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Everything posted by KensingtonHomo

  1. It's funny. This came up with my regular guy yesterday. He said he doesn't escort because he's not able to perform if he's not attracted to the person. And he's had a couple of experiences with crazy clients - like stalker shit - even just doing massage. So he just feels like escorting would increase the chances of dealing with crazy.
  2. In my experience, when you seem the same masseur regularly things progress naturally to the level they're comfortable. My regular guy definitely goes way further now than when I started seeing him three years ago. But we also have lovely chats, and genuine chemistry. But that unfolded over time.
  3. Even if I had unlimited funds, I would not give a 22-year-old thousands of dollars. Not to yuck anyone's yum, but I don't find this kid remotely desirable. If he can get that sum, good for him, but I know plenty of wealthy people who would look askance at the idea that just because they have money, they should throw it at anyone with abs.
  4. Marcus is warm, funny and engaging, I think he’d be an excellent BFE. Marcus_A - Male Escort, Gay massage - New York City | Rent.Men RENT.MEN Marcus_A Gay Escort in New York City, New York, available for Gay Escorting,Erotic Massage,Bodywork... Eric is also a complete doll. Warm, friendly and mature. NYWolfman - Male Escort, Gay massage - New York City | Rent.Men RENT.MEN NYWolfman Gay Escort in New York City, New York, available for Gay Escorting,Modeling,Erotic Massage. |...
  5. I assume it means they’re open to working and not anything more or less
  6. We see two providers who no longer advertise. In one case, he's busy with filming and collabs but still seeing his existing clients when he can. The other is focused on his day job, but also will still see us when we want. He also lets us know when he leaves or comes back to town due to his day job.
  7. This is hilarious. Twinks as the sine qua non of gay desirability is a fad! I was a twink in the 90s and we were not appreciated. 80-90 percent of guys wanted muscular "Chelsea" boys. Pre-AIDS, the clone with the mustache and hairy chest was the hottest of all. If 1940 in your profile indicates your age, you lived through this and should know that Twinks have been considered hot for about a decade. And in the next 5-10 years, it will be something else. Like @Vegas_Millennial I generally dated older men and my husband is older than me, though we're the same generation. I would not rim or otherwise have sex with someone who was under 30 and smooth. That didn't appeal to me when I was in my 20s and it doesn't now. And I'm not into huge muscles either.
  8. There's a lot of projection in posts like these. Speaking for myself, I am conventionally attractive, look ten years younger than my (middle) age, and am a lot of fun in and out of bed. But you - and a few others on here - seem to think most of us are hideous and obese. A significant number of us hire, not because we can't find sex but because it's much more convenient. We're paying, so we don't have to spend hours on apps to schedule a hook-up. And "good looking" is incredibly subjective. I'd say 80 percent of the providers who get posted here by members looking for information, hold zero appeal for me. But most guys are salivating over them. Lastly, the "slavery" comment is just horrible. Not only do we have a history of chattel slavery in this country, but there are people all over the world, including the US, who are being trafficked to have sex against their will. And, they do not get paid. In fact, by definition slaves don't get paid. And that rimming is what set you off, feels very personal. It's a practice you find distasteful or abhorrent, so you cannot imagine someone enjoying it. So it's worse to you then "fuck me or I won't hire you", "let me fuck you or I won't hire you", "blow me or I won't hire you." Really, they're all the same. Lastly, no one should ever coerce a provider into doing something they are uncomfortable with. But if I hire someone who says they provide a particular service - and let's stipulate that everyone involved is pristinely hygienic - and they will not perform, I would let it go. But I also would not hire them again.
  9. You're welcome to your opinion but if you're having sex with someone, how is any part of that "too personal?"
  10. I use a Burner app that is not in my name, and I can delete it from my phone. I recently spoke to a provider who travels internationally. He backs his "work" phone up to the cloud and then hard resets it before customs. I don't know your demography but it is extremely unlikely that you would even be of interest to law enforcement. The reality is that the police target poor Johns and massage parlors and other places where it's easy to do mass arrests. They also target sex workers who are poor and marginalized. Given the breadth of this group, if people were running into issues, I suspect we'd all know.
  11. I'm willing to be the test subject. 🍑
  12. I'm mostly a bottom so I do expect to be rimmed as warming up to fucking. I haven't had too many guys turn me down. I also think if you approach a provider with the info that you are a bottom and you're into it, most would think rimming is on the table. And, yes, bidets are nice but I am completely prepped (douched, freshly showered) before I meet up.
  13. The chance of legal issues is vanishingly small. There is no law prohibiting you from accessing the website, and there is nothing illegal about compensating an adult for their time. It would be very hard for someone to prove anything else happened.
  14. Off the top of my head, I can think of four providers with no tattoos who are young, and in shape. Two of them also do porn. I can understand not being into someone heavily tattooed. But if a guy has one or even a few discrete tattoos but is otherwise your type, I cannot fathom caring about it. But we're also due for the quarterly hysteria over guys wearing nail polish, so what do I know?
  15. I agree that unless one is into using drugs with a provider, it's unlikely this would be an issue. However, in the vanishingly small chance that it would happen, I would approach it as humanely as possible. If necessary, call for an ambulance. Wait until they arrive. If the provider is conscious, see if there's someone they want you to call. If you are concerned about how this person got into your room or home, say they're a friend. If it's a hotel, say you met them at the bar or pool. I imagine guys who are closeted or cheating may be worried about being exposed but there's little chance of anyone finding out. If it's a medical emergency, the person who is ill has a right to privacy.
  16. I find it so funny that some people here are obsessed with tattoos. Only a little over a quarter of men have even one tattoo. Most of the guys in porn don't have any. Most of the providers don't have any. So I don't know why you and others are obsessed with the maybe half - if we adjust for generations where younger people might have more - of providers and porn stars have them. 32% of Americans have a tattoo, including 22% who have more than one WWW.PEWRESEARCH.ORG 69% of adults say they got any of their tattoos to honor or remember someone or something. 47% say they...
  17. No, because unless the penis can make a sharp turn into the sigmoid colon, it doesn't go beyond the rectum. If you're douching goes beyond the rectum, you are then cleaning out your colon which is unnecessary unless you're into fisting, and makes it a multi-hour process.
  18. If you go passed cleaning out the rectum, you're asking for trouble. Too many guys are over-douching and leaving water in their colons.
  19. I don’t have an issue getting responses. I’d say 80 percent respond. i think your issue is you’re not asking a question or giving a time frame. Maybe you if you give a time “are you available next Monday or Tuesday? If so, can you tell me what your rates are?” I also sometimes give a vague description like “I’m a married professional guy who enjoys erotic massage.”
  20. I didn’t say the massage was medicore. It was actually pretty good.
  21. I saw Dniel today. He's very nice and looks great. I had explicitly asked for an erotic massage in our texts, but it didn't even go into sensual. The massage was very good. On my way out, I asked if he ever does a more erotic massage. He said he has done it in the past, but he's seeing someone and doesn't feel comfortable. It was a good massage, but as it was purely therapeutic, I wouldn't pay his rate again.
  22. I wonder if this is because some guys don't know how to ask a provider for the scene they want. I can see wanting to enact a straight bro scene or a bullied scene. It can be hot to work out your trauma. But desiring someone who categorically will not desire you, is not for me.
  23. I reached out to him once but he never responded.
  24. Same. I like men of all gender expressions as long as it feels authentic. All gender is performance but I can tell when someone is overemphasizing their masculinity. Now, if there's a particular scene where over emphasis is desired, that's fine. But a straight guy who comes in with a bunch of preconditions and talks about his girlfriend, it a hard no.
  25. I prefer gay or bi (or pan, for that matter). I don't see the point in hiring someone who won't be attracted to me (always a risk) and is likely to be very limited in what they're willing to do. Plus I don't generally like or enjoy the company of straight men. Some of my best hiring experiences have been with bi or pan guys who are just really into sex.
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