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Posts posted by jtwalker

  1. 7 minutes ago, DrownedBoy said:

    I guess I don't know then - only that the rules don't seem to be equally applied in all places to all people.

    I had a 5 star review rejected when I was new to the platform.  I have left 20 or so reviews now, so maybe they also look at history?  I really don’t know, but I was glad I could leave reviews.  For a while, I avoided anyone who wouldn’t talk on the platform because I, like you, thought they were afraid of reviews.

  2. In fact, the reason I asked here is that I don’t trust the news.  I’d rather hear from real people that live there.  When I first learned of the trip, I was excited.  

    I may take a tour, that was a great idea.  Other than that, I’ll probably avoid the city as much as I can.  With Tenderloin 1/2 a Mike from Union Station, I’m afraid I’ll get carjacked for turning down the wrong road.

    I usually disagree with the news, but the consensus here seems to be that it is not great.  That is a shame.

  3. 5 hours ago, DrownedBoy said:

    It would only be blocked if the provider raised an objection to it.

    Few providers raise objections to 5 star reviews.

    I have left 1 star reviews on this same manner.

    I no longer leave less than 5 star reviews as 2 of 3 bad reviews threatened me afterward.  It’s just not worth it.  So, I also know to take the reviews with a grain of salt.

  4. 32 minutes ago, ButchAtl said:

    Then there are the escorts who insist on communications by text only.  They don't or won't respond to the new chat feature.  If you can't prove any RentMen communication the review will not be approved. 

    I have had several reviews approved without RM communication, so there must be more to this.

  5. 7 hours ago, rvwnsd said:

    While I don't mistrust reviews, I don't think the absence of reviews is a red flag. There's a host of reasons why clients don't post reviews that are unrelated to the provider, including discretion, lack of awareness, and simply not wanting to expend the effort. Likewise, a lack of discussion here isn't a red flag to me. While the membership base is large, it is a small proportion of the client population as a whole. 


    I guess I'm overly cautious, but how do you determine who you're willing to meet without any reviews?

    6 hours ago, Rand said:

    Take all the comments and signs with a grain of salt. Always.

    Do your own research and trust your guts when texting with provider. A lot of problems will rise to the surface (or show absence of them) within a few messages with him.

    I had a great sessions with guys that have 1-2 reviews, and mediocre at best with those who have 30+, 50+ reviews. YMMV is the rule of thumb.

    What kind of research can you do?  Serious question; I honestly don't know.

    45 minutes ago, Luv2play said:

    I assume you are in the US. We've discussed this many times here. In other countries we get to read the entire reviews on RM. Comments included. In the States you have to resort to some mechanism to see them. 

    I can see the text on the reviews and it is very helpful when it is present.  It also helps me distinguish between the true and phony reviews to some degree.


    I'm very curious to learn how you guys figure out who is safe without any reviews?  I get that it is always escort roulette to some degree, but I don't want to end up in a dangerous situation either.


  6. 14 minutes ago, Wanderoz said:

    Don’t trust most reviews. That is one of the mist important reasons I love this forum!

    I don't trust the reviews, but is it a bad sign when they don't have any reviews?

    I'm always amazed when a provider has been on for 7 years, no reviews and no discussion here.

  7. 17 hours ago, Dante said:

    So you're really out here admitting that even after the first two times, you didn't, as a top, bring your own god damn condoms, and along the way felt it was necessary to highlight the ethnicity of the guys? 

    I give up

    I don't see how race as a descriptive term is racist.  People are way too easily offended.  He clearly likes Latin men.

    Should he bring his own condoms?  Yes!  Everyone is so picky about condoms, they couldn't supply all the variety if they tried.  Lube, on the other hand, is something escorts really ought to have on hand (quite literally in some cases, LOL).

  8. If there is one thing I have learned, it is to ask.  I'm shy, so it's incredibly hard for me.  Still, I work up the courage to spell out my goals while texting.  This doesn't eliminate the misrepresentation issues, but it does reduce them.  If you're looking for something specific, ask.

    Ads can be honest and misinterpreted.  Kissing might mean he's good with a peck, but if you're looking for a tongue dance, that isn't going to happen.  Asking clears up these points and reduces frustration.  I'd rather get blocked for asking than invest the time, money and emotional energy into being disappointed.

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