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  1. Like
    omgazn reacted to Vulgarii in Woman weighed like baggage before flight!   
    It's a small ass tiny minority that's into fat guys or the morbidly obese.
  2. Like
    omgazn reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in I feel the RM community needs to also go on strike   
    With everyone in Hollywood doing their walk outs, I wonder how that would look for us?
    I personally feel it’s time. I have emailed to RentMen and RentMasseur, and Adam4Adam (I know, not the greatest for trying to find clients…But there’s still some gems on occasion) my suggestions, but nothing ever seems to get done. I feel we as advertisers need to stop accepting whatever is defaulted and stand up. This isn’t directly an assault towards RM, but they are controlling the ship…and the ship has hit an 🏔️ 🚢 and is filling with water. 
    What would a strike benefit? Here’s some changes I would
    #1: allow paying escorts to access a private portal of reported clients that we can report (this doesn’t have to compromise client confidentiality). The current “app” for doing this, I find isn’t know by providers in smaller markets. Plus they charge a fee, so some people probably don’t use it as much. It’s also kinda glitchy and vague. We need something like what men4rent offered, before the RB raid scared them into shutting down. I have seen a website offer this option, as explained here.

    #2: rates need to be reinstated, plainly. Not hidden somewhere. it’s no reason I need to be arguing and fussing and low balling with clients who don’t know my rates before contacting. It should show when the click our number. It also doesn’t need to be in reference to sex, simply: the cost to host you, the cost to travel to you. Period. Nothing else implied .
    #3: No more free private gallery/videos. They need to pay for extra content
    #4: Cut the “available now” to “available today. Nobody is ever available now unless you’re at a bath house or nudist beach. Unless: a person is indoors for 2 days straight, not stepping out at all and can maintain that consistently: it’s most likely not possible. But I go ahead and put “available now” anyway because I am “available today”.
    #5: Educate clients with a simple pop up, showing them a brief tutorial how to book. They should be informed; an escort may ask for your name. Your age, location. Basic details about yourself. Don’t make them have to fish it from you. Too many buffoons hit me up not wanting to share anything about themselves, thinking I’m just going to go to them or open my door to a complete ghost with no info. 
    #6: anything else someone can add…should be promoted.
    What would a strike look like?
    Taking down our numbers, disabling email contact. Let them stare and be unable to book until change is made. Let them know: I am temporarily unavailable while we come up with a better way for providers and clients to establish boundaries on the rentmen platform 🪧 
    I know it’s not as simple as that but, even just acknowledging these things and discussing it with RM could make a difference.
  3. Like
    omgazn reacted to + ThroatCummer in Hitting on someone   
    Awesome thread.  
    As far as reading the room and knowing who to approach, that comes with age and experience. I hate to say it but that is no substitute. By my age (I am 46) you still have enough youth and energy and looks to execute and the wisdom and experience to know who to approach and how to do it in a non-threatening way, that I will be honest... my rate is better than 1 in 10. Maybe 1 in 8 or even 1 in 7. But there are so many factors there. My father also had two girlfriends on the side during the time he was married to my mother. That "game" or "charm" is in my genetics. That can even be a factor, who knows? 
    For the example about small conversation about the cheese, I approached a guy last night on the beach. He had his motorcycle parked on the street directly in front of him and was sitting on the seawall, alone, looking at the sky, not on the phone, just staring into the night.  It was a warm mid-summer evening and nobody else was around. 
    I opened with "nice bike man" 
    HIM: "Thanks. I love it" 
    ME: "What is it?"
    HIM [don't remember his reply, that wasn't what I was after]
    ME: "That's awesome. How come you're sitting here alone? Just soaking up the day and night?"
    HIM "yea. I just had an argument" [no gender or reference given] "and needed to get out of the house for a while. You?"
    ME: "I hear you. I was just hungry and came from the place down the street and I am walking home now. I live right over there" [points] "alone and will be doing the same as you tonight"
    ... at this point he starts talking about random stuff. It was clear he didn't get my hint or suggestion, and I wanted to get home, so I but my losses. 
    Did I strike out? Was this a win or loss?
    I don't count it really, because I didn't invest the time to seeing it through to the end of the conversation.  The opening and conversation was there and it flowed. If I had of invested the time to see it through, I would have gotten him to reveal his sexuality at some point and/or proposed an offer he come hang out at my place on the balcony and watch the ocean and night from there and/or that I was gay and had an ex-BF, a current FB, a partner, single, whatever. My point is, I would have changed my responses to mirror his situation in an effort to make him more comfortable in that moment to get what I want out of him. 
    His reaction dictates where the "count" above comes from. I hope this all makes sense and ya'll can learn from my random rambling, lol. 
  4. Like
    omgazn reacted to dbar123 in Why some clients can't figure it out and escort's location?   
    I’ve had many instances where the posted escort locations didnt match reality so I never totally trust what’s printed. This is especially true when escorts have an agenda with 5 or more serial locations. It’s easy to get thrown off schedule especially if you’re flying 
  5. Haha
    omgazn reacted to socurious in Gonorreahpta in NYC   
    Who is gonna hire him? The name itself is a turn off. 
  6. Haha
    omgazn reacted to + nycman in Do people regret escorting?   
    I mean, I knew you were a whore. I just never thought you’d be "bad" at it.
    Let’s be honest, there’s a 50-50 chance it was "before the telephone".
    You sold your ass on the Philly "Mary Go Round"?!?!
    I knew we had more in common than just living in Philly. 
    Remind me not to ask you for a blow job at the next Palm Springs gathering. 
    Every time I put out for a promotion/grade, I got the god damn promotion/grade. 
    Without confirming or denying anything.
    I have zero regrets. A boys gotta do what boys gotta do. 
  7. Haha
    omgazn reacted to + Coolwave35 in Do people regret escorting?   
    Ohhhhhhh!   During the pandemic I participated in the Adonis sex shows via zoom as a panelist / co-host. One of the viewers sent me screenshots of the cam scenes I had done 20 years before. It was wild to me that A) this person had been in those yahoo chat room / video lobbies and B) found me attractive enough to save an image for 20 years and C) recognized me enough to put the two together despite not looking like a 20 year old anymore and D) knew exactly where those images were saved 20 years later to be able to share it with me 
    My first reaction was damnnnnnnn I looked good when I was young. Second was God, I hope this isn’t the guy sending me anonymous hate letters threatening to expose me as a sexual deviant and sex trafficker. All in a day. 
  8. Like
    omgazn got a reaction from coriolis888 in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I left one or two bad reviews before and they were all removed.
    All the reviews were because I was catfished. Russian/Asian Provider are the biggest offenders of Catfishing. That is why I started Googling the provider and that is how I found this forum. Definitely more creditable on this site then the reviews on that actual site.
  9. Like
    omgazn got a reaction from TorontoDrew in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I left one or two bad reviews before and they were all removed.
    All the reviews were because I was catfished. Russian/Asian Provider are the biggest offenders of Catfishing. That is why I started Googling the provider and that is how I found this forum. Definitely more creditable on this site then the reviews on that actual site.
  10. Like
    omgazn reacted to marylander1940 in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    Sometimes posters on here are a bit paranoid.
    If you googled it there's a record, in fact all our posts on here could be retrieved with the legal consequences of our actions. 
    Escorts care about reviews, only paying members review can review them under the current circumstances, right? Therefore, some escorts might appreciate "reviewing members" more than non reviewing members.
    For the record, I left RM after my negative review of Czech Jock was removed. I was never a paying member, they don't have my CC in file but they have my IP address, and they also have yours considering you also read that site and I guess occasionally hire from it. 
    Czech_Jock - Male Escort, Gay massage - Raleigh | Rent.Men
    RENT.MEN Czech_Jock Gay Escort in Raleigh, North Carolina, available for Gay Escorting,Modeling,Erotic Massage. | Find all the best Male Escorts at Rent.Men  
  11. Like
    omgazn reacted to jtwalker in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I have hired a few highly-reviewed people who have been a complete waste of time.  A couple of them have tried to solicit reviews, so I suspect that is how they drive the numbers up.  Bad reviews tend to disappear.  Even I will no longer leave bad reviews after receiving threats from 2 of the 4 people I gave a bad review.  The threats were stupid and irrelevant, but I don't see the point in stirring up trouble just to slap a bad provider with a bad review.  I doubt I'm alone in this.
    Beyond reading the actual text descriptions, do you find any value in RM reviews at all?
  12. Applause
    omgazn reacted to RexB in 411 on new ad in NYC---Blonde_jock   
    Well, I guess I’ll find out because we’re scheduled to meet on Sunday. 
  13. Surprised
    omgazn got a reaction from pubic_assistance in KaiJohansson in NYC - name change from KaiJohnson   
    I got ask for a pic without evening talking to him

  14. Like
    omgazn got a reaction from Ali Gator in $300 versus $150/$200…   
    You mention you are finding a hard time with hotels. If you are staying in hotel frequently, then I sign up for those reward cards and membership. They often have deals/promotion that help reduce the cost.
  15. Haha
    omgazn reacted to wsc in Escort Suggestion For "Hot Guy"   
    Then that should make me one of greatest tops on earth.😄 But I just don't have it in me.
  16. Sad
    omgazn reacted to colonexstacy in WARNING FOR GAY COMMUNITY DETROIT   
    Gentleman I am going to include  screenshots so you will see the evidence of what I am going to post here. I have written a lot the last few months on this site of some great experiences as well as a couple of most bizarre. I am taking a risk because in the Detroit area currently, as well as heading toward other directions eventually on his calendar plate, is a man who uses his handle as Alpha_one. I texted him asking if he was available for a session in Detroit  this evening. Five  hours later I had not heard back and I noticed in his ad that he was listed in every city in Michigan. In my second text I asked if he was currently in fact in detroit. Again no response. I discovered he had blocked me on the site. I only discovered him today therefore there has been no previous communication. Rather than telling me why he blocked me you will see in the screenshot where he told me to f off and die and used the derogatory term f a g g o t. And this guy is making money off of the gay community. What he did next is the second one. As if that is not enough of a warning which  I'm hoping you gentlemen will steer clear of him,  he told me (as you will see noted here)  that he was going to post my number on Twitter. And he did.   Within 20 minutes I had 34 different men all over the United States calling me. I kid you not. I will not post screenshots of all the incoming calls because I am not going to publish their numbers in the public as more than likely this topic would be pulled and I don't want it to disappear as I want to warn people for safety measures. I have edited one screenshot of the phone number of this provider so as not to reveal all his digits that you may be able to see in fact it is his ad if you decide for yourself to examine that. I offer all of this information with fine detail because otherwise I think some of you readers would become skeptical as to wondering if any of this is fabricated or exaggerated. It clearly is not. Twitter has a policy and evidently they put it into place where they pulled my name off of his page and removed my phone number. He was in direct violation of their community conduct guidelines. I am going to conclude this topic not  saying another word presently as I'm going to spend some quiet time in contemplation.
    Moderator's Note: Personal information and images of private conversations have been redacted.
  17. Haha
    omgazn reacted to CuriousByNature in Photoshop right?   
    Found an original face pic before it was Facetuned...

  18. Like
    omgazn reacted to coriolis888 in BEWARE BEWARE - LOOK WHO IS BACK IN TOWN   
    A leopard never changes its spots, however, they sometimes do a good job covering them up.
    As said by many, be cautious of this guy and it is best to avoid him.  
  19. Like
    omgazn reacted to + azdr0710 in BEWARE BEWARE - LOOK WHO IS BACK IN TOWN   
    thanks for your comment, but I know many straight guys who make a buck in entirely honorable ways........Dale ain't one of those......
  20. Sad
    omgazn reacted to builder boy in BEWARE BEWARE - LOOK WHO IS BACK IN TOWN   
    So here’s my Vegas story.   He shows up, in fact we fly together.  We check in and he NEEDS the Room for a couple hours of “Work” so I meet some friends for Drinks, but not before he asks for his deposit.    I thought well he’s here so no big deal.   He finally arrives for a drink and says he’s hungry so he departs and is acting very removed from me and the evening.    
    When I get back to the Encore, he’s gone with his belongings and my 2k.    
    Simply the WORST.  
    Nor does he resemble the pictures.    
  21. Haha
    omgazn reacted to pubic_assistance in BryanGrove In NYC   
    38 and "average".
    He seems to be going for a small niche market
  22. Like
    omgazn reacted to + tassojunior in When the provider shows up in my social media...   
    gotta say, following Colin Simpson's been a hoot this year with his fights with wife. Now that they're back he's deleting several but he kept me on one (he'll be back). It got viciously worse for four days then they made up next day. Of course that was April.....

  23. Agree
    omgazn got a reaction from Medin in Client Etiquette: Don’t ask how much, and then say it’s too much…   
    I agree with southoftheborder. I doesn't hurt to answer some potential common questions. Reviews, location and cost is a pretty big factor in this area.
  24. Thanks
    omgazn got a reaction from claym in Tokyo Kids and their other branches   
    I found this gay tokyo guide. Might be helpful for people. https://gaytravel.jp/en/tokyo
  25. Thanks
    omgazn got a reaction from gdgd85 in Tokyo Kids and their other branches   
    I found this gay tokyo guide. Might be helpful for people. https://gaytravel.jp/en/tokyo
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