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Everything posted by SouthOfTheBorder

  1. agree. some providers won’t answer alternate phone numbers - evidently, there is way to determine if it’s a “burner number” vs your real phone number as mentioned, I’ve never had anything actually happen. just not a good feeling when someone has made an effort to investigate. tbh - in the provider world, there are many guys with lots of problems. It’s a numbers game - eventually you’re going to run into someone who has bad intentions. Lots of legit guys too who are professional. but it’s not like we’re dealing with a regulated & licensed profession- buyer beware
  2. not familiar with either club, other than basic location. be very very careful in those areas after dark.
  3. he looks like a crackhead - and the former partner even worse.
  4. great review of Lagoa. I’m assuming you probably have some specific contact information for garotos you met & liked. When you get private messages asking for that information (and you will) - do not give it out. Keep all your contacts for you only. All you need is for one creeper to ruin a nice relationship.
  5. Have you ever been stalked by a provider ? Something like after the meeting, they go looking for personal information about the client. Once they have a real phone number, they can find out almost anything. And if they’ve been to your home, then even worse. I’ve definitely had a couple guys let me know they knew more information about me. Nothing ever happened, but a general feeling that someone is up to no good and trying to leverage something. In todays world of course, that doesn’t just happen with providers. Anyone can do it if they think they have some valuable information. Kind of twisted & creepy for sure. Then factor in all the information available online and it’s a breeding ground for the mentally unwell.
  6. from my own limited experience with “creators” who also advertise on RM - try to schedule & see what happens. They seem much more interested in “collabs” with other creators vs clients. I only tried once or twice with those types and it became far too troublesome. Now, I wills specifically avoid them. my view is true providers are like massage therapists and similar personal services. I’m absolutely not going to chase them and it’s supposed to at my convenience. Once it starts to be at their convenience, then I’m no longer interested. Obviously, many guys spend hours on the apps with no meetings, so I suppose chasing creators is just next level of the same. And let’s be honest - many just want to engage the creators with absolutely no intention of ever hiring them. And the creators know this game very well.
  7. it also varies by location. when I hired a creator, it was in Brazil where I think it’s much more likely to happen. In the US, successful creators really can’t be bothered with escort work. Too much risk with no upside
  8. no, not a good strategy. if creators wanted to be known or marketed as escorts, then they would do precisely that. It seems as though you may want the thing that is more difficult or less attainable vs the easy option of contacting someone that clearly advertises their escort services. Im sure there will be several anecdotal stories to follow of a major score with a creator turned escort. I hired a OF creator once as escort that didn't advertise- although that happened organically and I wouldn't spend my time chasing a similar scene. Depends how you want to spend your time I guess. I do like to hire escorts that have robust social media because that provides another layer of security & they are much less likely to be scammers IMO
  9. interesting. I thought because of the most recent medical impersonation thread imbroglio & subsequent repercussions, one would be chastened vs emboldened. let’s hope refraining from public threats is the next iteration. fyi - this is not a personal attack, but rather an observation of behavior on this site. although it’s certain the mods will be summoned in an effort to censor One has to wonder why all the effort to suppress known behavior online & off ?? It’s the offline behavior directed towards members using this site that is most problematic. Of course, the mods have no idea about that. Problematic is being way too kind
  10. assuming you have pics & other ways for exact identification of the culprit - you have leverage. Now, how you use it is another question. I think with exact ID and description of theft, the police would act if they can locate him. Seems it would be easier for provider to return the goods before it escalates with a warrant for arrest or similar. perhaps Im totally naive in the world of thieves
  11. In America these days, the assumption must be that any public-facing job will be met by stupidity, selfishness, maybe violence & worse. Just look at the constant horror stories from flight attendants, hotel workers, store cashiers, etc. Its getting worse not better I would imagine in the provider context, it’s even more problematic. Unfortunately, you cannot change it. It’s either accept it as a given or change professions. The increasing lack of civility seems to be a uniquely American thing. You just don’t see the same aggression & entitlement in other places.
  12. Have you read some of the posts on this board ? There are members here who specialize in convoluted/verbose/obnoxious posts just to fill up their day The worst of them shall remain nameless - however, the main offender seems to have recently departed. And, I don’t think it was by his choice. Karma indeed
  13. right - because the medical equipment manufacturers (scooters) are paying the politicians too. When the American people are more unhealthy (obese), companies make more money for products/services to treat obese patients.
  14. actually - almost all food in US has some sort of preservative or additives for various reasons. The lobbyists pay way too much money to the politicians to keep the American food supply unhealthy. It’s not intended to be unhealthy, but that’s what happens when the suppliers are allowed to use additives/preservatives with almost no restrictions (as compared to Europe where it’s strictly regulated). thus begins the cycle of obesity & poor health, which feeds into the US healthcare system which is focused on crisis management vs preventative care. You may disagree - but the fact is the US life expectancy is declining, which is in sharp contrast to other rich developed countries. Some will blame Covid, guns or fentanyl, etc. Regardless, other rich developed countries do not have these same problems - it’s a unique American failure. It’s actually a crisis of unlimited corporate money to politicians that dictates public policy which does not serve the people. Pure & simple corruption
  15. huh - what is this about ? more machinations to obscure the most recent problematic thread, which in fact, proves all of the prior allegations And of course, that thread was removed in its entirety. curious indeed
  16. she’s a bit more restrained (yet, still so obvious) these days & still working the underside to censor & control. my sense is they are finally figuring out the games as she has left an indisputable electronic trail. and now exposed. cue the southpark videos !
  17. I’m genuinely curious how “on retainer” works & costs. other than typical “arrangements” which tend to be very expensive, basically supporting a lifestyle with a monthly stipend.
  18. to clarify - the only reason to go to Ft Lauderdale is Johnson’s land it’s relatively cheap by American standards (and you won’t get laid or even close) so, if you’re onboard for that, then go otherwise- almost anywhere South of the Border is recommended !
  19. fyi - there hasn’t been a Santa Monica Blvd “scene” since about 1990 Only 33 years ago, but who’s counting ?? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
  20. yes - I would only go to a hosting situation in a city where I know the territory very well. Otherwise, I select the venue
  21. very alive - and if you have a scent fetish, then I highly recommend Thursdays w the house strippers look for Scorpio
  22. I would never assume a provider is hosting - unless it's clearly stated in profile & confirmed while making appointment. It's a plus if they do, but not an absolute requirement
  23. at the cock, the dancers are secondary entertainment. most people are there to meet other customers for a dancer centric venue - check Spunk at Monster (and Pieces), & Adonis/Fairytale. I don't think anyone is going to cock for stripper encounters
  24. if only some could take their own well-considered advice unfortunately, it will never happen
  25. "Try" is the key - when dealing with any uncertain subject matter. Once the person knows you're trying, they almost always will assist w your understanding & usage. It's an opportunity to learn something - take it not complicated, unless the desire is to make it complicated
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