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On 4/16/2024 at 5:12 PM, nycman said:

I don’t mind sharing with the crowd.

It is a series of 3 shots at zero, 2 months, and 6 months. I got my 3 shots in the early fall into winter of this past year.

I only had a reaction to the second shot. Interestingly that was also the shot that seemed to attack the wart on my foot. I was "achy’ all over, low grade fever, mild headache, and "felt sick". Took Motrin and got into a hot bath. Total time "not feeling good" was maybe 2-3 hours.

Hope that helps. Get the shots!

Can you please be specific on "felt sick"? I have a case of emetophobia that I discovered and that's exactly what's bothering me. IIRC when young adolescents get the shot, its only 2 shots.  

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6 hours ago, Anthony said:

Can you please be specific on "felt sick"? I have a case of emetophobia that I discovered and that's exactly what's bothering me. IIRC when young adolescents get the shot, its only 2 shots.  

It's not stomach related.  You won't vomit.  It's the feeling of being tired.

And frankly, wouldn't you rather just deal with the mentality of it for a few days, let it pass and then know you're safely vaxxed against HPV?

Discomfort is a part of life.  It's worth it when the reward makes sense.

Edited by BenjaminNicholas
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8 hours ago, Anthony said:

I have a case of emetophobia

I didn’t experience any gastrointestinal symptoms. Certainly no nausea or vomiting. Just feverish and achy all over. For the unwashed masses, emetophobia is the irrational fear of vomiting. It’s particularly entertaining when someone else vomits near them, and the person with emetophobia passes out as a result. 

I’m sorry you suffer from this, it must be hell when you get food poisoning.

Get the shots. 


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Most people would be more comfortable with vaccinations if the medical community gave us honest expectations and said right up front:
It's likely going to make you feel a little sick, and it's supposed to. That means you immune system is working and reacting to it.

Pain, fever, runny nose, etc are all your body saying "there's a pathogen here. We need to activate systems to kill it, and get it out of here."

Giving a false sense of "you'll feel just fine," makes many people believe that any discomfort is a "reaction" to a vaccine. The reality is that symptoms less than the full blow disease are normal.


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On 1/28/2024 at 2:45 PM, marylander1940 said:


I know an escort who is 49, his Doctor told him he's too old to get vaccinated now.

Should he be vaccinated? He still has 5-10 years ahead in this profession!

Well, if the vaccination truly offers prevention of any type of cancer, as is presented in various research, what would be the downside of getting them besides the cost of it out of pocket? 

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1 hour ago, Tygerscent said:

Well, if the vaccination truly offers prevention of any type of cancer, as is presented in various research, what would be the downside of getting them besides the cost of it out of pocket? 

Although… cancer cells can and do mutate around their treatments~ Depends on their structure~ 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/19/2024 at 4:11 PM, nycman said:

I didn’t experience any gastrointestinal symptoms. Certainly no nausea or vomiting. Just feverish and achy all over. For the unwashed masses, emetophobia is the irrational fear of vomiting. It’s particularly entertaining when someone else vomits near them, and the person with emetophobia passes out as a result. 

I’m sorry you suffer from this, it must be hell when you get food poisoning.

Get the shots. 


It also bothers me if I have to take any medicine because so many medications list vomiting and nausea as side affects. Food poisoning is what initially gave me emetophobia. 

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1 hour ago, Anthony said:

It also bothers me if I have to take any medicine because so many medications list vomiting and nausea as side affects. Food poisoning is what initially gave me emetophobia. 

Side effects as listed for medications do not necessarily mean cause and effect.  People can report any side effects to the manufacturer when taking medication and if that measures to more than 2% the side effect is listed as possible related.  Lesser side effects will also be listed, just not was prominently.  

HPV is given as two injections between ages 9 and 14 usually 18 months or so apart.  If not completed additional vaccinations can be given between ages 15 and 26.  If there is immunosuppressive condition, a third vaccination is suggested.  After age 26 until age 45, the decision to vaccinate is a decision between doctor and patient.  Usually it is considered that a person with prior low exposure who might now, at an older age be more exposed, is someone who is eligible for a vaccine in that age group.  

There are no recommendations for immunization after the age or 45.  If you were to receive it, a physician would be giving the medication off label.  If there were a significant reaction, the drug manufacturer would have greater legal protection from liability.  Not all physicians are willing to give medications off label, but many do.  A physician who deals with sexually active mature adults, such as the physician providing PrEP, would likely be amenable to a discussion of the appropriateness of HPV vaccination for anyone who has a concern about it.  

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3 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

As Purple eloquently replied, correlation is not always causation.

Geez, your tight tight phrasing is a wonder to behold and in truth that tightness got me more than a little excited. 

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