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Where to find Jewish escort?

Guest Rabbi Hy

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Well, it's that time of the year again.

As the High Holy Days are almost upon us, Bozo is in search of that elusive hot Jewish escort offering a Rosh Hashana discount or even a 25% off sale for making it thru the Yom Kippur fast.








Bozo and his holiday discounts.o_O

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Word on the street is that ND is now at a discount, though he and Bozo seemed to have vanished.


Who is ND?


All that and wishing the good Rabbi Hy, wherever he might be...“Gemar chatimah tovah”


@bigvalboy-thanks for including "Gemar chatimah tovah (lit. A Good Final Sealing)." I've been Jewish all my life, and that's a new one for me. The greeting I'm familiar with (and which I think is more common) is "l'shana tova tikatevu. (May you be inscribed for a good year). "

An explanation of the phrases for those not familiar-In the Jewish Bible a "Book of Life" is mentioned. The idea as it has come done is that G-d has three books. There is a Book of Life, A Book of the Dead, and a Book in the Middle (that's not its actual name but go with me here).

These three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah: One for the totally wicked, one for the totally righteous (This is the Book of Life), and one for those in between. The totally righteous are at once inscribed and sealed for life, the totally wicked are at once inscribed and sealed for death, and the in between are left in suspension.


So the story is that G-d starts making his decision on who goes into each book on Rosh Hashana. But G-d being merciful, he gives us, his children, time to make amends and hopefully improve our standing. So on Rosh Hashana the names are written in the books. But the decision is sealed on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur your standing can improve. And I guess if you are in the middle book, it could also worsen.


The other interesting part of this has to do with repentance. For sins against G-d, you can ask G-d for forgiveness. And if you truly repent, G-d will forgive you. But G-d cannot absolve you of sins towards your fellow (wo)man. For that you have to ask forgiveness of the person you wronged. Now if you ask in a spirit of true repentance, then the other person is supposedly not able to refuse you.



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Who is ND?




@bigvalboy-thanks for including "Gemar chatimah tovah (lit. A Good Final Sealing)." I've been Jewish all my life, and that's a new one for me. The greeting I'm familiar with (and which I think is more common) is "l'shana tova tikatevu. (May you be inscribed for a good year). "

An explanation of the phrases for those not familiar-In the Jewish Bible a "Book of Life" is mentioned. The idea as it has come done is that G-d has three books. There is a Book of Life, A Book of the Dead, and a Book in the Middle (that's not its actual name but go with me here).


These three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah: One for the totally wicked, one for the totally righteous (This is the Book of Life), and one for those in between. The totally righteous are at once inscribed and sealed for life, the totally wicked are at once inscribed and sealed for death, and the in between are left in suspension.


So the story is that G-d starts making his decision on who goes into each book on Rosh Hashana. But G-d being merciful, he gives us, his children, time to make amends and hopefully improve our standing. So on Rosh Hashana the names are written in the books. But the decision is sealed on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur your standing can improve. And I guess if you are in the middle book, it could also worsen.


The other interesting part of this has to do with repentance. For sins against G-d, you can ask G-d for forgiveness. And if you truly repent, G-d will forgive you. But G-d cannot absolve you of sins towards your fellow (wo)man. For that you have to ask forgiveness of the person you wronged. Now if you ask in a spirit of true repentance, then the other person is supposedly not able to refuse you.




I will confess, I knew nothing of Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur or any of the Jewish holidays for that matter, but thankfully my neighbor was gracious enough to give me a brief education on the matter.

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  • 6 months later...
Hi Hy You don't give a location but there are several Jewish and Israeli escorts in the NYC area.

I didn't think "Israeli" and "Jewish" were the same thing.

Ha...looks like my neighbor.


These days I'd be VERY leery of hiring a Jewish escort from NY if he lives in a very religious community. There are measles outbreaks in several counties, with the Orthodox communities being ground zero. An exposed child originally brought it back from Israel, but it has gotten so bad now that Rockland County enacted an unprecedented state of emergency:


Rockland County has declared a state of emergency over the ongoing measles outbreak, with Executive Ed Day announcing that non-vaccinated minors are now barred from public places.


Now in effect, anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles is prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination.


Officials said law enforcement will not be patrolling the streets or asking for vaccination records, but if someone is found in violation of the declaration, their case will be referred to the district attorney's office.


Parents will also be held accountable for their children if they are found in violation of the state of emergency, and could face fines and possible jail time.


Officials say there are no religious exemptions, and that they have been working with area rabbis who have been encouraging their members to get vaccinated.


According to the emergency declaration, public places are defined as a place where more than 10 persons are intended to congregate for purposes such as civic, governmental, social, or religious functions, or for recreation or shopping, or for food or drink consumption, or awaiting transportation, or for daycare or educational purposes, or for medical treatment.


A place of public assembly shall also include public transportation vehicles, including but not limited to, publicly or privately owned buses or trains, but does not include taxi or livery vehicles.


There are currently 156 confirmed reported cases of measles in the county, according to health officials.


"As this outbreak has continued, our inspectors have begun to meet resistance from those they are trying to protect," Day said. "They have been hung up on or told not to call again. They've been told, 'We're not discussing this, do not come back' when visiting the homes of infected individuals as part of their investigations. This type of response is unacceptable and irresponsible. It endangers the health and well-being of others and displays a shocking lack of responsibility and concern for others in our community."


Day said the intention of the state of emergency isn't to arrest people, but to educate the community and gain compliance.


"This is an opportunity for everyone in their community to do the right thing," Day said. "We must do everything in our power to end this outbreak and protect the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and for the children too young to be vaccinated."


Day said he recognizes there are religious holidays coming up soon, but if people immediately comply with the state of emergency and vaccinate their children now, they will still be able to enjoy Easter and Passover with their friends and family.


"We want people to be able to celebrate," he said. "We don't want to see a repeat of how this outbreak started when we saw people gathered together and then fall ill last fall. We want everyone to enjoy their friends and families, something quite difficult with the specter of measles hanging over their heads."


Some community leaders are urging vaccination and say resistance is not about religion, but a lack of education. They applaud the state's efforts thus far, but many have real fears about this latest step.


"Describe a B misdemeanor and someone can get arrested, that just sounds very scary to me," community activist Rivkie Feiner said.


Others worried normal people would be demonized.


"I'm very concerned about how people will be viewed and what will happen when people go to the mall and try to go to the Target or wherever they want to go shopping or be out," said Gary Setzer, of the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Rockland County.


Meanwhile, other leaders say the problem is the numbers.


"This community has a boatload of children," said Yossi Gestetner, of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council. "To give you context, Manhattan, less than 9 percent of the population is under the age of 10. New Square, the Hasidic village, 40 percent."


The Rockland County Department of Health held a free MMR vaccination clinic Wednesday afternoon. Free MMR vaccines are available by calling:


--The Rockland County Department of Health at 845-364-2497 or 845-364-2520 to schedule an appointment to get a free MMR vaccine at the Pomona health complex.

--The Rockland County Department of Health Spring Valley Family Planning Clinic is also providing MMR vaccines, by appointment to Family Planning patients. Family Planning Clinic patients can call 845-364-2531 to schedule an appointment.


In addition, MMR vaccines are available at local health care providers or by calling a local federally qualified health center.


"We must not allow this outbreak to continue indefinitely," Day said. "We will not sit idly by while children in our community are at risk. This is a public health crisis, and it is time to sound the alarm, to ensure that everyone takes proper action to protect themselves and their neighbors; for the health and safety of all of us in Rockland."


High-risk groups include pregnant women, children under 6 months of age, the immunocompromised or immunosuppressed, those who have not been vaccinated against the measles, and those who were born before 1957 and are immunosuppressed


Health officials say the best way to help protect yourself and the community is to remain up-to-date with measles vaccinations, and that high community vaccination rates help protect people who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or have specific health conditions.


"We continue to encourage everyone to be up-to-date with the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine to help protect them in case of any future exposure to measles in Rockland," Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert said. "Measles is highly contagious, so anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting the disease, and they may spread measles to people who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or have specific health conditions."


The New York State Department of Health released the following statement:


"From the onset of this outbreak, the State Department of Health has implemented a number of preventive measures to limit the further spread of measles. Together with the Rockland County Department of Health, we launched a successful school exclusion initiative for unvaccinated students in the outbreak area and, in partnership with the County and local healthcare providers, administered nearly 17,000 MMR vaccinations across the county - more than four times the number given over the same time frame in each of the last two years.

We are reviewing the county's emergency order and are continuing to work with all community stakeholders to end this outbreak once and for all."

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These days I'd be VERY leery of hiring a Jewish escort from NY if he lives in a very religious community. There are measles outbreaks in several counties, with the Orthodox communities being ground zero. An exposed child originally brought it back from Israel, but it has gotten so bad now that Rockland County enacted an unprecedented state of emergency:


Rockland County has declared a state of emergency over the ongoing measles outbreak, with Executive Ed Day announcing that non-vaccinated minors are now barred from public places.


Now in effect, anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles is prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination.


Officials said law enforcement will not be patrolling the streets or asking for vaccination records, but if someone is found in violation of the declaration, their case will be referred to the district attorney's office.


Parents will also be held accountable for their children if they are found in violation of the state of emergency, and could face fines and possible jail time.


Officials say there are no religious exemptions, and that they have been working with area rabbis who have been encouraging their members to get vaccinated.


According to the emergency declaration, public places are defined as a place where more than 10 persons are intended to congregate for purposes such as civic, governmental, social, or religious functions, or for recreation or shopping, or for food or drink consumption, or awaiting transportation, or for daycare or educational purposes, or for medical treatment.


A place of public assembly shall also include public transportation vehicles, including but not limited to, publicly or privately owned buses or trains, but does not include taxi or livery vehicles.


There are currently 156 confirmed reported cases of measles in the county, according to health officials.


"As this outbreak has continued, our inspectors have begun to meet resistance from those they are trying to protect," Day said. "They have been hung up on or told not to call again. They've been told, 'We're not discussing this, do not come back' when visiting the homes of infected individuals as part of their investigations. This type of response is unacceptable and irresponsible. It endangers the health and well-being of others and displays a shocking lack of responsibility and concern for others in our community."


Day said the intention of the state of emergency isn't to arrest people, but to educate the community and gain compliance.


"This is an opportunity for everyone in their community to do the right thing," Day said. "We must do everything in our power to end this outbreak and protect the health of those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and for the children too young to be vaccinated."


Day said he recognizes there are religious holidays coming up soon, but if people immediately comply with the state of emergency and vaccinate their children now, they will still be able to enjoy Easter and Passover with their friends and family.


"We want people to be able to celebrate," he said. "We don't want to see a repeat of how this outbreak started when we saw people gathered together and then fall ill last fall. We want everyone to enjoy their friends and families, something quite difficult with the specter of measles hanging over their heads."


Some community leaders are urging vaccination and say resistance is not about religion, but a lack of education. They applaud the state's efforts thus far, but many have real fears about this latest step.


"Describe a B misdemeanor and someone can get arrested, that just sounds very scary to me," community activist Rivkie Feiner said.


Others worried normal people would be demonized.


"I'm very concerned about how people will be viewed and what will happen when people go to the mall and try to go to the Target or wherever they want to go shopping or be out," said Gary Setzer, of the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Rockland County.


Meanwhile, other leaders say the problem is the numbers.


"This community has a boatload of children," said Yossi Gestetner, of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council. "To give you context, Manhattan, less than 9 percent of the population is under the age of 10. New Square, the Hasidic village, 40 percent."


The Rockland County Department of Health held a free MMR vaccination clinic Wednesday afternoon. Free MMR vaccines are available by calling:


--The Rockland County Department of Health at 845-364-2497 or 845-364-2520 to schedule an appointment to get a free MMR vaccine at the Pomona health complex.

--The Rockland County Department of Health Spring Valley Family Planning Clinic is also providing MMR vaccines, by appointment to Family Planning patients. Family Planning Clinic patients can call 845-364-2531 to schedule an appointment.


In addition, MMR vaccines are available at local health care providers or by calling a local federally qualified health center.


"We must not allow this outbreak to continue indefinitely," Day said. "We will not sit idly by while children in our community are at risk. This is a public health crisis, and it is time to sound the alarm, to ensure that everyone takes proper action to protect themselves and their neighbors; for the health and safety of all of us in Rockland."


High-risk groups include pregnant women, children under 6 months of age, the immunocompromised or immunosuppressed, those who have not been vaccinated against the measles, and those who were born before 1957 and are immunosuppressed


Health officials say the best way to help protect yourself and the community is to remain up-to-date with measles vaccinations, and that high community vaccination rates help protect people who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or have specific health conditions.


"We continue to encourage everyone to be up-to-date with the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine to help protect them in case of any future exposure to measles in Rockland," Health Commissioner Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert said. "Measles is highly contagious, so anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting the disease, and they may spread measles to people who cannot get vaccinated because they are too young or have specific health conditions."


The New York State Department of Health released the following statement:


"From the onset of this outbreak, the State Department of Health has implemented a number of preventive measures to limit the further spread of measles. Together with the Rockland County Department of Health, we launched a successful school exclusion initiative for unvaccinated students in the outbreak area and, in partnership with the County and local healthcare providers, administered nearly 17,000 MMR vaccinations across the county - more than four times the number given over the same time frame in each of the last two years.

We are reviewing the county's emergency order and are continuing to work with all community stakeholders to end this outbreak once and for all."


Oy veh!

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  • 2 months later...
Well, it's that time of the year again.

As the High Holy Days are almost upon us, Bozo is in search of that elusive hot Jewish escort offering a Rosh Hashana discount or even a 25% off sale for making it thru the Yom Kippur fast.








We Christians usually give gifts during the holydays... we don't expect discounts from (legal or illegal) services either.

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I apologize ahead of time cause im not known to be pc.


Jews in nyc that are typically nice jewish bois are not escorts unless they are Jewish by ethnicity only. However out in some of the rougher brooklyn n queens neighborhood i run into hot first gen russians and east eurooeans who are jewish by ethnicity but act like goidfella gambino types. They come from dirt poor families and often need to make ends meet. Dont think they will be wearin kippahs and going to temple tho. U will sooner see them rolling dice in the park past curfew.

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  • 4 months later...

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