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Where to find Jewish escort?

Guest Rabbi Hy

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I also prefer cut cock, lots of hot jewish and arab dudes. Have not yet hired one of them.


Most Americans are circumcised yet among younger men is not as common as it was years ago.


Let's don't start another thread about circumcision :)




Born in Jerusalem.

Go get'm Rabbi!


He ain't Hassidic for sure. Nice looking hipster!

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I am just happy this rabbi is looking for adult aged escorts... I am Jewish culturally (so have some right to be offensive..LOL) There have been the same issues in synagogues as catholic churches.. They just don't get as much press because we are a very small minority in this world (if you live outside of NY, LA, Florida and Israel).

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"It's doughy, round, and can be found in a deli close-by to ya." P.S. thanks for spelling misspelling correctly. :)

Not so easy to find on west coast.


Lotsa delicious soft round rolls with holes. Sun dried tomato, or blueberry, or banana nut. Those may all be tasty for some.


But they ain't bagels in my book.

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