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When an escort posts that he kisses in his ad...

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Do you imply that he means French or dry?


I recently hired an escort in NYC (Ian) based on his pics and reviews (all good). His ad stated he kissed, and the reviews said he kissed (French in one or two). I get the whole thing about kissing. A client may have bad breath, bad teeth, or is just plain unattractive. At the risk of sounding conceited, I have good breath and good teeth, and while my A&F days are behind me, I am in decent shape and look pretty good for 49.


We get into the session and he states about 20 minutes in that he does not French kiss. I was immediately turned off as I stated in our texts that I liked to kiss (did not specifically say French). If he said no to French I would not have hired him.


What say you my friends--does kissing in an ad imply French or dry? I ended the session right there and paid him 150 of his 250 and sent him on his way (about 30 minutes in after he wasted 10 minutes in a shower). I am a fair guy but will not be taken advanatage of just because you have bills to pay. Kissing is important to me when I hire. I will now state in all future responses that I am looking to "French" kiss.


Should escorts specify the type of kissing they do?? Please weigh in as I am sure this has been discussed before.


Thanks and Happy Holidays.

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Well, there are no shortage of escorts in NYC, but I will not pay above 250 (even that is a stretch). Although with the bad expereince and the new hire I ended up paying 325 anyway. I guess it depends on what you like and like to do. Believe it or not I ended up hiring an escort named Rocky (175/hr and he did EVERYTHING--bottomed like a champ and a GREAT kisser). I typically only use Rentboy when looking and narrow it down from there.

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you must remember this...


When an escort posts that he kisses in his ad...

Do you imply that he means French or dry?


Should escorts specify the type of kissing they do?? Please weigh in as I am sure this has been discussed before.


A few different types of escorts:


1. Likes wet kissing with pretty much any client.

2. Will tolerate wet kissing within limits, and/or depending on the client. Dry otherwise.

3. Dry kissing only.

4. Like 2, but the limits are restrictive to the point of being hypothetical, or there's really almost no client good enough for wet kissing. Dry kissing only, effectively.

5. Doesn't kiss at all.


The question with the 2 - 4 guys is whether they try to call what they do "kissing". In most cases they know what we mean and what we want, but often they've included this dry kissing distinction so that they can say that they kiss. The 5 guys are sometimes forthcoming and sometimes evasive. I always assume nothing. If an escort states in his ad that he kisses it doesn't mean anything to me, because too many escorts have exploited the ambiguity. If I want intimate wet kissing I ask for it when I talk to him, text him, or e-mail him.


I will say, however, that kissing is not as important to me as it once was. In recent years I've met escorts providing an intense level of intimacy without kissing.

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Do you imply that he means French or dry?


At the risk of sounding conceited, I have good breath and good teeth, and while my A&F days are behind me, I am in decent shape and look pretty good for 49.



I am sure it's all true but could it be, just could it, that something else turned your escort off? Your attitude maybe? Regardless of what is stated in the ad, and regardless of what was discussed prior, you can expect 'service' but not 'servitude'. I just dislike it so much when clients treat escorts as a piece of meat that will perform mechanically. Do you really want to get into French kissing with someone who is not into it, with YOU? People are not machines, Jon.


Happy Holidays.

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Sorry, Baron, for 250 bucks an hour I expct what was advertised. I am not looking to marry him, just fun and simple conversation for an hour. I know people are not "machines" and this is not my first hire so do not talk to me like I am some kind of rube on his first visit to the big city. I know how to treat the men I hire. I respect those who are sex workers, so do not presume to make assumptions about what happened. I also know the tricks escorts use to eat up time, and promise things they then do not deliver on fully expecting not to be called out on it. Sorry--not happening with me.

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Just because you happen to have $250 to spend? That is supposedly making you sexy and desirable? I have nothing but CONTEMPT for the attitude you are displaying here. SHAME on you. I would totally toss you, your nasty-ass attitude and your miserable $250 into the street.


I don't have a dog in this fight but your response is way over the top


"Kissing" is what it is - it's not a debate


If you misrepresent yourself you deserve the potential consequences of a shortened session and pay

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Just because you happen to have $250 to spend? That is supposedly making you sexy and desirable? I have nothing but CONTEMPT for the attitude you are displaying here. SHAME on you. I would totally toss you, your nasty-ass attitude and your miserable $250 into the street.
if you want to have sex with sexy and desirable men only, then perhaps escorting is not the profession you should pursue. Whatever profession one pursues should be done honestly and if a service is advertised, it should be provided, no matter the client. Escorting is a profession and as such, involves desirable aspects and undesirable aspects. A professional does all of the aspects with courtesy and honesty.

If an escort doesn't kiss, I do manage to find another way to enjoy myself, but a rehire is not likely and any extra funds i might have gladly given, are kept in my possession.

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Just because you happen to have $250 to spend? That is supposedly making you sexy and desirable? I have nothing but CONTEMPT for the attitude you are displaying here. SHAME on you. I would totally toss you, your nasty-ass attitude and your miserable $250 into the street.


Darn! I don't know there was a pile of snow there...



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Like Chance, I don't have a dog in the fight, but I guess I'm stunned to find this is such a deal breaker. I guess I'm in an obvious minority, but I've never sought to kiss an escort on the lips because my whole mindset is one of subservience to the escort during the session.


Nevertheless, on one session, what I consider the hottest escort to have worked in New Orleans (and with whom I met about 12 times prior to his apparent retirement about a year ago), once just gently pulled me toward his face and said, "Yor're hot!" And proceeded to gently kiss my cheeks, and then moved toward my lips. I was kind of stunned but obviously flattered sice that was about the 8th or 9th time we met. He then slip me on his bed and engaged in about a four-minute French kiss. While it did diminish my role of subservience, who wouldn't be flattered by his action.


I did meet with an escort visiting NO from Dallas, and he relayed he was so happy I never referenced lip-kissing, and he relayed he was "sick" of guys so pre-occupied with kissing, and he said he started refusing clients who even made the request. I told him the only parts of his anatomy I was interested in kissing were his feet and his ass. He said, "We're going to have a great time together," and we did.


So, I'm shocked to see this as such a deal breaker, but I can see where, if advertised as a service provided and something the client really wanted, I can see where its absence from a session would make it a diminished experience.



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Couldn't agree more, and it's funny you mention an escort saying kissing his feet was out of the question. One guy did say that and added, "I do not, at least in my opinion, have very appealing feet." He figured I'd be happy with the session anyway, but I told him I very much appreciated his honesty, but that was a deal killer for me. Hence, we ended our correspondence peacefully and respectfully. Thus, what you've said is completely reasonable. When it's advertised then retracted, there's the unspoken, "Oh, but not with YOU." Irrespective of the fact money's involved, so too are people's feelings (both escort and client). It makes for an awkward encounter that takes away much of the fulfillment.



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I recently hired an escort in NYC (Ian) based on his pics and reviews (all good). His ad stated he kissed, and the reviews said he kissed (French in one or two). I get the whole thing about kissing. A client may have bad breath, bad teeth, or is just plain unattractive. At the risk of sounding conceited, I have good breath and good teeth, and while my A&F days are behind me, I am in decent shape and look pretty good for 49.


We get into the session and he states about 20 minutes in that he does not French kiss. I was immediately turned off as I stated in our texts that I liked to kiss (did not specifically say French). If he said no to French I would not have hired him.


What say you my friends--does kissing in an ad imply French or dry? I ended the session right there and paid him 150 of his 250 and sent him on his way (about 30 minutes in after he wasted 10 minutes in a shower). I am a fair guy but will not be taken advanatage of just because you have bills to pay. Kissing is important to me when I hire. I will now state in all future responses that I am looking to "French" kiss.


Should escorts specify the type of kissing they do?? Please weigh in as I am sure this has been discussed before.


I am sure it's all true but could it be, just could it, that something else turned your escort off? Your attitude maybe? Regardless of what is stated in the ad, and regardless of what was discussed prior, you can expect 'service' but not 'servitude'. I just dislike it so much when clients treat escorts as a piece of meat that will perform mechanically. Do you really want to get into French kissing with someone who is not into it, with YOU? People are not machines, Jon.


Seems like you're deliberately taking this post to an extreme in order to criticize and start and argument (aka "troll"). The OP's question is about a full disclosure for an escort's stated services, not servitude. Most of what we expect from an escort is expected whether he's "into it" or not, or we expect that he's "into it" under a broader range of conditions than the guys we date or hookup with. If an escort states in his ad that he's a top I wouldn't want to hire him to find out that he only fucks guys with smooth bubble butts or that he meant dry-humping. If he doesn't want to fuck me because of hygiene that's another issue for another thread.


For the sake of the OP's post let's agree that you're distorting the question, or that you need to ask a clarifying question. In the OP's account the escort stated that he does not dry kiss, not that he only does it if he's into it. If I had any doubt I'd clarify this point with the OP. Otherwise it's the sort of thing that I think that the escort should state clearly, or I should draw out when I call him to discuss the session. If a guy says that he only french kisses when there's an attraction I can take that to mean that there's a reasonably good chance I won't get something I expect from a session with him, and I'll take that under advisement.

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I always describe what is important to me in a potential encounter, and I ask the guy if he is happy to do all that I enjoy. I point out that my wishes are a menu, not a check-list. Nonetheless, I simply state that I like to know in advance if certain activities will not be enjoyed by both of us. I've found that decent escorts appreciate my being so direct and clear.

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"""I always describe what is important to me in a potential encounter"""



Same here - I let the guy know that my favorite position is with me on my back, which makes kissing while being topped easy.....If the guy responds back with "sounds good" or similar, I assume that we're on the same page / have an understanding / an agreement, errrrr a rock solid contract :)

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I agree that an escort should make a good faith effort to do what he agreed to. However if it's obvious to me that he is not into this then I don't press it. Now if he doesn't compensate in other ways then forget him!

Funny how misunderstandings can happen. First time with one guy I thought he didn't care for French. He was great though so I hired again. That time he told me he thought I didn't like French! Needless to say we then had some passionate kissing.

Btw one of the most passionate French kissers I've had is a "bi" guy who I suspect is mostly straight. Man does he work to please his clients!

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Seems like you're deliberately taking this post to an extreme in order to criticize and start and argument (aka "troll"). The OP's question is about a full disclosure for an escort's stated services, not servitude. Most of what we expect from an escort is expected whether he's "into it" or not, or we expect that he's "into it" under a broader range of conditions than the guys we date or hookup with. If an escort states in his ad that he's a top I wouldn't want to hire him to find out that he only fucks guys with smooth bubble butts or that he meant dry-humping. If he doesn't want to fuck me because of hygiene that's another issue for another thread.


For the sake of the OP's post let's agree that you're distorting the question, or that you need to ask a clarifying question. In the OP's account the escort stated that he does not dry kiss, not that he only does it if he's into it. If I had any doubt I'd clarify this point with the OP. Otherwise it's the sort of thing that I think that the escort should state clearly, or I should draw out when I call him to discuss the session. If a guy says that he only french kisses when there's an attraction I can take that to mean that there's a reasonably good chance I won't get something I expect from a session with him, and I'll take that under advisement.


The only thing I hire for is the full BFE - nothing left out. I don't know why anybody would hire for anything less.

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