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Anti-Kissing techniques used by escorts

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Guys, need your input here.

I am decent looking and usually my escorts make out with me big time. However, I recently had a 2-nighter with a well reviewed escort that was described as a "great", "amazing" and "passionate" kisser. Unfotunately whenver I wanted to deep kiss, he would poke the tip of his tongue out and keep it there in a frozen manner.

Later on I asked him in an email why he was so reserved in kissing and he replied that he didn't figure out that kissing was important to me!!!!!! (Is kissing something that needs figuring out?)

So my question, the tip of the tongue thing, is that a kiss-blocking technique? Are there any other techniques (like the rolled back lips) you guys want to share?

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Again... An instance of not being totally upfront with the escort and then things not going the way someone had planned~


Be honest! When you initially email someone, let them know if you have a super-hot fetish for tongue action :)


It'll make things easier in the longrun and hopefully there won't be any remaining quams. As much as we try, escorts aren't always perfect mind-readers, but the whole kissing matter is pretty cut & dry IMO.


If i'm not rock hard as the shirt comes off, i know swapping some spit with another guy will do it for me.


I'm getting chubby just thinking about it :) lol.



Warmest Always,




Benjamin Nicholas

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>If i'm not rock hard as the shirt comes off, i know swapping

>some spit with another guy will do it for me.


Swapping spit? Benjamin, you hopeless romantic, you. :p By the way, be careful what you post here; someone's going to misinterpret your post and cough up some phlegm in your face. It could happen! :o


>I'm getting chubby just thinking about it :)


You might want to lay off the Hostess Twinkies, Rose. (Sorry, I can never resist a good Sophia Petrillo comeback.) :+

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Bad breath can be a real turn off. Brushing and mouthwash are not enough when someone's teeth are rotting away. Not trying to imply that this applies to you, but I have met escorts who otherwise would be a "10" but their oral hygine reduced them to a "5".

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Ok here is my thought, I think kissing is a huge plus and I love to do it. I dont think my client should ask if I like kissing or not I perssonaly think sex is a sin without it.


As for bad breath I have noted that you can kiss through anything as long as you keep at it. However I do try to maintain good dental and other hygene.

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>"Brushing and mouthwash are not enough when someone's teeth

>are rotting away."


>Just like condoms are not enough when when someone's nasty,

>diseased cock is oozing all kinds of filthiness.


Don't mince words or pussy-foot around the issue Hawk----just say what you really mean.;-)

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I know this is unpleasant to hear but one possibility is that you just might be a bad kisser and it was turning him off. The thing with "deep kissing" is if it's not done properly, it's basically just someone's slimy tongue being jammed down your throat. It's not very passionate...


Everyone, halitosis is a horrible thing. Let's all do our best to prevent it.

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One thing you didn't mention is whether you are a smoker or not. Personally, I find it distasteful to kiss someone whose mouth tastes like an ashtray. Never having been a smoker, I used to tolerate it when I was younger as many more guys smoked then, but now with smoking falling out of fashion, at least in some places, I usually avoid smokers altogether. Of course, this may not be relevant in your case but just thought I would bring it up.

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I was VERY upfront with the escort! Four days prior to his arrival I sent him a short email telling him VERY clearly what I sexually liked (it was all very plain vanilla) and I quote "I love making out and foreplay. Lots of deep kissing, holding, touching, exploring, and oral". His response was "I am very flexible and for me it is important to make my partner happy in everything we do."


And as mentioned, his many reviews stated what a great kisser he is. Also, I am only three years older than he is, decent looking and usually escorts have no problem deep kissing me. Also, I do not smoke, use mint mouth wash and consider myself a good kisser (point is we never kissed as he blocked it with his tip-of-the-tongue-poking technique).


Also, I tried kissing him God-knows how many times over the course of two days! You don't have to be a mind reader for something so basic and intuitive - after all, I would say kissing comes in the job description of an escort!


So what is the deal with the tip-of-the-tongue-poking? Thanks.

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gayray, a fleeting thought, did you not clarify your concern about his kissing technique immediately, like in the first two minutes, or did you keep it a secret from him for two days.


I get into kissing immediately. If it is not the type of kissing I like, I simply stop and tell him. Its never really been a problem. I love to deep kiss and (this is extra) love to suck spent cock and deep kiss again. Sooooo fucking succulent -- its what dreams are made of. Later.:p

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Jack, no I did not say anything as I did not want to start an unpleasant discussion. (A) In the email I had made it quite clear that I love kissing. (B) All but one of his reviewers describe him as a "great" "amazing" "passionate" kisser © There was no kissing coming from him whatsoever (D) There was really no technique on his behalf, except whenever my tongue (gently) ventured near his lips the tip of this tongue would poke out and stay there! (E) IMHO, kissing is such a basic and intuitive part of intimacy that I have never before had to discuss it with someone, you just do it and enjoy it! (F) After all, this was with an escort and not my accountant! Kissing is an inherent part of a sex-workers job description.


Has no one else encountered this or similar Kiss-Blocking techniques?

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>Jack, no I did not say anything as I did not want to start an

>unpleasant discussion.


Hey, you're paying for his time! Next time, don't worry about "starting an unplesant discussion"... when it comes right down to it, the escort is providing you a service and you have the right to ask for the kind of service you want without worrying about him getting bent out of shape. This is the difference between hiring an escort and a more conventional hookup or date -- you're in charge and you should be able to be more frank with an escort and not worry about offending him. If he's offended, and it's something that's really important to you and you've already discussed it beforehand in your e-mail, you have every right to tell him politely but directly that this won't work out, and the appointment is over. I'm sorry you had to put up with this for two days!


I've never heard of this tongue-tip kiss blocking thing... to me it sounds like it would look pretty funny, if it weren't so annoying under the circumstances. Where did he come up with that? When I've found that someone doesn't want to kiss, they usually just pull away or otherwise make it physically impossible, but fortunately this doesn't happen often since I love kissing and so do most of the guys I meet. I can respect if someone doesn't want to kiss, so I'm not put out if he doesn't want to, but if you've deliberately sought and negotiated with someone and mentioned kissing, you have a right to respect that.

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I think all of us who hire escorts with any degree of regularity have had some less than perfect experiences. Maybe the escort in question doesn't kiss as well as we would like (as in this case), maybe he doesn't suck as well as we would like, maybe he doesn't converse as well as we would like, etc., etc. This can happen even when the escort in question has multiple outstanding reviews and we have tried to make clear our expectations by both email and telephone. Yet if we have hired him for only an hour or lunch/dinner and a couple of hours of play time, as I do, we really haven't lost a great deal. Now if what we're talking about is TWO DAYS that's a totally different matter. I have spent short amounts of time with numerous escorts but have traveled extensively with only two. I had spent time with both of the escorts with whom I currently travel and thus felt assured that the time together would be satisfying for the both of us. I wasn't mistaken all of our trips thus far have been fantastic. The one thing I have learned is that I would NEVER arrange a first session with an escort of more than a couple hours. Once I known what to expect then I may consider a longer arrangement.

Maybe the answer to your question is experiment with a short appointments before you commit to long one.

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It certainly sounds like he was trying to fulfill the letter of the contract by kissing, but without really kissing--in fact, by trying with that technique to discourage you from kissing. Without discussing it with him, it would be impossible to know whether he didn't want to kiss because of something about you, or possibly something about him: sore throat, toothache, canker sore, bitten tongue, bleeding gums, etc. If something like this were to happen again, you should just ask, "Is there some reason why you don't want to really kiss tonight?"

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Charlotte York


>Be honest! When you initially email someone, let them know if

>you have a super-hot fetish for tongue action


. . .

> As much as we try, escorts

>aren't always perfect mind-readers, but the whole kissing

>matter is pretty cut & dry IMO.


You have already received excellent advise from Benjy and several of the other escorts (as well as the clients who commented seriously), but frankly it appears as if you read what most of the long term clients have posted as advise on this site and what many of the capable escorts have offered as opinions. The only problem I see hear is that the escort did not, at least in this aspect of the engagement, perform either as clearly requested, as the escort had been represented in his reviews or, as the escort suggested he would act.


Based on your representations, I believe you were clear in what you expected and wanted from the experience. Based on his reviews, you also should have anticipated receiving what you expected and wanted. If someone reviewed me and wrote, for example, Franco sucks huge cock like no one else's business, I would have felt obligated to write an ESCORT RESPONSE to clarify that while I enjoy oral sex and like to do my best, I definitely have trouble with amply endowed individuals, I have never really successfully deep throated anyone who was not average or below in endowment, and even then, in spite of my numerous attempts at applying the Munroe patented techinques, I still have a strong gag reflex. Frankly, any escort who would not bother to correct any potentially mistaken impression which most reasonable people might derive from their reviews, particularly from repeated reviews, is allowing misrepresentation to occur.


Finally, to my way of thinking, if the escort states that his clients enjoyment or satisfaction are paramount concerns, then he should act that way. If I was engaged for a two day hire and the client made it clear that sucking face was important, I would attempt to discuss, negotiate or work around any problems. If it was bad breath, for example, or smoking, I would simply politely and sensitively raise the issue as something that was keeping both of us from enjoying intimacy more directly. There are any number of reasonable ways these things can and should be dealt with when they come up during any long term hire situation.


On the otherhand, I do believe you should have, with as much concern and kindness as an escort might comment to a client, raised the issue during the first hours that it arose or repeated itself. Additionally, and as most clients have frequently and consistently cautioned and recommended, a two day hire without any previous experience between the escort and the client is not a good recipe for success. If you had hired the escort for an hour appointment beforehand, you could have dealt with the kissing issue afterwards and either resolved or engaged someone else.


>If i'm not rock hard as the shirt comes off, i know swapping

>some spit with another guy will do it for me.


There is an episode in the early seasons of Sex In The City, where Kristan Davis' character is dating a man who is otherwise "good on paper" but kisses badly. The other women in the show tell her to dump him because a bad kisser is "non-negotiable." Their thinking is that if the man is a bad kisser, he is also likely bad in bed.


In a client/escort situation, there may be clients who dislike or who are disappointed by the way an escort kisses. There would be nothing wrong in mentioning this, either before a repeated performance or during a session. In the case of the escort, I think most good escorts could work with a client, help him to kiss in a manner that might be more conducive to a good evening for both. If it is really a problem for the escort, he should simply decline future business.


Nonetheless, good hygiene should be expected and experienced by both parties so that the only problem which should arise would be technique, and if the parties like one another, technique can be improved on.

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>Seriously, i'm REALLY glad you're around.


Same here. Not since I first met my mother-in-law has anyone ever come close to being another perfect foil for my smartassiness. You and Derek's mother always give me perfect set-ups, and the best part is that you are both willing participants and in on the joke. Very cool.


I love you, too, but don't spit on me. :p

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