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Posts posted by jtwalker

  1. 5 hours ago, bottombunktwunk said:

    Figured I should say something about this encounter to clear the air. First of all, I do not discriminate against age, disability, race, weight, etc. As you can see from the rest of my reviews, this was an outlier. That being said, providers have every right to decline meeting if a client makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. It has been confirmed from other providers that this particular client has made them feel uncomfortable/unsafe.

    So here's my side of the story...

    *The client did not disclose his medical condition before meeting.

    *First meeting: Client cancels ~30 minutes before appointment because "he did not feel well".  Client offers to compensate me for my lost time so long as I agreed to meet with him again. I accepted the conditions and rescheduled.

    *Second meeting: Client is 30+ minutes late. (First thought is "he is flaking") Then I see Client being carried into the lobby by two men, twitching, unable to stand on his own, causing a scene. I assumed Client was on drugs and I made a game time decision to run out of the hotel without engaging with him. I did not feel safe. I texted Client saying I had to cancel because he was late and I needed to make it to my next appointment. Client then tells me about his medical condition and demands I meet with him because he had already compensated me for my time. I reimbursed Client and asked that he not contact me again. 

    *Third meeting: Client created a new profile, a new phone number and arranges to meet without identifying himself. I see Client walking into the lobby and I walk out. Again I text the Client not to contact me.

    *Fourth (attempted) meeting: Client created a new profile, a new number. Client identifies himself and I reiterate that I will not meet him. Client writes negative review.

    *Fifth meeting: Client has another provider contact me and arranges to meet. Provider tells me it is a private client. Upon arriving, I realize who the Client is. I leave without engaging. Client deletes negative review to make amends. Provider tells me that Client has mental health issues in addition to Parkinson's and that no providers in the Seattle area are willing to meet with this client for similar reasons. 


    It sounds like you handled it very well.

  2. 6 minutes ago, njgardendude said:

    @shadeheffashade, I'm guessing that you're remembering th 3.5" floppies that came in a hard case with a sliding metal door.  Before those, there were 5 1/4 inch floppies that had a soft plastic case.  That almost seems like the recent past.  The first ones I remember were the ones my dad used with a home built 8080 computer in the late 70s and early 80s.  They were 8 inches in diameter and came in a soft plastic case just like the later 5 1/4 inch format.  If I remember correctly, they held a whopping 80K of data.

    Nobody remembers them.  But then again, who wants anything 8 inches and floppy....

    Wendy's registers used these until the mid 90's, LOL

  3. Post-Covid, I've been having a lot of trouble finding a good meetup.  I'm a shy guy, but I've learned to be up-front about my goals.  Pretty simple Kiss, Fuck, Cum type of bottom here, so nothing wacky or strange about what I'm looking for.  Three recent examples without names:

    First guy is friendly via text, his fee is a little high $350 and he wants to be paid on arrival.  I talk him into $100 now and the rest later only to find out he won't kiss, barely hugs, and doesn't really want to top.  I kicked him out and he kept the $100.  Total waste of time, I left a bad review.

    Second guy is rated fantastic on RM; has been for years.  He's friendly and a good top considering his small size.  But that's about all he really wants to do.  Tries to kiss, but holds his head back to keep the kiss very light, he's also not great at Oral.  Not a terrible experience, but just not what I'd expect from someone who is rated so well.  I left a good review, because at least he tried.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

    Third guy is younger (20's), not great English.  Maybe he didn't understand the text; I don't know.  He was friendly and a good kisser, but his place was dirty, he didn't have any lube, he complained about doing oral and finished me off in less than 20 minutes.  Afterward, he started to get dressed and seemed surprised when I left.  He thought I wanted to talk?  Why would I pay someone to talk?  Is that a thing?  If he's getting dressed, why would I stay?  I left a mediocre review (3-star) with the positives (friendly, good kisser) and negatives.  He initially responded with threats and then started begging and pleading.  I felt bad for him, so I deleted the review.  I really should've reported him to the webmaster about the threats, but I figured that he is just young and dumb so I let it go.  Also, there was not meat to his threats.

    I would not rehire any of them.

    Am I the only one struggling to find good hookups post-covid?  Are the best escorts moving to Only Fans?  I'm really not into on-screen encounters.  Whether in Central Florida or San Francisco, it just seems like the market is not what it used to be.


  4. 7 hours ago, ekoile said:

    I agree, though since I'm not a premium member of RM, I can't leave a review anymore.

    I hesitate to leave reviews on RM after one escort tried to blackmail me after a bad review.  I use burner everything, but he could've had pictures or video.  Maybe I'm just paranoid.

  5. I once had one say that he had someone follow me home and threaten to post a video to YouTube.  I ditched all my burner everything and never heard from him again.  He still lists himself on RM from time to time, but I learned to be far more careful about who I hire in the first place.  If someone doesn't have a year of experience, 10 reviews with an average score of 4.75, and a face pic... it is a no go for me.  These guys seem to get found out well before they can keep a single profile active for a year.

  6. I’m closeted, “straight”, and the curiosity turned into a porn addiction and I finally realized I had a question that had to be answered.  There was only one way to answer the question, so I opted for a paid engagement because I knew there were no strings attached.

    I can’t say I’ve solved all my sexual identity problems, but the curiosity is gone and porn addiction has been finally kicked because I no longer wonder. 

    I may yet decide to give up on all of this as there is more to life than sex, but I don’t think I would have ever found myself in control if I hadn’t been honest with myself enough to know that there was an itch that had to be scratched.

    Maybe I’m alone in this, or maybe we are not all as different as we think.

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