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    LGatton got a reaction from Penn7 in I love a good pun...   
    I went over to my friends house for dinner and she was serving Indian food. There was this really great flatbread I liked a lot and I asked for the recipe. She didn't have it on hand but said she could send it over later.
    We have a naan disclosure agreement.
  2. Like
    LGatton reacted to JayCeeKy in Have you ever bought a Black Friday sale from a provider?   
    No, but I did hire an Exhibitionist during a Flash Sale.
  3. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from CheckCar in COVID   
    I haven't hired since this thing started heating up back in February. I work with the public so social distancing and quarantining are a no go for me. I have been lucky that I haven't shown symptoms this entire time but that isn't to say I haven't had it unknowingly.
    Add the fact that I have to regularly interact with my parents and it's too much to risk both for the person I'm hiring and the people I have work with everyday. It frustrating since I had just started this hobby back in beginning of the year, but like people say the light at the end is coming so I can wait it out a few more months.
    On the upside I managed to squirrel away quite a bit these last few months so I'll be able to enjoy myself rather nicely once this ends
  4. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from jeezifonly in COVID   
    I haven't hired since this thing started heating up back in February. I work with the public so social distancing and quarantining are a no go for me. I have been lucky that I haven't shown symptoms this entire time but that isn't to say I haven't had it unknowingly.
    Add the fact that I have to regularly interact with my parents and it's too much to risk both for the person I'm hiring and the people I have work with everyday. It frustrating since I had just started this hobby back in beginning of the year, but like people say the light at the end is coming so I can wait it out a few more months.
    On the upside I managed to squirrel away quite a bit these last few months so I'll be able to enjoy myself rather nicely once this ends
  5. Like
    LGatton reacted to + MysticMenace in Gayest video for today's times   
    Time to Get Physical during This Pandemic

  6. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from + BlueSky in Friday Funnies   
  7. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from + honcho in Friday Funnies   
  8. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from beachboy in Friday Funnies   
  9. Like
    LGatton reacted to + purplekow in Here we go again.   
    This afternoon at work, I was called to an emergency meeting . As with the most of the rest of the country, CoVid cases are on the rise in NJ and many of the surrounding hospitals have already been seeing large numbers of patients. There are several communities in this area in which for reasons both political and social, social distancing and mask use have not been embraced. As a result, while the rest of the state was relatively quiet, some of the local hospitals have continued to have a significant number of CoVid patients.
    The meeting today was to inform us of the planned changes to bed distribution which will be made this weekend. This bed distribution will once again include an additional ICU and one CoVid assigned floor and one floor held empty for overflow of CoVid patients. The neighboring hospitals had reached near peak capacity and there are plans to transfer some of the more seriously ill patient to our temporarily underutilized ICU. The five local hospitals each had thirty to forty patients with CoVid in the hospital and about half of those were requiring intensive care.
    The hospital at which I work had ten patient with Covid, three in the ICU. Just last week we had only 2 patients with CoVid, none in the ICU.
    I am taking care of two CoVid patients now after going most of the summer with none.
    There is a different feeling to the whole operation this time. Much more organized and matter of fact. Less panic but there is certainly a level of apprehension. Some have expressed doubt as to their ability to go through this again, but off course they will.
    We have protocols whereas in the spring we had clinical trials and seat of the pants attempts to stem the tide of the infection. He have more equipment and p[ans to conserve that equipment and methods to insure that the equipment is used to its best efficiency. We have clinical experience and a working familiarity in the vicissitudes that any patient's course may take.
    I. am confident that this time we will be better prepared and just as determined to care for these patients with every diligence.
    The two patient's I am caring for now do not fit the mold of what many would consider the expected CoVid patient and each has had a rock course. One of the patient's is a 22 year old man of Haitian descent who had just began having success as a fashion model. He has been ill for three weeks and was first tested positive at that time. He was treated at another hospital, While there, he developed problems with blood clot formation which has led to failure of several organs. The CoVid testing is still positive but the acute symptoms have resolved, but the clot issues remain. He is a young 22 year old. He is not at all worldly and his only concern expressed irelates to his discharge and his return to modeling. The damage he has suffered will likely be permanent and I can see that it is very likely he will need a transplant in the not too distant future. He will be one of the under recognized victims of the chronic effects of this virus.
    The other patient is a 42 year old woman who worked at a local fast food restaurant and who had been sick for almost two weeks when she came to the ER with a high fever and shortness of breath. When I first examined her, I experienced the deep in the gut expectation that she was not going to do well. Apart from the fever and the shortness of breath, she was otherwise medically stable. By the second day, she was requiring higher doses of oxygen and was breathing even more quick. Her chest muscles were obviously being called upon to work harder. These accessory muscles of respiration are called into use only in times of significant respiratory compromise. I spoke with her husband. I explained the situation and tried to offer hope to him that I did not have myself. During the night her condition worsened and it seemed likely that she was going to need to be placed on a ventilator. The vast majority of patients with CoVid who require that kind of support rarely live to leave the hospital. And then, in the morning, unexpectedly, she was better. Not totally better but much improved. She has gone from the brink and has returned. Breathing more easily, I expect her to be home by the end of the weekend, It will be heartening to see her leave that isolation room, even if that bed will be filled with another victim in short order.
    So gentleman, please be safe. Please act as though your life depends on you being very respectful of this virus, because it does.
  10. Like
    LGatton reacted to + purplekow in Suits me fine   
    Today, I was scheduled to have an appointment with one of my favorite escorts. Unfortunately, the game was called on account of rain. However, when I awoke this morning, he had not yet postponed the date and it was just before my alarm was set to turn on. While lying there waiting for the radio to go on, I started thinking about the date and envisioning my companion in a well tailored suit,. pants cut tight in the back and with just enough padding in the jacket shoulders to fully accentuate the taper in his muscular upper body. A crisp white shirt with the tie opened slightly and the top two buttons undone showing off his smooth upper chest lie under the jacket and brightly shined black shoes without socks completed the look. .
    Men in suits have never been a big turn on for me, but this idea was very exciting. I let the moment pass as the real man was scheduled to arrive in a few hours and I did not want to be less than optimally primed for our encounter. When he texted to postpone, I texted him back about the morning thoughts. He replied, we would get to that suit fantasy soon as he could manage it.
    I do not really have a suit fetish, only this passing pleasant memory in the dawn's early light.
    I was curious if there are guys out there who have a suit fetish. Have they hired to enact this fetish? If he is a regular, have you bought him a suit cut to your preference?
  11. Like
    LGatton reacted to mike carey in Suggestion For Readable Longer Posts   
    Wasn't it Mark Twain who said that he would have written a shorter letter if he'd had more time?
  12. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from + augustus in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    Nothing turns me off reading something more than uninterrupted blocks of text. I always try to be mindful when I'm writing of when I have moved on to a new point or thought so I can split it up into more digestible pieces
  13. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from + Charlie in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    Nothing turns me off reading something more than uninterrupted blocks of text. I always try to be mindful when I'm writing of when I have moved on to a new point or thought so I can split it up into more digestible pieces
  14. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    Nothing turns me off reading something more than uninterrupted blocks of text. I always try to be mindful when I'm writing of when I have moved on to a new point or thought so I can split it up into more digestible pieces
  15. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from + Lucky in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    Nothing turns me off reading something more than uninterrupted blocks of text. I always try to be mindful when I'm writing of when I have moved on to a new point or thought so I can split it up into more digestible pieces
  16. Like
    LGatton reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Suggestion For Readable Longer Posts   
    It's called power white space within journalism/newspaper layout design. It's a really important, useful tool.
    I'd also encourage posters to bold points they want to get across.
    Good post Lucky ?
  17. Like
    LGatton reacted to + Lucky in Suggestion For Readable Longer Posts   
    I noted this in another thread, but if you don't read that thread, you won't see it. So I post it here in case you are interested:
    Long posts need white spaces. It's as simple as that. If you want your post read in its entirety, then give it some space!
    White space is a design principle. Simply, the absence of text draws your eye to the text. It literally refers to the amount of space around and between the words.
    We should use white space because:

    It makes it easier for us to read.
    It draws the reader's attention to the text.
    It is uncluttered and calming.

    Sep 6, 2016
    Designer Keith Robertson says:

  18. Like
    LGatton reacted to + Lucky in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    I like the paragraphing in your post. The white space in between helps me stay focused on your writing. I notice that in many of the longer posts where white space is not used that my eye has trouble following. Maybe age, but I don't know the real reason why this is difficult for me.
    Here's my Google search result:
    White space is a design principle. Simply, the absence of text draws your eye to the text. It literally refers to the amount of space around and between the words.
    We should use white space because:

    It makes it easier for us to read.
    It draws the reader's attention to the text.
    It is uncluttered and calming.

    Sep 6, 2016

  19. Like
    LGatton reacted to + MysticMenace in How did you begin hiring?   
    Before I become the next Steve Carrell and call myself another 40-year old virgin (no kiss, no sex - that I remember, with anybody), I decided in my tender age of 34 to just do it - jerking off to porn was no longer cutting it. Did my google search, stumbled upon RM and got an account during New Year's Eve in 2019. Once I saw some guys in DC, I nervously texted one of them, asking for the following:

    Whether he is available for 2 hours between 1/2/2020 and 1/4/2020
    What the rate is

    Being the naive guy that I was, I also offered that if that weekend does not work, whether he had availability some time that month. The provider then mentioned his rate for an incall. Not knowing what an incall was, I offered to book a hotel (since I had what I thought was an irrational fear of meeting a stranger at his own place) outside of DC and would let him know where it is as soon as I booked it. Then the provider gave a different rate for an outcall, which then I had to google and figure out the difference from an incall and subsequently agreed to the outcall rate. He asked me for stats, to which I replied. And then he asked me what I wanted to do during our time together and I was taken aback. I thought I just had to reserve the appointment and the "thing" just happens. So I panicked for a good hour or so, then calmed down. I looked at the list of things he was into on RM and texted the things we had in common and what I was ready for (e.g., did not know what douching was back then so did not even bother mentioning that I might want to bottom). Confirmed the booking on 1/3/2020 for 2 hours. Man, was I relieved.
    The day before the booking, I was already so worked up and nervous to the point of wanting to cancel the appointment. I had to reset and revisit why I made the booking to begin with. Realizing that I need to get this nervous energy out, I thought it was prudent that I probably start off with an erotic massage. So I got myself a RentMasseur account and booked one for that night. Still nervous but went through with it. Let's just say the experience was meh, but I was able to overcome my anxiety of being that close to a guy and having another man touch me. Success!
    The night finally arrived, with wads of $20s on me (the ATM near me only dispensed cash by $20 denomination), I knocked on his door (he had issues getting to my hotel so my horny self just set aside my fear and offered to meet up at his place). He greeted me with a smile and a big hug. I felt a good chunk of my nervous energy starting to melt away. He played some soft EDM music in the background while talking and getting to know each other. I was still nervous, so I just ended up talking with him for a good hour and 15 minutes. Then he stood up and said, "I know you just did not come here to talk. I can talk through the rest of our time, but I know that is not what you came here for." Then panic started to come over me and slowly stood up and walked with him to the bedroom. He played some porn while he was undressing himself. He then started to undress me and started the rest of the time with a kiss. There were certainly lots of firsts for me during that session, and was relieved and happy I followed through with it.
    A lot has happened in the last 10 months, experienced lots of other firsts with other providers and masseurs, and as I read one of my RM reviews that an "old timer" referenced in one of the posts in this forum, I realize that I have been pretty busy, having reviewed over 70 providers and masseurs since I started. Perhaps I am still fairly new in all of this, but I am glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and just did it.
  20. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from coriolis888 in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
  21. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from BabyBoomer in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
  22. Like
    LGatton reacted to asianmusclebttm in New escort here, Asian muscle bottom, saying hi   
    Hey guys!
    I've been a lurker on these forums for awhile and now my ad is finally up!
    You can check me out at rent.men/AsianMuscleBttm
    I am as the description says - Asian, muscled, and a bottom! Some quick facts about me: I'm based in Palm Springs, I love older men, I love to kiss, and I love to cook. You can read more about me on my painstakingly written ad ? .
    I'm a green pea in escorting so I'm hoping I can make some friends and ask some questions. Feel free to ask me anything or message me, I'm a chatterbox.
    - Aaron
    P.S. I keep running into an error when trying to add my link to my signature. Can anybody help me?

    My Butt
  23. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Dune 2020   
    I am intrigued by this new version but I will always have a special place in my heart for the batshit 1984 one
  24. Like
    LGatton got a reaction from Wolfer in Onlyfans   
    I definitely consider Rhyheim the gold standard for Onlyfans/Justforfans. I especially like that he has a designated camera person who's just there to film and said camera person is very good at knowing where to point the camera to best catch the action.
    I'd also recommend Gabriel Cross. His set up is not as elaborate as Rhyheim's as he only very occasionally has someone else filming for him, but he is really good knowing when to pass the camera around to him and his scene partners to show the best angles and has couple of stationary cameras usually set up. He also manages to get some great quality and variety of guys.

    @NikoLeto I can't speak to Dato's content specifically but more to the two guys I referenced above, but if they give me well shot, well performed, 20 minute+ content at $9.99 a month there is not a lot of incentive to pay much above that price point. I can probably afford to subscribe to 3, maybe 4 guys at a time so I like to have the best bang for my buck. If they piqued my interest enough I could see myself doing up to $14.99/month for one or two guys but not much more than that.
    That's not to say you couldn't get more than that but you would have to have more niche or fetish content few or no other guys are really doing. There are more than few guys who charge northward of $19.99/month for just sparse posts of them flexing in a mirror and some jack off videos. Same thing for charges for individual videos. It would have to be something really unique and appealing to me in order to shell that out for one video.
    Now this is just reflects my personal tastes, but the more condensed version of my point is how much you can get is tied to what you have to offer as compared to how much people with similar content are charging for it.
  25. Like
    LGatton reacted to Wolfer in Onlyfans   
    The best OnlyFans I've subscribed to are the ones that don't have any pay-per-view at all but put their full content on their main timeline. Fulltimepapi and Matthew Camp do this and. More often than not I've found that the ones that have only teasers on their main timeline (which they already charge for) have very underwhelming pay-per-view videos.
    Apart from one instance, I've always regretted coughing up for the pay-per-view videos that they offer. They have always been weirdly low quality (as in very compressed and small file size, which I do not get as even my 5 year old phone can record crisp full HD. Yet these guys seem to be recording on late '80's tape cameras or something). The most I've paid for a video like that was 7 dollars, which I find the only reasonable amount for that (10-minute fuck video where you barely see anything).
    I hate having to pay for "teasers", especially if the monthly price is already the same as a Netflix subscription. Imagine subscribing to Netflix but only able to see the trailers as part of your subscription! And then have to pay individually for the full shows you actually want to see! But hey, it must be working as I've seen this practice explode in the last year and a half.
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