken moral compass is putting it mildly and they know who they are - thus, all the behind the scenes maneuvering. it's all remained under cover until now
  17. as mentioned - Riobard is a metaphor for bad online behavior not a personal thing don’t be a Riobard !
  18. I’m aware - I’ll show you my dick (which is bigger than you know who)
  19. when I can screenshot it & post it - then, yeah - I own it
  20. well - that’s progress I guess in an admission of sorts. not the whole truth tho.
  21. the only reason you’re defending Riobard is to take the heat off you & how you got him banned nice work ! you should be in politics ! a very tangled web to be sure
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