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Everything posted by dbar123

  1. I also had a bad reaction to my 14k wedding band. I would get cracks in my skin that were very painful. I eventually had to stop wearing it. It took a good six months to fully heal. I left the ring on my dresser and one day it accidentally fell behind it. When we finally moved and pulled the dresser away from the wall it was nowhere to be found. I never bothered to replace it. My partner is an artist and had stopped wearing a ring because of stray paint so we just decided to not bother any further with the convention of rings
  2. I have a firm upper spending limit of $500/2 hr. The recent hikes in prices have given me reasonable incentive to find less expensive FWB alternatives. Sorry, but that’s just the reality of it. I used to hire several times a month but now I am hiring about once a quarter
  3. What a relief to know that the underwear is getting smaller. I thought I was just getting bigger
  4. You’re all doing a nice job of managing the site
  5. Seems to me that it’s your dad who has some explaining to do. He had no business messing around with your computer without asking
  6. To be charged $9.95 and be unable to view videos and semiprivate images….well it dors make me wonder what I was going to get for the money. When I went to revert to a basic free membership I noticed that it is no longer an option so I wound up deleting my entire account.
  7. That’s one of the best features of Wordle. If I don’t get the daily text from my older friends, I know something is wrong
  8. The good news- I noticed that my current Rentmen membership fee is still $9.95 for the month. The bad news- I noticed just now that I am no longer able to view videos. To see the videos I’ve saved I now need to upgrade to a $19.95 plan. This is as good of a reason as any to cancel the membership and just stay free
  9. IMHO the anticipation of much better sex trumps paying for a mediocre experience. It’s also cheaper. I have a similar situation with a local provider who is becoming less and less adventurous and the sessions have become pretty bland. I’m letting him “time out “ and saving the money for a future, more interesting adventure
  10. Easier to navigate. Progress is a good thing
  11. You would get inundated with providers who just want money and have no interest in really taking care of your needs
  12. I started limiting myself to one encounter every week, then one every 2 weeks etc. I’m up to one a month. I’ve shifted my joy to the anticipation of the event rather than the event itself. That works for me but YMMV.
  13. It really helps to practice with an incremental selection of increasing size dildos. Something that is 1.5-1.75 in diameter is a good average. Realistically that covers the vast majority of guys. I’ve personally stopped taking guys over 2in as the view isn’t worth the climb
  14. I had a similar experience on A4A. He wanted $3000 in bitcoin. I kept stalling him out despite his continual deadlines and threats. Eventually one of his rapid action deadlines came and went and nothing happened
  15. Watching someone else come is extremely hot
  16. I’ve noticed that the new app makes it very difficult to bookmark videos
  17. I had seen Jay a few times when I was living in Boston just before the pandemic. Nice enough guy but definitely an acquired taste. He is very "weedy" for sure. He had been recovering from being hit by a car while biking and hadn't been working out as much so I do wonder what he looks like now. I think of him as more of an "experience" rather than a typical masseur or escort. If you are looking for a conventional masseur experience with him you are bound to be dissapointed since he does not have a table and uses a bed in his spare room and as massages go, it's underwhelming. If you are looking to be topped, yes his dick is quite large be he is not the most imaginative top so the experience is a bit mechanical. Still there is something rather quirky, awkward and fun about seeing him that is hard to quantify and when I leave, I feel happy. I find him very complimentary and he just makes me feel good emotionally.
  18. The last time we moved with Gentle Giant in Boston. The guys were very “hunky.”
  19. Realize that a 4 handed massage is as much "performance art" as it is "massage" and if you are in the mood for that, it may be worth the added cost. I once had a pair of massage guys screw each other during the massage so it was just as much interactive porn as it was massage. Another time, I had a pair of guys do something I'd never experienced- one was jerking me off while the other was beating a small hand drum- the beats got faster and faster in time as I came closer to climax. It was highly erotic and VERY pleasurable. If your "team" is able to add some new twist to things, it can be great. Unfortunately most of the time, the 4 handed ones as not as imaginative.
  20. Natural vibrant red hair sometimes does it for me too. Especially if the guy is noticeably hairy with a bushy beard
  21. I've had a few of these in the past. In general there are two different styles. Style one is where the two providers work on either side in unison. As long as the providers are equally proficient, this can feel really good but if one is weaker than the other, it is a bit of a bummer. The other style which I prefer is where one partner takes care of the lower half and the other takes care of the upper half. They may even switch from time to time. This gives you the opportunity to blow the provider while still getting massaged. If one person is less capable in massage, you won't notice it. In general, unless they will be having a "3-way" with you at the end, a single masseur is a better use of your fuck dollar if you just want to have a decent massage.
  22. Personally not a fan of righty whiteys. They get dingy too fast unless you bother with bleach….and I think colors and shapes give a flavor of someone’s personality.
  23. The corollary to this….the nicest thing you can do for your partner is to stay healthy.
  24. Certain types of clothing are triggers for me- like a nice white Oxford shirt with sleeves rolled up to reveal nice hairy forearms
  25. The only time I ever got mugged was walking home one night to Harnwell House…some guy told me he had a bomb and was gonna blow me up. I just kept walking. To this day I always wonder if that was Ted Africa. Other than that I have occasional fond memories of my undergrad years at Penn
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