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Is Sunday not the most depressing day of the week?

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It seems the day of the week I have come to dread the most is Sunday. Everytime I'm home and it comes around, I have no plans, no one asks to hang out that day, everyone is with family or watching football, or in their own little circles...basically leaving me up the creek. I don't have any family within 700 miles, and even when I am with them, it's not any big group thing either.


For the most part, I been getting halfway thru it by getting drunk the night before, and sleeping til 1 or 2 pm. If I plan a long road trip, I'll usually do it on Sundays...so being occupied takes the sting out.


Sunday's can sometimes be a good client day...but trying to survive it through football season is brutal. I know many areas have the "beer bust" on Sunday's where all the gays gather...but I can't do that every Sunday. And for some reason, beer makes my stomach fucked up the next day. Then it leaves me dry mouthed and beer bellied.


I just realized at the end of the day, I didn't do anything this Sunday. This has been the worse day of the week. The guy I went out on a date with Friday didn't call me today, 1 of my gay friends was with his kids, the friend I hung out with yesterday blew me off, and the person I was with last Sunday did the same thing. And not one person that I know has bothered to invite me to do a single thing today. And not a single client in my area called me. I been getting calls from other areas. I'm not going to suffer thru this again anymore this month. I'm leaving town for a couple weeks so at the very least I'm not stuck at home stewing in sorrow.


I'm not a football hater, and I watched Green Bay play today...but I can watch one game, maybe 2, and I'm done. Whats your Sunday survival plan between August and February? Days like this...I don't even want to live anymore.

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I don't know where you live, but wherever you are, try and get yourself outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine is a great tonic for your depression. And that is what you have. Move around, go to a museum and people watch. Find a nice cafe where you can enjoy a good cup of coffee and people watch. I also found that to take my mind off things. Don't wallow. I like you don't like watching football. I like watching baseball and like going to a baseball game even more. You are to nice a guy (although I don't know you) to drag yourself down like this. Make yourself physically tired so you can get a good nights sleep and start tomorrow refreshed and upbeat. you deserve it.

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The guy I went out on a date with Friday didn't call me today,


Why didn't you call him?


And not one person that I know has bothered to invite me to do a single thing today.


Why didn't you invite them?


The only thing I find depressing about Sundays is knowing that I have to go back to work the next day. :(



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Days like this...I don't even want to live anymore.


Joey, the summation of your last line is of great concern to me. I think you need to talk to a professional about your sadness and depression. I have periodically in my life, and it helped immensely. Many Gay & Lesbian Centers provide free counseling. It couldn't hurt to just sit and chat with someone about how you are feeling. Even if it means driving a distance to seek someone out. A professional will often point out some aspect of our life that is affecting us, that we are unable to see ourselves.


Short of that, please take Craigville Beach's advice. Don't wallow in this, life is far too short. Get up, get moving, and get outside. Wishing you luck, and keep in touch.

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Perhaps you need to stop worrying why no one is calling you and make some effort to call them. You might be surprised how man people are home watching football because they have nothing else to do or at least no one else with whom to do something. Many of us who work 9 to 5 love Sunday. Not as hectic as Saturday and with a more relaxed pace prior to returning to the grind.

You might also try church. You might find religion or if you are really lucky you may find a religious man to help you see god and call out his name.

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Well, first of all, +1 to bigvalboy's recommendation to speak with a professional if you are feeling as depressed as the last line of your post suggests, or if you can't shake yourself out of your boredom. But on the chance that you might ignore that advice, at least listen to the smart suggestions that craigville beach is making to you.


Boredom is usually a self-imposed problem. Sitting on the couch, waiting for the phone to ring, watching television only because it's there--that's how to wallow in it. Physical activity is a good antidote. If I get to the gym first thing in the morning, that gives me a positive outlook on the rest of my day. (I only wish I'd figured that out 20 years sooner.) Hiking and biking are other activities I can enjoy doing with others or on my own.


Like you, I was alone for good chunk of the day yesterday. I read the New York Times (that in itself can fill hours). Raked leaves. Put up some storm windows. Made a pot of turkey chili. In between, I made some posts to the Forum, answered a few emails and went back to reading more of the Times. It wasn't what you'd call the most exciting day, but it was productive. I never felt bored.

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I can lose myself for a long while reading the Sunday newspaper. I am also a football fan so I often pursue that option. Another very pleasant pursuit is watching porn and a long slow masturbatory session climaxing with an explosive climax. After that a nap is in order after which I find I'm invigorated for the week ahead.

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If I remember right your in Denver. I agree with those that said get out be active. Denver is a very walkable town and if you have a car get up to the mountains and check out the fall colors and take a camera! A lil fresh mountain air is always good at clearing out the lungs and mind.




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Well, I'm no therapist or have any professional background to diagnose Mocha. Hell, I probably need some diagnosing of my own :p.


What I can say is that I'm impressed with the care and good intent of forum members here..how cool is that?!


Mocha, the only advice I would dispense is to reflect on the fact that 10 of us already heard and responded to your observation. Personally, I'm taking your comments not as a cry for help, but simply as sharing and possibly venting out into the universe. In return, you got a virtual hug from this bunch and some good options to make ANY day of the week a good one.


Here is to Sundays that rock our world..lets go make them happen! :)

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I find that Sunday is my day to mellow out after a work week and a Saturday full of errands and running around grocery shopping, etc. It's also the only day I get to sleep in a little later (at least til 8am). I care for an elderly parent and there's always appointments to keep, rxs to pick up but Sunday is my day. I have the upstairs of my house to myself and I can lounge around watching movies and cleaning up the dvr or get in car and take a drive or go shopping ALONE! It's awesome. But it's always been my day to mellow out before the start of the work week....if I do get out I want to be home by 5...no going out on a Sunday night...not even just dinner out.

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Mocha posted at 3 am yesterday. I used to volunteer at a child abuse hotline for 5 years -- usually overnight.


Yes, there is reason to be very alarmed when someone writes, "Days like this...I don't even want to live anymore," especially at 3 am. Everyone has made good suggestions, especially BVB.


Mocha, please let us know how you are doing --- PLEASE.

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Lol, hello everyone I'm back from my Sunday depression. Took me until Wednesday to get over it (being facetious). Thanks for all the responses. It wasn't nothing serious, but when I find out from other friends that someone I know is doing something on Sunday and not invite me, I just don't like that.


I knew people were going to say, "stop waiting for people, ask them". But trust and believe...I DO. but like I said it's the one day that not everyone else is available because of they have their Sunday rituals they've been doing for 20 years in the the same neighborhood/people.


And I'm not saying it's that way every Sunday, or that all the people I know are doing stuff. But, my idea of a perfect Sunday is a GROUP barbecue, a GROUP pool event, a group this or that. Growing up, Sunday was family day, or church day, or whatever day. But I wasn't alone. I'm 28 now, but I think I still find it hard to be alone on Sunday's, when everyone else has people they've known for all their life to hang out with, because they didn't have to move around the country like I did.


The Palm Springs event is how I wish every Sunday was. Group of guys, all chilling, by the pool, eating, etc and just having fun with similar people who know each other. Not necessarily escorts or gay, but something similar. I've done those meetup.com things, and even thought about rejoining the site. But after awhile, i felt it was becoming a discombobulated scramble of people of all ages, new/old, straight/gay, this/that, and I never felt the situations and activities were real, and neither were the people. It was becoming a circus. Then certain people would act partial towards others, etc. Maybe I picked the wrong groups, or didn't try enough, but i stuck around for 3-4 months and stopped after meeting friends at a bar and realizing I was getting anything out of meeting up with a bunch of random strangers who had a lifestyle completely different than my own.


Sunday's are like a holiday to me. And then get a holiday ON Sunday like Easter? Lord, I try everything I can to not be alone. Last year I was blessed to be in LA with a guy I met and we had a very nice Sunday.


I can do things alone on Sunday's, but I like to share those with someone. For example, one Sunday I remember last year...I was visiting and went to fishermans wharf in San Francisco, and then sat out on the park and watched ships under the golden gate. Then after, I went to the bar and met someone. But even though all that was fun....what was missing was being able to share it with a someone. Not necessarily boyfriend, but just someone.


It's hard for me to do super fun things outside of traveling, because I like to experience it with someone...and not just talk about it on Facebook. But at the same time, I know most people are drama in some form inheritantly...so sometimes no company is good company.

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If I remember right your in Denver. I agree with those that said get out be active. Denver is a very walkable town and if you have a car get up to the mountains and check out the fall colors and take a camera! A lil fresh mountain air is always good at clearing out the lungs and mind.





Thanks Greg. But I am so over Colorado. I'm just waiting for the right moment when I decide whether I want to storage my stuff, sell my stuff, or rent my place for a bit in air bnb to have some extra money to move. But it only take a couple clients to make my rent, versus security and peace of mind I may lose renting it out.


However, it is pretty up here, but I've seen most of Colorado already...when I'm on my way OUT to another state lol. It's nice here, but the main issue has always been...and someone from Baltimore said the same thing the other day: people here are very cliquey and fake. Not LA fake, but Midwest fake.


I asked someone last weekend if they wanted to hang. They said, "I'm up in the mountains". I was like nice...but gee, you asked me to brunch and never followed up, then you're in the mountains and tell me "after the fact". That's how it is here. People in Colorado do all this fun stuff, then tell you about it after the fact or its too late.


I actually like Arizona's more more diverse topography, which is where I'm headed next week.

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I'm glad we all heard from you. I'm sure you don't know most or all of us, but we all were concerned for you. Best wishes to you


Thank you, Hopefully these next few Sunday's won't feel the same.


I guess I can see the bright side (not to rub it in for anyone who doesn't), but atleast the one thing about Sunday I don't have to feel...is the dreaded weekend is over, back to work/school feeling after 8 o'clock lol. Even though I am returning to school next semester.

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Even though I am returning to school next semester.


I am very glad you posted. We moved to a new city after my second year in high school. There was no one my age in the area. I had to get a part-time job to really meet people. By junior and senior years in high school friendships have already been made. So I have been there. It is not you who is at fault.


Things changed quickly for me in college -- for the better.


Things will chance for you as well, Mocha. My very best wishes.

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Why didn't you call him?

Why didn't you invite them?


I did, then he waited til Monday morning to respond. I know what's going on.

Other people, when inviting them to do stuff...as I said earlier, tell me about some function they're attending, after the fact.


i just don't have time for people's games. I was talking to one of my dependable friends last night, and his lying, cheating, drug dealing boyfriend drama...but I told him, I'm not taking shit from nobody. He feels I'm finally growing a pair. I'm sick of people trying to walk all over, trying to call control the relationship and get what they can get out me...I don't have time for that.


I have been telling people off all week long, and I'm tired...but at the same time I'm letting people know, this is where I stand...and most these guys aren't even worth the trouble at all. They out roommating with ex boyfriends and both trying to date at the same time, then get their dates all mixed up. Then, they want to question me about my life, what I do and where I'm from, and I don't tell these hoes nothing. I let them hoes wonder. They meet me for 5 minutes, and try to pry into my life. Always in someone's business, and they're all fake. These ole small town queens be too goddamn nosy for their own good and need to get a life and quit worrying about mine. I've had to eliminate quite a few people in the past week, just to prepare to get the hell out of here.


By the way, non of this is client related. I settled the client boundaries awhile back, and even though I know clients may have this and that going on in their personal lives, many see other people also. But the nature of our business just doesn't allow it to be an issue in a client/escort relationship.

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I volunteered for over 7 years at a crisis intervention hotline. It was an incredible experience that allowed me to learn about myself and make some good friendships not to mention being there for someone in crisis and hopefully making a difference in their lives.

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I did, then he waited til Monday morning to respond. I know what's going on.

Other people, when inviting them to do stuff...as I said earlier, tell me about some function they're attending, after the fact.


i just don't have time for people's games. I was talking to one of my dependable friends last night, and his lying, cheating, drug dealing boyfriend drama...but I told him, I'm not taking shit from nobody. He feels I'm finally growing a pair. I'm sick of people trying to walk all over, trying to call control the relationship and get what they can get out me...I don't have time for that.


I have been telling people off all week long, and I'm tired...but at the same time I'm letting people know, this is where I stand...and most these guys aren't even worth the trouble at all. They out roommating with ex boyfriends and both trying to date at the same time, then get their dates all mixed up. Then, they want to question me about my life, what I do and where I'm from, and I don't tell these hoes nothing. I let them hoes wonder. They meet me for 5 minutes, and try to pry into my life. Always in someone's business, and they're all fake. These ole small town queens be too goddamn nosy for their own good and need to get a life and quit worrying about mine. I've had to eliminate quite a few people in the past week, just to prepare to get the hell out of here.


By the way, non of this is client related. I settled the client boundaries awhile back, and even though I know clients may have this and that going on in their personal lives, many see other people also. But the nature of our business just doesn't allow it to be an issue in a client/escort relationship.


I'm very much a loner. I find fly fishing an amazing way to spend hours by myself with no concerns of being lonely. Often times I won't catch a thing but enjoyed a whole day by myself enjoying nature.


Not that this is for everyone but it works for me. Besides you can take a fly fishing class and that is a great way to meet new, different and often interesting people. Don't be intimidated about not being outdoorsy if your not, if the others in the class were outdoorsy they wouldn't be in the class. :)


Just my humble opinion.



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I would make a plan for the day. Maybe gym, brunch - somewhere where you feel comfortable as a solo diner, then maybe some activity, like a walk or a swim, or go to the movies. Take a class, learn how to cook thai or give a massage, or do a yoga session.


If you say you like a group bbq why not start one yourself, maybe call it "orphans" Sunday - similar to what lots of single friends do for the holidays. Find a location like a park with some shelter - or set up a singles movie date - you might get 50 guys who want to go to the movies, and have a coffee afterwards.


Maybe volunteer - take some old people out for a drive, and coffee and cake. Help out at your local gay centre.


Maybe Sunday is the day you set aside for your chores, clean the apartment, do your laundry, do your grocery shop, balance your cheque book, pay your bills, set up your week.


Whatever you do - find a routine that works for you, puts a smile on your face.


Do let us know what you find works for you


Take care

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I too suffer from Sunday blues and seasonal depression. My antidote echoes what's been written here. I turned Sunday around by making the day completely about myself, planning new Sunday traditions (e.g. breakfast at my favorite place at my favorite table on the window, a brisk walk around a nearby lake, Happy Hour at my favorite pub, etc.). I plan things I look forward to doing by myself, for myself, and I've made Sunday a day I look forward to now by ensuring I don't have the time to think about life's inequities. I save that for shitty Mondays now ; )

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I too suffer from Sunday blues and seasonal depression. My antidote echoes what's been written here. I turned Sunday around by making the day completely about myself, planning new Sunday traditions (e.g. breakfast at my favorite place at my favorite table on the window, a brisk walk around a nearby lake, Happy Hour at my favorite pub, etc.). I plan things I look forward to doing by myself, for myself, and I've made Sunday a day I look forward to now by ensuring I don't have the time to think about life's inequities. I save that for shitty Mondays now ; )

Well,this is a perfect example of making your Sundays work and sticking it to Mondays! :p Way to go, worthington!

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