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Posts posted by SundayZip

  1. Maybe my memory is wrong, but it seems like there used to be a lot more posting about the Montreal strip clubs.  Now there's very little. I'm wondering why.  

    Could it be that the Stock Bar has lost its appeal to guys like us and we're not going there anymore?  From what I’ve read in forum threads, Stock has become a magnet for 'girls night out'... it's now more of a loud, bachelorette party atmosphere. That, and drag shows. It least that's what it sounds like from what I'm reading on this site. That leaves the Campus. It sounds like it's going strong. Someone posted that there are more female clients, but it still has more of a chill atmosphere and is a fun, comfortable place for guys like me who like chatting with the dancers and, of course, spending money on sexy lap dances. 

    I haven't been to Montreal since before the pandemic and am considering a return trip, but the infrequent postings about the strip clubs make me wonder if a trip is worth it.  

    Any insights?

  2. On 6/25/2023 at 6:22 PM, keroscenefire said:

    Is it just me or has the quality of the escort experience declined recently? Maybe because I had such good luck with regulars previously, but it just seems like the guys I'm hiring recently are just not able to provide a great experience.

    Sorry if this is too complaining, but I am just curious if anyone else is feeling like hiring is more and more like paying $300 for a bad Grindr hookup.

    Many people are saying that The Global Union of Escorts (GUE) has negotiated a new contract that establishes a lower baseline for non-discretional client services. You could check the GUE website for an updated listing of non-discretional services, but the site is currently down. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Because you applied this logic to your statement that it's ok for p.o.c. to play white but not white to play p.o.c. 


    I believe you're misinterpreting my statement in a way that supports your presupposition that I have a hypocritical point of view.  Let me paraphrase what I said in I way that you might understand: 

    "A white actor planning Malcom X would be jarring; the color of his skin is essential to Malcom X's role in US history."  In this instance, I would not like to see a white actor playing a black character:

    "On the flip side, I would not like to see a black actor playing George Wallace as governor of Alabama."  In this instance, I would not like to see a black actor playing a white character:


  4. 30 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Although I don't disagree with the individual examples you made. I am curious to know if you are aware of the hypocrisy in your overall philosophy?

    Which is: ok for people of color to play white but not ok for white people to play people of color. 

    Pick a side.

    Either color matters or it doesn't. 

    "<...> are you aware of the hypocrisy in your overall philosophy?
    Which is: ok for people of color to play white but not ok for white people to play people of color."

    Huh? What made you think this is my philosophy? 

  5. I don't think casting should [always] be 100% color blind. In some instances, the color of the actor's skin makes a difference to me. A white actor planning Malcom X would be jarring; the color of his skin is essential to Malcom X's role in US history. On the flip side, I would not like to see a black actor playing George Wallace as governor of Alabama. But the color of an actor's skin playing the Abbess in the Sound of Music or Curly in Oklahoma is not so relevant to the story or to their performance.  

  6. On 6/18/2023 at 8:52 PM, Kippy said:

    It's not unlike the TV portrayal of the "The Sound of Music" live a few years back.  The actress that portrayed the Abbess of Nonnberg was a black woman.  Call me silly...a black abbess in 1937 Austria?  It's a hell of a lot more than just a "good actress" performing a role.  Just a smidge of historical reality is needed to pull it off.  I don't see Woody Harrelson vying for the roles of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X.



    Were you bothered by the Abbess singing in English in 1930's Austria? How about Maria's cute 1960's pixie haircut?  Or what about the full orchestra (just out of sight) that followed Maria and the Von Trapp children on their bicycles and into Maria's bedroom? Which deviations from reality are okay and which are not?  

  7. The OP may have a good reason to not post the provider's identify or even the city. I had an unfortunate interaction with a provider a few years ago after which he did something very vindictive. I did not want to post his identify or even what happened for fear that he would recognize me and retaliate. I've since learned that he is that sort of person. Although, I too, would like to know the identify of the provider, I'm inclined to respect the OPs decision to not post it.

  8. IncomeStrategy.com looks interesting. Thanks @jrhoutex! I've been doing annual Roth Conversion since 2016. My financial advisor recommended an amount based on my finances and income tax brackets at the time and I haven't varied from that amount (probably a mistake).  Going forward, I want to be a smarter about the amount. I've started a spreadsheet to help me do some forecasting scenarios, but it's not likely to be as sophisticated as incomeStrategy.com. I'll investigate. 

  9. My taxable income is going to explode when I turn 73. Yikes! 😵  Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)s from a tax-deferred IRA account are the biggest culprits.  When I add RMDs to existing pension income and social security, which I'll start taking at age 70, my taxable, ordinary income (excludes capital gains) will be the highest of my entire life. And, of course, Medicare part B and D premiums will go way up due to the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) adjustments. This pains me. 

    I'd interested in hearing what others are doing (or have done) to mitigate or reduce their RMD driven tax bomb?  

  10. I frequently read statements from health experts that we need, at minimum, 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. They say that less than that has negative consequences such as lower cognitive ability, increased cancer risk, a shorter life span, impaired immune system and more. If I sleep 7 hours (or more) it's probably because I'm ill or have been sleep deprived. for a day or two... so I find all warnings about my supposed sleep deprivation disconcerting. 

    From reading the Lunesta/sleep aides thread, I know that others struggle with getting enough sleep.  Do you have a target number of hours you feel you should be sleeping every night? If so, how does that compare to the number of hours you actually get? I'm usually at under 6 hours per night but feel that I should be at 7. 

  11. Being a fan of Neil Patrick Harris, I had looked forward to watching this series but after the first couple episodes, was asking myself, do these characters actually represent a segment of the NYC gay community? Not being a New Yorker myself, I thought, well... maybe this is want is meant by A-List gays. If so, put me in the D-list (no, make that the Z-list). 

    I forced myself to watch all 8 episodes of season 1 although there were several times I had to mute the TV and look away, it was just that insipid and cliched.  I have no plans to watch season 2. 

  12. 20 hours ago, Charlie said:

    Some of my longtime platonic friends have been guys that I had sex with once when we first met, and never again. What started as sexual attraction quickly morphed simply into pleasure in one another's company.

    This reminds me of a conversation I had a few years ago with a straight friend after his divorce. He was bemoaning the fact that it had always been his wife starting new friendships for the couple and, now that he was single, he found it difficult for a guy to make new friends on his own. We talked about some of my friendships that had started out as sexual hookups and he joked that he should start hooking up with guys as a way to get new friends. 

  13. @Jarrod_Uncut, When I read the title of this thread, I interpreted "connecting" as being a non-sexual connection that continued beyond the initial meeting. Then, reading through your post, it seems that you're referring to a sexual connection (ie, a hookup).  I'd count myself as one of those men that would "ghost" you after learning that you're actually looking for a hookup or something longer involving sex.  I value platonic friendships that can start with a personal, non-sexual connection and have been disappointed when I learn that a potential friend really wants something else. 

  14. As a college Freshman, I had a huge crush on the guy across the hall in my dormitory.  He gave me his room key one weekend when he planned to be away and I went into his room and held his used underwear against my face as I masturbated. 

    Took a piss in the portico of an apartment building after looking everywhere for a restroom and my bladder was about to burst. 

    Served homemade lentil soup at a dinner party and forgot that one of my guests had recently become a vegetarian. (The soup is simmered with a smoked ham hock which is removed before the soup is served.)  He detected the smokey flavor and asked if there was ham in the soup. I told him, no, the flavor came from a mesquite spice I put in the soup.  

    The list of bad things I've done is endless.

  15. I was initially neutral on cryptocurrency, thinking, if some people want to speculate, why not?  But then I started learning about its environmental impact.

    “The University of Cambridge estimates that Bitcoin alone generates 132.48 terawatt-hours (TWh) annually, which easily surpasses the annual energy usage of Norway at 123 TWh in 2020. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by this energy usage will vary depending on how that energy was created. But in 2020, the US — where 35.4% of Bitcoin mining takes place since China banned cryptocurrency mining in 2021 — created .85 pounds of carbon dioxide per kWh. This results in nearly 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide produced by US Bitcoin mining alone.”   Business Insider March-2022

    “The environmental concern comes from the estimated carbon footprint generated by the power plants providing that energy. And it isn’t just mining that uses lots of power—a single Bitcoin transaction is estimated to burn 2,292.5 kilowatt hours of electricity, enough to power a typical US household for over 78 days.PCMag January-2022

    Some cryptocurrencies are investigating ways to reduce energy consumption, but with limited success.  If/when the cryptocurrency world can solve the environmental impact problem, I might be on board.

  16. It seems to me that, when a physician in a state that has legalized "death with dignity" turns away a terminal patient for asking for help, the physician is acting as though they are morally superior to the patient. The physician is also deciding that it's okay for the patient to die a slow, difficult, and potentially painful death. I don't see how this is in the best interest of the patient or improving life. 

  17. New site looks great!  But Norton Web Safe blocks it.  Norton allows subscribers to dispute this webpage block which I have done.  The online dispute form asks for a site content description from a drop-down-list. I selected "Adult Content".  There were other options such as Social Networking, Dating, Educational, etc. but I figured Adult Content was pretty close.  The automated Norton response said that it could take a couple days for my dispute to be processed.  Meanwhile, I disabled the Norton extension on my web browser.









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