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When did you start getting tattoos? When did you stop?


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I was checking out an ad for a very handsome young man in LA who was 22 years old.  He had a great physique and bilateral tattoo sleeves.   I am not a big fan of tattoos though it really does depend on the level of the art work and theme.   I am wondering at what age did the tattooed on this forum start getting them?  How often do you add a new one?  If you have stopped getting them, at what age did you stop?   Have you had any tattoos removed.  

I have no tattoos and I am always surprised to see very young men, 18 or so,  with them, though for some it is a rite of passage or an act of rebellion.  

Edited by purplekow
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3 hours ago, purplekow said:

I am wondering at what age did the tattooed on this forum start getting them? 

Lat year I had my first one, so in my 50s

3 hours ago, purplekow said:

How often do you add a new one?

I only have one but plan  to get another one to cover a scar, next year.

3 hours ago, purplekow said:

If you have stopped getting them, at what age did you stop?

I haven't, I just started.


3 hours ago, purplekow said:

Have you had any tattoos removed.

I only have one that I just retouched, so no.

I think that the tattoo thing has evolved from what it used to be. People seem to be more open to not judge people with tattoos, as before. I mean, I remember once hearing some radio evangelist trashing and bashing people with tattoos, stating that people who have then are these lost, empty souls who now belong to Satan, or something to that effect. It was just disgusting hearing that. The newer generations seem to be more accepting of them and less stigmatizing about it (just my observation and experience).

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At the end of the last century, I made an appointment with a provider whom I seen a few times, who was in his late 30s. He contacted me the day before the appointment to warn me he had just got his first tattoo, and it covered one arm. When we met, he was wearing a cover sleeve on the arm. He admitted that not only did his arm still hurt, but he was having buyer's remorse--once he saw the finished product, he decided that he didn't really like the way it looked, but he was stuck with it.

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I have wanted one since I was 18, and even knew what I wanted it to be, but was never brave enough to take the leap. At 40 a few years ago, I got my very first one (well, two, one on each arm). Ironically, it wasn't even the thing I've wanted for decades, but I love it nonetheless. Even when it's covered and no one can see it, I like knowing it's there. I may actually get what I've been wanting at some point

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  • 3 weeks later...

One problem with tattoos is that the body ages, and not always gracefully. A co-worker, when in the Navy and stationed in Yokohama, got a belly tattoo of a sampan. Years later, and after he put on what could only described as considerable weight, he had it re-labeled as the USS Missouri.

I've never had a tattoo and never will. And I've never seen one I liked on the body of a good-looking man. As said elsewhere in these fora, and more than once, a tattoo on a good-looking male body is like using the Mona Lisa as a post-it note; it is, to me, the desecration of a piece of art. And I don't understand why so many young and beautiful men are so willing and even eager to get them. I blame rap. And the Republicans.*

[* A joke, and not a political commentary. Even if it's true.**]
[** Another joke! Please, just let it go!]

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2 hours ago, wsc said:

I don't understand why so many young and beautiful men are so willing and even eager to get them.

It's the massive desire for individuality in today's global society.

BEING yourself isn't enough for young people. They need to tag themselves with a declaration of how they like to see themselves and can't just be happy with what mother nature gave them.

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