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3 hours ago, BonVivant said:

In realms of thought where silence dwells,
A mystic muse, a tale it tells,
Of boundless void, both vast and wide,
Where "nothing" dances, side by side.

No shape, no form, no hue to see,
Yet harboring infinite mystery.
The absence lingers, void profound,
An emptiness where wonders abound.

From nothing springs the seeds of thought,
Where dreams take flight, unchained, untaught.
For in the void, potential lies,
Unfolding tales, a sweet surprise.

In nothingness, a canvas vast,
Where artists of the mind contrast,
With strokes unseen, they craft their art,
Creating worlds, their dreams impart.

And in the night, when stars align,
Where shadows dance and moonbeams shine,
'Tis nothing that binds all things together,
An unseen force that weathers the weather.

For in the whispers of the wind's soft breath,
The space between, where life takes rest,
A subtle pause, a pregnant hush,
Nothing, the cradle where dreams brush.

So let us not dismiss with haste,
This wondrous void, a sacred space,
For nothing holds potential true,
A fertile ground for something new.

Embrace the void, let imagination soar,
And find in nothing, a boundless store,
Of endless possibilities, yet unseen,
In the vast expanse where nothing's been.

OMG - I love this!!!

Where's it's from? - say not nowhere.
Who did write? - say not no one.
What's the title? - say not none.

Sorry - got caught up in the moment.

But, seriously, this is wonderful, especially for one like me, drawn to occasional days of solitude and reflection, and the rest they can provide.

I hesitate to say -but cannot resist- I've never been so immediately drawn to anything as much as to this. Nothing!


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