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Rick Munroe

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Everything posted by Rick Munroe

  1. Not offended at all, and really glad you had fun (I'm sure we did, too!) but we started around 2000.
  2. I always love an audience. (Glad to be back!)
  3. ...and swallowing.
  4. No, seriously.
  5. I love to have my feet worshipped. That's one reason I take good care of them myself.
  6. http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server4900/364bb/products/108379/images/75146/289630__61966.1342527420.380.500.jpg?c=2
  7. I’ve often wondered whatever happened to Rick Munroe.
  8. LOL Alongside the sequel, "Hairy Butt Bumper." That made my day!
  9. Terrific, now I've got that damn Kit Kat song stuck in my head.
  10. At first, I thought you guys were talking about my parents, but my mother would insist on felching, so I guess not.
  11. I've started a new site called JustEatMyHairyAss. To subscribe, stick out your tongue when I bend over.
  12. I was wondering why my hole was ringing. I should have known it was you, BN. Maybe we can be Original Smart Ass and Smart Ass, Jr.
  13. Derek Ross. If you like it muscular and very hairy. www.rentmen.com/munroeross
  14. Derek and me. (We're both really 28 but we lie about our age to appear older since daddies are "in.") http://rentmen.com/munroeross
  15. Jodie Foster Angie Dickinson Johnny Galecki
  16. LOL Yes, let me get out my little black book of Jewish escorts. I'm sorry I can't be of help to the rabbi. The last time I identified as Jewish was in 9th grade. I do know some some Jewish people but I'm not sure if my mother is still escorting these days.
  17. I was going to say that this was off-topic, but then I remembered that Jews like Chinese food.
  18. Who is she? I don't watch the news.
  19. Marc Singer as The Beastmaster! http://huntsmanslodge.com/images/marc_singer_beast_master.jpg
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