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Falling Snow


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This could be a LONG winter.

And while I appreciate the festive intent and seasonal flavor of these light, fluffy snowflakes descending on my screen, after a few days, for some it just may start becoming super annoying.  

Apologies if I missed it elsewhere, but HOW do I make it STOP !?!?!

Edited by Bucky
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5 hours ago, Bucky said:

This could be a LONG winter.

And while I appreciate the festive intent and seasonal flavor of these light, fluffy snowflakes descending on my screen, after a few days, for some it just may start becoming super annoying.  

Apologies if I missed it elsewhere, but HOW do I make it STOP !?!?!

It's not snow; the site has dandruff.  I'm sure @RadioRob is washing it with Head and Shoulders as we speak.

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It's neither snow nor dandruff. It's confetti.

I first noticed the falling tribute when I logged in to the site for the first time after achieving a bump in rank, and quite reasonably concluded it was being done in recognition of that accomplishment. It also happened to fit very nicely into my view of the universe and of my position relative to it.

I am quite happy to share the festivities with one and all and invite you to celebrate - in Frasier's words - the magic that is me!


Well, nobody else was going to say it!

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17 minutes ago, wsc said:

I am quite happy to share the festivities with one and all and invite you to celebrate - in Frasier's words - the magic that is me!

Well, nobody else was going to say it!

Whatever you say, Blanche!

After attending her college reunion and seeing that all the women had had facelifts and looked amazing, Blanche decided to go under the knife herself.  But when the girls went to see her in the hospital, they found that she'd cancelled the surgery and checked out.  Later, at home...

ROSE- Where have you been?

DOROTHY- You had us worried sick.

BLANCHE- I'm sorry, I thought I'd get home before you left.

I would have, if I hadn't seen this stunning dress in a store and realized how it would accentuate the soft, voluptuous curves of my gorgeous body.

DOROTHY- Gorgeous body?

Yesterday it was a bag of russet potatoes with earrings.

BLANCHE- That depends on how you look at it.

And Dr. Gordon Taylor obviously looked at it with desire in his eyes.

He asked me out on friday night.


ROSE- So you canceled the surgery for a date?

BLANCHE- It wasn't any old date.

It was with a plastic surgeon.

Beauty is his stock in trade.

He can create any face, any body he wants.

What he wanted was mine.

That got me to thinking.

All my life I have had a unique charm that just kind of flowed naturally.

If I tampered with that, I could risk losing forever that special magic that is blanche devereaux.

That was a risk I was not willing to take.

ROSE- That's why you decided not to have surgery.

BLANCHE- No, I landed myself a doctor, so he can pay for it.

Besides, I can live with the lines and wrinkles and sagging, as long as I have you three to grow old with.

ROSE- What a lovely thing to say.

BLANCHE- Yeah. Especially since no matter how old we get, I'll always be the youngest, and the prettiest and by far the most desirable.

DOROTHY- You know, once again she had me in her corner right up until the end.


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8 minutes ago, MscleLovr said:

Just a simple aside @samhexum but how often do you rewatch ‘The Golden Girls’?

Not for the last year+ since I got a ROKU, but I've seen every episode 100+ times except a few I can live without in the 30 years since it went into syndication.  It's pretty much always been on for 2 hours twice a day, and at times thrice.

So I remember all the punchlines and can google the specific dialogue.

Edited by samhexum
for shits and giggles
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