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Where to find Jewish escort?

Guest Rabbi Hy

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Likely a parole violation for one formerly known here as "Scott Adler"


Oy I'm plotzing but have to inversely paraphrase Ashley Judd in Double Jeopardy, "probation, parole is something completely different."


This thread has me completely feklempt ... I'll give you a topic:


The Family Values movement is neither about family nor values ... discuss amongst yourselves.

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Oy I'm plotzing but have to inversely paraphrase Ashley Judd in Double Jeopardy, "probation, parole is something completely different."


This thread has me completely feklempt ... I'll give you a topic:


The Family Values movement is neither about family nor values ... discuss amongst yourselves.


I should behave myself.

* Plotz is to explode, but commonly used to mean faint.

* It is spelled verklempt.


Another quote is useful here: A flash back, in Blazing Saddles, when Black Bart is relating his childhood:


Shvartses! (Blacks!) (To Indian raising tomahawk): No, no, zayt nisht meshuge! (Don't be crazy!) (Raising arms to the heavens in stereotypical Indian pose): Loz im geyn! (Let him go!) Cop a walk, it's alright. Abi gezint! (As long as you're healthy!) Take off! (To other Indians): Hosti gezen in dayne lebn? (Have you ever seen such a thing?) They darker than us! Woof!

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Oy I'm plotzing but have to inversely paraphrase Ashley Judd in Double Jeopardy, "probation, parole is something completely different."


This thread has me completely feklempt ... I'll give you a topic:


The Family Values movement is neither about family nor values ... discuss amongst yourselves.


Scott, for all you have been through, you have a great sense of humor!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Glad to see that the age old tradition of correcting people to hear oneself speak is still alive and well here.


Happy to see my explosion was noted, at my age the explosions aren't NEARLY as big anymore. Eh ... who am I kidding. I hate doing laundry and then one good Sean Cody (their new private stock) and I'm screwing up the pillow cases just pressed. Oy.


... And in my dialect of the bastardized language created by German and transliterations of Hebrew to serve as a convenience of my ancestors ... I like to pronounce it with a soft fek rather than the harsh ver. Completely different meaning for me but clearly the message has gotten across so what do we hope to achieve by nitpicking? ;-) But yes, I'm sorry I spelled the "made up word" wrong. LOL.


*someone please tell him I'm kidding*


Glutes, one has to. I reminded myself today that faced with similar situations, I've watched others fade or run away. I like to think said sense of humor is what pushes me onward awaiting the next punchline.


Jackster, I have no idea what you're talking about and thankfully we both share a disinterest in the others explanation. =-)

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  • 5 months later...
I know, but you'd think I would remember at least part of it.


(sigh) Maybe I really am getting early onset alzheimer's.


MsGuy..Not at all! We all forget after awhile when a Thread is dragged into Boredom what for and why it existed and much easier to forget it totally!

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Morning Brooklyn! I see that pot-stirring spoon you picked up a few years ago still is getting some use ;-*


But can it hold up a Matza-ball (yes, I had to bring it back to the topic) ?


No worries MsGuy, I just felt that Lucky deserved a reply ;-)

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Guest verymarried

So please bring me up to date. Is this the same Scott Adler I used to salivate over as he sent pics in Santa outfits etc. Did he spend time in prison and is he out now? Is he escorting?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 11 months later...
So please bring me up to date. Is this the same Scott Adler I used to salivate over as he sent pics in Santa outfits etc. Did he spend time in prison and is he out now? Is he escorting?


I remember his bunny outfit too, not Playboy bunny but an Easter style one.

I'll send you a PM about the other part of your posting, I'd rather not saying it on here.

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I remember his bunny outfit too, not Playboy bunny but an Easter style one.

I'll send you a PM about the other part of your posting, I'd rather not saying it on here.

McSpider, you're replying to a post from 7/20/12, in thirteen months surely verymarried has learned what he needed or lost interest.

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McSpider, you're replying to a post from 7/20/12, in thirteen months surely verymarried has learned what he needed or lost interest.


I never saw this forum before, Bozo restarted it, I simply PM VM about it not to be too gossipy about someone else's misfortune.


Better safe than sorry.


Btw, Bozo T Clown wants to make sure he's Jewish escort is "foreskin free", if he's not foreskin free he ain't Jewish at all, go tell him that, just to be fair... LOL

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