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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. All from when I was about 9 or 10 years old: Melissa Sue Anderson (Mary 'Pa, I can't see!' Ingalls from Little House), Gil Gerard (Buck Rogers), Sydney Penny (Young Meggie on The Thorn Birds) and.... wait for it, John Ritter (Three's Company). Maybe my name on here should be ConfusedByNature... ?
  2. Is there a link available?
  3. Wait a minute... you expect us to believe there are people out there who are out of your league? ?
  4. It looks like a tomato seed or two have sprouted inside the fruit. It can happen when the tomato is overripe. The sprouts have some toxicity to them, so good to throw it out. Don't feed to pets either.
  5. In my opinion you owe it to yourself to find out why he would make those posts on FB and also tell him how you feel about it. If this is something that ends your relationship you'll be able to do so with a fuller understanding of who that person is, and he might come to understand that his opinions, words and actions have consequences.
  6. I'm just super discreet. CuriousByNature isn't even my real name... ?
  7. It's a scary prospect no doubt, but it's also important to try to be calm and objective about covid. We don't want to be reckless, but at the same time we should be mindful that those with pre-existing conditions are the ones most at risk. There will always be the outliers - those who are young and healthy and die from corona, and also those who are centenarians and survive without much ill-effect. So many factors are at play besides age and fitness level. But each of us needs to determine our own parameters with respect to the posed risks and stay true to those, taking into account the guidance given by experts. At least here in Canada that has been a relatively successful approach for many people, but I know the dynamics are far more challenging south of the border.
  8. Hey all, Just wondering if it is possible to pay for an upgraded membership on a site like Rentmen by using a VISA or Mastercard gift card? Or do most people use a credit card and not worry about confidentiality?
  9. I don't like the smell or taste of cigarettes, but I can see myself stopping to go make a tuna sandwich. Now that I think of it, that probably explains a lot.
  10. Stand for pants, jeans, underwear and socks. But have had to lie on the floor to do up the button on jeans, but that is a girth issue rather than balance...lol
  11. Very well put. Stay well ?
  12. I'm curious, what is considered 'smallish'? As much as some people overestimate their size, others tend to underestimate. I find relative terms to be potentially depressing I guess.
  13. Wow, you're not kidding. Are those matts? I feel like I should buy the guy a comb and some beard oil.
  14. I have read that there is a genetic reason why it tastes soapy to some people. My siblings can't stand it but I don't mind it. Not my favourite herb but also not something I would avoid. I tell them this goes to support my personal theory that I was adopted.
  15. I was once told I could be an escort in a world where everyone was blind. Thanks a lot, mom. ?
  16. I received a similar request today, but have no idea which post it's about. Will have to wait to hear back from the individual, I suppose.
  17. I think the only thing that was wrong was that you weren't able to get a video of the incident to post here for all of our enjoyment...?
  18. I was there for a week, and I don't think it ever got below 85 before I went to bed, usually around 10pm. It was beautiful.
  19. Just be prepared that some outdoor activities may not be super comfortable in July due to the heat. I was there last year and it was 115 degrees in the shade, which I didnt mind because I love dry heat. But many people find it opressive even sitting by the pool. If you take the gondola up the mountain its a good 15 or 20 degrees cooler.
  20. And maybe by next week there'll be a profile for a 6'5" 270lb 53-year old advertising as a twink... ?
  21. I would think if someone is serious about the work they are doing they would reply to you in a way that reflects that. But maybe Im an old fashioned 40-something. Well, not maybe, its definitely. Anyhoo if a reply is flakey, standoffish, arrogant, dismissive or just bizarre, it might be providing you a glimpse of what you'll encounter if you meet in person.
  22. And at the other end of the intelligence spectrum, I was the only kid in grade 7 driving to school in his own car. JK...LOL
  23. Im not a super politically-correct person at the best of times, and everyone is absolutely free to use whichever terms they wish. That may be part of freedom of expression I suppose. But I think it is important for people to realize that certain terms have a meaning that is far deeper and more painful for some than for others. And a lot of people probably wouldn't mind using an alternate term if it helps prevent triggering someone else. The OP was clear that he did not chastise the client in any way, and I take it he doesn't expect people to not use the word 'rape'. I didn't get the impression at all that there was an expectation for anyone to conform to his understanding and change their behaviour accordingly. I do think he gave all of us useful food for thought, as you have in your comment. You mentioned the term 'slave' as well, and this could also be a term that is hurtful to some but is used in a widespread manner. People will continue to use such terminology without meaning any harm, but it is good for us to be reminded that it can be harmful even if it wasn't intended to be.
  24. A bit off topic, but when I used to go on cruises I noticed how the daily program often had meetings and receptions for 'Friends of Dorothy'. On my third cruise I was shaking my head at the bizarre coincidence of being on yet another cruise with this Dorothy. Who the heck is this woman, and why is she getting so much attention? So I went to the Purser's Desk and asked the staff there. It was difficult to understand the answer amidst all of their laughter. I think one may have even snorted.
  25. The British Museum is one of my favourite places. I could spend weeks in there.
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