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Folsom, Black Party, Southern decadence & MAL. Is it worth it going?


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4 hours ago, maninsoma said:

I know a lot of escorts visit San Francisco around the time of Folsom Street Fair, but that makes sense because it is a sexually oriented event and presumably there are both locals and many out of town visitors who are looking to hire as part of their fun that weekend.

I agree that it wouldn't make sense to try to chase some other type of event for the reasons you list.


1 hour ago, marylander1940 said:

They same happens here with MAL (Mid Atlantic Leather) most escorts I know flee the city. "Why bother staying when anyone can have sex for free!" they tell me.


34 minutes ago, maninsoma said:

The question is whether you can get what/who you want for free.

The answer is whether some folks who constantly hire can get some/anything for free at all and that's what they go to this party. Would they also hire while visiting when they can just join an orgy at a hotel room?

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I haven't attended these kinds of events, but I follow guys who do.  I think the *Fans sites have changed the dynamic a bit, since a lot of escorts are also doing content for their subscribers.  They'll go to these events, but mostly be working on collaborations among the other performers, and have little time for meeting clients.

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The last couple times I went to Decadence, I saw so much open drug usage and guys just wacked out of their mind on meth that I stopped going.  It was depressing.

It's like that with most of the circuit events, tbh.  Guys with incredible bodies who go on three-day benders until it finally catches up with them.

... And it always does.  Hard drugs are like a very sharp, ugly boomerang.

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9 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

The last couple times I went to Decadence, I saw so much open drug usage and guys just wacked out of their mind on meth that I stopped going.  It was depressing.

It's like that with most of the circuit events, tbh.  Guys with incredible bodies who go on three-day benders until it finally catches up with them.

... And it always does.  Hard drugs are like a very sharp, ugly boomerang.

Very good, realistic assessment. I seen this at an event I was working couple years ago. Though not directly in our group, lot of the attendees were strung out, and at one point: the resort manager came and damn near kicked half the pool off the property because they were being too showy with their liquid “paraphernalia”.  I just so happened to be standing just on the outskirts of it, but I knew I wasn’t about to do what they were doing. Especially after I had to console a guy earlier who was shaking and hysterical after his friends said he got plowed on G and didn’t remember it (though I never found out the validity of that story).

Lot of these circuit parties are pretty much a typical weekend in a gay bar district: same shit, just on steroids. I’ve seen the same shit, in different cities, 1,000 times. Though the only saving Grace is, the experiences are different, the possibilities endless. So it keeps it entertaining for me.

As for the original question: by all means if an escort wants to attend such an event, attend. But let escorting/finding clients be a secondary function. That’s pretty much the concept of how I travel nowadays. I rarely places just for the prospect of doing bookings, unless it just happens to be along the way to my main destination (partly why it’s been so hard to get me to a particular city that a particular person wants me to go to. Not that I don’t want to go, but I just haven’t found a main purpose to go yet). 

That way, you’ll have reasonable expectations regardless. And usually, in the process I’ve picked up a client or 2 unintentionally. Like when I went to Iowa pride earlier in the summer, I didn’t have any clients that weekend. But I did have a friend of a friend who happened to be interested, and he booked me for his husband 🥵 


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Well I can say I've never attended any of them.   I have no doubt it would be an interesting eye opener for this Kansas kid.    My gut reaction is I'd be very curious and want to see what's up.    If there is drug usage,  I'd be turned off,  but I'd have fun checking it all out.     After one of the events,  I'd hazard to guess that would be enough.

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I was going to attend Folsom this year because a client hired me to join him for a few days. These parties and festivals may not be a place to trot out new clients per se, but a client may very well want to bring you along and show you off to his buddies and throngs of attendees.

There's always the social aspect that can be fun and also productive because someone hires you down the road due to some connection you made just chatting and hanging out (and mildly flirting) with a lot of different people. In these festival situations, it's best to interact with the groups and crowds when they are sober (or at least less drunk) and avoid the hard drug scenes, wherever possible.

I think it would be the most fun when you take time off just to go for yourself, either with friends or solo.

Too bad my Folsom client had to cancel a few weeks ago. I was looking forward to sporting my leather gear in public and being flaunted.

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11 hours ago, Simon Suraci said:

I was going to attend Folsom this year because a client hired me to join him for a few days. These parties and festivals may not be a place to trot out new clients per se, but a client may very well want to bring you along and show you off to his buddies and throngs of attendees.

There's always the social aspect that can be fun and also productive because someone hires you down the road due to some connection you made just chatting and hanging out (and mildly flirting) with a lot of different people. In these festival situations, it's best to interact with the groups and crowds when they are sober (or at least less drunk) and avoid the hard drug scenes, wherever possible.

I think it would be the most fun when you take time off just to go for yourself, either with friends or solo.

Too bad my Folsom client had to cancel a few weeks ago. I was looking forward to sporting my leather gear in public and being flaunted.

Damn, I just noticed it is this weekend 😯 

I’ve never been but, I’ve seen the Google pics of various porn stars with their dick out and proud 😂 

I’ll say too: not really related to the topic at hand but, the other caveat to those events is keeping your “group and/or “fling” together and also just general overload. Which I find can be work.

I don’t mind going into a bar or club on my own, but big outdoor events: like as been said, you never know who’s on what drug: and the endless possibilities of quests can sometimes leave you not getting laid at all, or getting laid but not getting paid. And sometimes: hot bodies and advances from others, can blind out the necessity for money lol. 

So one could end up fucking 3 guys for free. But it could also make for some pretty intense edging, if needing to be on standby for a possible call to come  😆 

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On 9/20/2023 at 8:46 AM, marylander1940 said:



The answer is whether some folks who constantly hire can get some/anything for free at all and that's what they go to this party. Would they also hire while visiting when they can just join an orgy at a hotel room?

I would be surprised if anyone who generally hires would be satisfied with joining an orgy.  Afterall, if you are hiring, you and the client are one-on-one.  But an orgy would definitely be a different experience.  I know in the past at IML in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend providers do visit.  Part of the visits may also be do with a porn award event called the Grabbys that takes place the same weekend, and also the Leather Market has many booths with providers in gear or featuring online site.  Also at IML, there is frequently action in the bathrooms of the hotels, and plenty of private parties either in the hotel or offsite.

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  • 8 months later...
14 hours ago, StevenWright said:

Considering events like Folsom, Black Party, Southern Decadence, and MAL, it can seem like they're all about free-spirited fun. Whether it's worth attending really depends on what you're into.

What’s strange about these events is that they don’t really seem “free spirited”. It’s an overall vibe  of sexual deviance and aggression. 


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Other than the Black Party,  I have been to all of them mentioned here, and then some. They've included lots of men, sex, socialization, and drugs.

My experiences/observations have been that "sex" is going to include aggression and sex you personally may not find appealing. "Socialization" is going to include strangers brazenly propositioning you for sex and drugs. "Drugs" is going to include open use, sale, and overindulgance.

If any of those extremes being included is going to completely ruin your experience, do not go. If you can walk past the turn-offs hardly batting an eye, and simply enjoy the parts that do appeal to you, go and savor the good parts.

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On 5/28/2024 at 9:14 PM, Monarchy79 said:

What’s strange about these events is that they don’t really seem “free spirited”. It’s an overall vibe  of sexual deviance and aggression. 

What's really strange is that these events are highly segregated within a community that loudly preaches wide acceptance.

The circuit muscle guys don't want the overweight guys at the event who have their own bear circuit events where they shit talk the steroid queens and twinks.

And then there's the subset of party guys who all look alike, fuck alike and only hang out with what might be considered their twin.

It's dizzyingly fucking stupid.

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21 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

What's really strange is that these events are highly segregated within a community that loudly preaches wide acceptance.

The circuit muscle guys don't want the overweight guys at the event who have their own bear circuit events where they shit talk the steroid queens and twinks.

And then there's the subset of party guys who all look alike, fuck alike and only hang out with what might be considered their twin.

It's dizzyingly fucking stupid.

That's what you get with lots of horny shallow men.

All the pretty boys eventually age. Then karma will hit them.

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On 5/31/2024 at 2:33 PM, DrownedBoy said:

All the pretty boys eventually age. Then karma will hit them.

Aging has zero to do with bad karma.   I know plenty of ugly assholes who constantly tempt fate.

That said, age catches up to everyone. 

If you can't find a way to transition from a cute young guy to a handsome older man, it can be a rude awakening.

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On 5/28/2024 at 10:14 PM, Monarchy79 said:

What’s strange about these events is that they don’t really seem “free spirited”. It’s an overall vibe  of sexual deviance and aggression. 

these type events used to be free-spirited & fun, before crystal meth took over.  
after crystal use was normalized & went mainstream- the vibe became super aggressive, bitchy & 100% sex.  And that was on Day 1.  After a few days of “partying” it just gets exponentially worse & no fun to be around whatsoever 

btw - the insatiable desire for sex created by crystal never actually gets satisfied, no matter how much sex the user has. it can never be enough.  almost every person I’ve known using it has told me they know how to handle it - and inevitably gets messy - they're just not aware

if you can tolerate hundreds of rude drugged-out zombies - then maybe the parties would be fun.  there seems to less of it during day parties tho

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