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  1. USAA is tops. they've taken care of me for a long while. great folks
  2. this. and who knows if it's the real deal. do you want to be the guy who ends up with the fake prep pill?
  3. Hot kid for sure but based on the attitude, you pay him to leave not to stay
  4. good lighting in those pics. make him look a lot more built than he is
  5. this is also my view I'm not saying it's always and only a tux, just to dress appro for the environment. times haven't changed so much that folks shouldnt realize this
  6. no excuse. this isn't catering to the lcd, it's opera. if you can't show up not looking like you just woke up, don't go
  7. was mentioned earlier in the thread that he was one of those who dressed inappros
  8. being tall or muscular isn't an excuse to not dress appropriately at the theater. spend the money, find a good tailor
  9. yup funny how some play the jumping through hoops card without having the reviews to back it up
  10. that's why air travel exists. you want to see a guy, you fly to him or him to you
  11. more reason that daddy's review is the clearing house and always will be no system is perfect but this site has been the most consistent throughout the years
  12. agree w you on this. he was a naturally beautiful young man before he jacked his body up
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