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Escort courtesy

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I retired about 3 years ago on the west coast and moved to the midwest to stretch my dollars, and live in a large urban area with a plentiful supply of escorts. I live on a pretty generous fixed income but not enough to be able to indulge in hiring on a frequent basis, so when I do decide to hire somebody for an hour, I do a lot of investigating on this site and others for reviews and recommendations. Based on that research, I have seen 4 escorts in this area and I think I'm going to find another way to, um, release my energy. It's not that they were unattractive or unaccommodating; they just said things they shouldn't have. You can call me over sensitive, but their comments bugged me enough to make me decide not to call again.


I sold almost everything I owned on the west coast when I moved, and have been furnishing my new place as I go along. When I was making chitchat with Escort #1, he asked me how long I'd been here. I told him only a month and that I was in the process of decorating my new apartment. I asked him what he thought of it so far and his reply was, 'It's okay if you like cheap IKEA furniture."


Escort #2 rinsed off in my shower after our session, then came into the bathroom holding his towel and said, "This texture is too rough for my skin. You should get a softer brand for next time."


Escort #3 informed me that he hated shower gels, particularly the one on the shelf above my tub, and recommended that I keep a bar of Dove for him. When he saw my face, he laughed and said, "uh-oh. I guess this was it, right?"


Escort #4 told me I should dye my hair.


If these guys had been dates, potential friends, distant cousins or neighbors, I'd have accepted their remarks with good humor but at $250 per hour, I thought they were out of line. I know, I know, everybody's entitled to their opinion but there's a time and a place to express it and I didn't feel that they should have on MY time!


Please don't hate. Just wanted to relate the incidents.

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Guest countryboywny


Who have you been seeing??? When I read the escort's comments, it made me LAUGH. I don't mean that they were funny, and I don't mean to make light of your feelings.. I DO mean that these guys are so lacking in normal courtesy that it's hysterical that they escort.

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Guest Starbuck

My take ... Escorts 1, 2 and 4 are rude ... but Escort 3 doesn't sound so bad.


You haven't shared enough for us to know how the rest of your session was, but he must have liked you and thought things went pretty well to be requesting his own soap! I think I might have bought him his Dove bar ... and a nice soapdish to keep it in ... and then, maybe, as an additional sweet/funny gesture, the kind of Dove bar you keep in the freezer.


Who knows ... he might learn by example. People pick up on grace notes like that.

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Interesting subject! In fact I like it when an escort is feeling comfortable enough with me to say things that are not exactly a compliment. I don't mind honest feedback. In some cases, I have found it helpful, in other cases it was just rude. Here are some examples:


Escort 'A' suggested I trim my pubic hair. I am fairly smooth overall and my pubic hair had indeed not been trimmed in years. I did end up trimming it and I must admit, it looks and feels better.


Escort 'B' complimented me on my overall athletic appearance but said it was a pity that I had some fat layers on my belly. He was, in fact, right about it. I did speak with a nutritionist and made some changes to my work out routine. Six months later, at age 57, I am 6'1 165 lbs and 7% body fat. I feel GREAT.


Escort 'C', after receiving a generous year-end bonus, jokingly said 'don't get any ideas, there literally are hundreds of men in NYC who would LOVE buying me a Porsche'. Now that, I thought, was just rude. I congratulated the guy and said that he'd better off speaking with those hundreds of men.

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Who have you been seeing??? When I read the escort's comments, it made me LAUGH. I don't mean that they were funny, and I don't mean to make light of your feelings.. I DO mean that these guys are so lacking in normal courtesy that it's hysterical that they escort.


I laughed too. I didn't mean to imply that I was angry with any of these guys. The sex with all 4 of them was outstanding. I took the comments as matter of factly as I could; I just think they were dumb! I would never, ever go to somebody's home for the first time and say "It's okay if you like cheap IKEA furniture" even if it WAS cheap and tacky. What I didn't relate was that the escort who thought my place was cheap looking then walked through every room with the most outlandish decorating recommendations I've ever heard. One suggestion was that I burn the top of my pine dining table with matches, then smear it with Vaseline to give it that "aged, oily look". I'm not kidding.


I love the suggestion of buying 2 kinds of Dove bars - the soap and the chocolate - for the next time THAT escort comes over. He's the only one I'd even consider hiring again.

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#1 seems harsh, but it could be argued that you shouldn't have asked for his opinion if you didn't want it.


#2 was not ok.


#3 might have been joking. I might give him another try, and I might even buy a small bottle of Dr Bronners liquid soap, just because it's good to have an alternative around. I'd tell him to bring his own soap.


#4 depends on context.

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actor61, I feel bad that this occurred to you, and living in recent months on a fixed income before starting a new job in the summer, I know what it is like to pick and choose carefully when I decide to hire, to get -- as we like to say to ourselves, and never out loud - "the Biggest BANG for the buck!"


One of the reasons that I am more and more drawn to mature (both in age and wisdom) escorts is that I find men a generation or two younger than me having a problem keeping some thoughts to themselves. Society is so open at times that the think that the first thought that comes to mind should be uttered -- the brain has lost its function to act as a filter for the tongue!


God forbid I comment on the decor of some of the apartments that I have visited for "in calls" with gentlemen -- sloppy, trailer-trashy, bad hoarder, Salvation-army [or curb] cast-away.... But I was raised in an age where such comments might be thought, but never said. I try to always find something that can be complimented - even if it is a bit of a stretch. I figure that this gentleman is meeting me - intimately - and deserves as much respect back as I can demonstrate.


So - finding escorts in their 40's, 50's and beyond is a way that I have discovered happily not only gives to me very good (great) sex, but also puts me with men who are more sensitive and mature and thoughtful in what they say and do.

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actor61, I feel bad that this occurred to you, and living in recent months on a fixed income before starting a new job in the summer, I know what it is like to pick and choose carefully when I decide to hire, to get -- as we like to say to ourselves, and never out loud - "the Biggest BANG for the buck!"


One of the reasons that I am more and more drawn to mature (both in age and wisdom) escorts is that I find men a generation or two younger than me having a problem keeping some thoughts to themselves. Society is so open at times that the think that the first thought that comes to mind should be uttered -- the brain has lost its function to act as a filter for the tongue!


God forbid I comment on the decor of some of the apartments that I have visited for "in calls" with gentlemen -- sloppy, trailer-trashy, bad hoarder, Salvation-army [or curb] cast-away.... But I was raised in an age where such comments might be thought, but never said. I try to always find something that can be complimented - even if it is a bit of a stretch. I figure that this gentleman is meeting me - intimately - and deserves as much respect back as I can demonstrate.


So - finding escorts in their 40's, 50's and beyond is a way that I have discovered happily not only gives to me very good (great) sex, but also puts me with men who are more sensitive and mature and thoughtful in what they say and do.


I am going to go out on a limb and say I am probably a lot younger then you. The way I was raised, unless they are close personal friends or family, you don't open your mouth and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "Does this dress look good on me?" (the dress makes her look like a fat pumpkin) "That is a lovely shade of orange."

How do you like my room? (it looks like a tornado deposited half a trailer park in the room) " It certainly is very creative"

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They remind me of my mother. She was one of those people who seemed constitutionally incapable of not putting her foot in her mouth. She would say thoughtless things like that because she thought people wanted to know what she really thought. As soon as she said something dumb, she would realize that she'd screwed up yet again, and try to fix it, only to make it worse.


After she got old and lost her ability to censor herself as a result of dementia, she was impossible. You couldn't take her anywhere.

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I retired about 3 years ago on the west coast and moved to the midwest to stretch my dollars, and live in a large urban area with a plentiful supply of escorts. I live on a pretty generous fixed income but not enough to be able to indulge in hiring on a frequent basis, so when I do decide to hire somebody for an hour, I do a lot of investigating on this site and others for reviews and recommendations. Based on that research, I have seen 4 escorts in this area and I think I'm going to find another way to, um, release my energy. It's not that they were unattractive or unaccommodating; they just said things they shouldn't have. You can call me over sensitive, but their comments bugged me enough to make me decide not to call again.


I sold almost everything I owned on the west coast when I moved, and have been furnishing my new place as I go along. When I was making chitchat with Escort #1, he asked me how long I'd been here. I told him only a month and that I was in the process of decorating my new apartment. I asked him what he thought of it so far and his reply was, 'It's okay if you like cheap IKEA furniture."


Escort #2 rinsed off in my shower after our session, then came into the bathroom holding his towel and said, "This texture is too rough for my skin. You should get a softer brand for next time."


Escort #3 informed me that he hated shower gels, particularly the one on the shelf above my tub, and recommended that I keep a bar of Dove for him. When he saw my face, he laughed and said, "uh-oh. I guess this was it, right?"


Escort #4 told me I should dye my hair.


If these guys had been dates, potential friends, distant cousins or neighbors, I'd have accepted their remarks with good humor but at $250 per hour, I thought they were out of line. I know, I know, everybody's entitled to their opinion but there's a time and a place to express it and I didn't feel that they should have on MY time!


Please don't hate. Just wanted to relate the incidents.


My bed came from IKEA. Best one I've ever had and it was $85 on Craigslist. It perfectly aligns whoever is laying on it with my crotch.


My towels come from TJMaxx and while I do like the ones from Restoration Hardware, I'm not paying $40-50 for a towel. I could almost buy another bed from IKEA for that much.


I use the unscented shower gel from Whole Foods for $5.99/bottle. Over time I have found clients don't want to smell like Eau d'Whore. And bar soap is drying.


I have told clients repeatedly that gray is hot and makes my clothes fall off. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they don't.


If these guys had been dates I would have listened, smiled, yawned and suddenly realized I have to get up REALLY EARLY TOMORROW so we should probably call it a night.


It was lovely to meet you.

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"I told him only a month and that I was in the process of decorating my new apartment. I asked him what he thought of it so far and his reply was, 'It's okay if you like cheap IKEA furniture."


Ikea furniture is cheap, but most of it it's nice. Some cheap wines are good too.


Escort #2 rinsed off in my shower after our session, then came into the bathroom holding his towel and said, "This texture is too rough for my skin. You should get a softer brand for next time."


Drama about a towel he used once to dry his skin? Is he made out of silk or just bitchy. That's a first in my life.


Escort #3 informed me that he hated shower gels, particularly the one on the shelf above my tub, and recommended that I keep a bar of Dove for him. When he saw my face, he laughed and said, "uh-oh. I guess this was it, right?"


I use regular soap and don't mind using gel when I'm at a hotel. Soap ain't makeup, trying something else once not going to kill him.

At least this one was smart enough to realized he made mistake and you weren't going to see him again.


Escort #4 told me I should dye my hair.


This one is ok, it just an advice from a gay man to another. He meant to say: you would look better if you dye your hair.


A reply to all of them and all escorts in the world:


1) You're cute, I used to be cute too, your looks won't last forever, save the money you're making.


2) You suck dick for a leaving, that's ain't rocket science or brain surgery, be nice there's a line of would-be-dick-suckers behind you.









Escort 'C', after receiving a generous year-end bonus, jokingly said 'don't get any ideas, there literally are hundreds of men in NYC who would LOVE buying me a Porsche'. Now that, I thought, was just rude. I congratulated the guy and said that he'd better off speaking with those hundreds of men.


Oh, yeah get the Porsche before they change their mind, or even better several condos to rent so he can retire and let other less successful escorts make ends meet.

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Because it is SO my nature to always look on the bright side and always give people the benefit of the doubt......maybe those guys had such a good time with you that they really thought there would be a next time and were just trying to improve on the experience??? That rationale works for all comments but the furniture one... which is precisely why I always take them to a hotel because my house pretty much looks like Liberace exploded in it.


I had a much reviewed escort on here apologize to another escort for "the shitty little camera" that we were using and the other escort replied, "That's the same model that we used for porn."


One time at breakfast, during a discussion about education or the lack thereof, an escort said, "Well, what do you expect? This is the shittiest state, right?"


Once when an escort that I refused to hire asked another escort why I wouldn't hire him, the escort told him it was because I was "fussy and peculiar"... and then the one I wouldn't hire told me he said it. Not that I could argue much with his assessment...


Once when I asked an escort why he didn't drink beer, he replied that it made you fat in the middle... Again, no argument from me.


Years ago, upon arrival here, an escort was checking in with his boyfriend and texted him, "Client is thin... white haired like Mr. Burns.." But alas, he sent the text to me.... when he realized it, he quickly texted again, "But super nice. I'm excited." I was surprised to learn that I was thin....


Sometimes, one just has to laugh, Weezer.

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I am going to go out on a limb and say I am probably a lot younger then you. The way I was raised, unless they are close personal friends or family, you don't open your mouth and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. "Does this dress look good on me?" (the dress makes her look like a fat pumpkin) "That is a lovely shade of orange."

How do you like my room? (it looks like a tornado deposited half a trailer park in the room) " It certainly is very creative"


This brings up another point. If I'm not ready to hear whatever somebody has on their mind, I don't solicit their opinion.

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#1. "It's only temporary while Hancock and Moore finished up on the living room set. Wait 'til you see it! You'll love it! It's Savanna Nutmeg." [P.S. my living room IS savanna nutmeg with Ralph Lauren walls].

#2. "Oh, really? I had them hand made in Egypt. Perhaps you could bring a couple of towels next time and tell me where to get them?"

#3. "Could you bring several, next time, so I can see which one I like best?

#4. "You could use some etiquette lessons."

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One time at breakfast, during a discussion about education or the lack thereof, an escort said, "Well, what do you expect? This is the shittiest state, right?"



Years ago, upon arrival here, an escort was checking in with his boyfriend and texted him, "Client is thin... white haired like Mr. Burns.." But alas, he sent the text to me.... when he realized it, he quickly texted again, "But super nice. I'm excited." I was surprised to learn that I was thin....


you're thin? You live in OK, that's impossible.


Btw, maybe he meant conservative and he said shittiest by mistake. I would have kicked him out of such a bad place right away.

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#3 might have been trying to say that he wanted to keep seeing you,; but he did so in a joking way in order to save face if you weren't interested. ("I'd love to keep do this again--but only if you're willing to buy a bar of soap first. Smile.)


That he immediately worried about losing your patronage supports that conclusion.

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Perhaps these escorts should be using the mouth for things other than speaking.

Find what you are good at and try to make a living doing that. They have, they should not have branched out to conversation. Next time, text the 20 something escort so he has time to think about a civil answer.

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If these guys had been dates I would have listened, smiled, yawned and suddenly realized I have to get up REALLY EARLY TOMORROW so we should probably call it a night.


It was lovely to meet you.


Or just smile and say, "don't talk."

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