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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. When someone who isn't feeling well says they have 'a temperature' instead of 'a fever'. Umm yeah, even a corpse has a temperature.
  2. Perhaps one option would be for sites to offer an 'Avoid List' feature as well as a 'Buddy List'. There are many reasons why someone may not be adviseable for contacting aside from racist and political attitudes they may harbour. But I completely understand why the OP has focused on the racism factor given the horrendous things that are going on currently and the terrible history of discrimination in the US (and here in Canada).
  3. On a side note, I hope the McRib never makes a return.
  4. Not an easy situation. When a relative says something I find disturbing I usually respond with, 'You don't actually believe that, do you?' This invariably leads to a discussion, some defensiveness and justifying on their part, and often finishing by simply agreeing to disagree. But as long as I remain calm and rational in my arguments, things rarely get out of control. Even though I may think what they are saying is evil, I remind myself that they themselves are not evil - just ignorant or misinformed. I always hope that by confronting their opinions in a patient and fact-based manner they might realize their position does not have a solid foundation after all. Most of the time there is no obvious breakthrough, but I also cannot see what small changes may be happening in their hearts.
  5. I wouldn't say it catered to any particular demographic, but the casting was very much on point. Betty White playing a ditz after playing a vamp on the Mary Tyler Moore, Rue McLanahan playing a vamp after playing a ditz on Maude, and Bea Arthur being Bea Arthur...
  6. I once thought about becoming a tv reporter until I realized it could cause most viewers to turn back to radio. ?
  7. Every pandemic has to end at some point, whether by immunization, treatment, mutation, etc. The big question for me is whether it will return, and if so, whether it will be less virulent or more virulent than the current outbreak.
  8. Lol... any reference to the Golden Girls is a good reference in my book. But if I remember correctly, didn't Charlie also die while he and Rose were in the moment, so to speak? ?
  9. I don't mean to hijack the post by @tony, but do you know how the scuba/snorkeling is around Eilat? I hear its awesome at spots on the Sinai and the coast of Egypt, but haven't heard much of anything about the Eilat or Aqaba portions of the coast. Is there a place in Eilat you would recommend staying? Thanks!
  10. Maybe he just wants everyone to know he's willing to walk to whatever room in his house he keeps his computer/cam... ?
  11. Judging from the photos it seems that his personal training might be very personal indeed... ?
  12. It has been so long since I had hair to cut, other than with a shaver. Prices have obviously jumped since I last saw a barber....
  13. I think possibly Bulgarian with the first name spelled that way ?‍♂️
  14. I totally get where you're coming from. We get into these ruts that have enough profitability to keep us engaged, but are not structured well enough to sustain our fulfillment. Its a hard spot to be in and it is understandably exhausting. You sound like you try to be very accommodating... perhaps too accommodating. In any career its important we have boundaries and to stick to them for our own mental and physical health. Exhaustion and depression are real things that drain us of our motivation and drive. These things are not insurmountable for you - but I think its really important to set your boundaries and try to stick to them. People can be very demanding and unreasonable. All we can do is stick to the plan we've laid out, whatever that may be, and hope that quality people will appreciate us for that. I understand it may even seem overwhelming, but take a good deep breath and know that you've got this. ?
  15. I'm sorry to hear you are in that zone. Are there other career paths you have an interest in, or another city you might want to try working in? Unfortunately we sometimes run into these stretches where people disappoint us over and over again, and it can cause us to view things more negatively that what they actually may be. This pandemic doesn't help, and as things open up people may even act more strangely than usual for a while. My only (unsolicited) advice for what its worth, is try to stay flexible... its so much better to bend than to break. Take good care of yourself, and thank you for always being so open on these boards about what you are feeling.
  16. It's commendable that he acknowledges the risks associated with COVID, but the way he expresses it rubs me the wrong way. It reads to me like it's society's responsibility to ensure he doesn't meet with clients... though he probably doesn't mean it to sound that way. It might be better for him to simply say that he would appreciate donations to help support him in these difficult times since he can't, in good conscience, risk his health or the health of others. Perhaps also mentioning that he is looking for additional employment after being laid off could go a long way in generating positive responses.
  17. Hmmmm... I recall seeing photo #5 in another profile somewhere. I believe it was a Rentmen ad for someone in Calgary, and I believe it was the only photo in that ad, if my memory is correct.
  18. Mmmmm.... Pistachios can make almost anything good ?
  19. I completely get where you're coming from. However, my concern isn't that Americans will flood across the border, but that Canadians will flood south to tourist hotspots and bring infections back home. I think that is a more likely scenario.
  20. Hmmm. Good questions. It is likely our numbers would have been considerably lower still if the Quebec school break had been at the same time as the rest of Canada. Unfortunately many Quebec families traveled over their spring break, which was two weeks earlier than the rest of Canada and before heavy travel restrictions were in place. In any case, one factor is that COVID hasn't become politicized in Canada to the extent that it has in the USA. Leaders from most parties here generally united their efforts to respond more quickly and more decisively. For the most part, I believe, Canadians tend to be less worried about infringement of our individual rights when the health of the nation is at stake. There are those who certainly raise a stink about social distancing, etc, but most people have complied quite well. I think BC's response has been the most effective - a population of 5 million people and lots of travel to and from China, with 'only' 141 deaths so far. 49 people in hospital at the moment with about 11 of those in ICU. Washington state reported its 1000th death this weekend, by comparison. My heart breaks for those to the south who are struggling with much higher infection, hospitalization and fatality numbers, much less effective leadership in the upper eschalons of power, and much more costly health care. It continues to be an unfolding nightmare for sure. Of course things are far from perfect here. I have always found the healthcare system in the USA to be excellent, with much shorter waits for elective surgeries and diagnostic tests. Here in Canada the wait times are horrendous. So there is a trade-off for having universal health care. Another shameful aspect to the Canadian experience is the rise of racist acts against Asians. Disgusting. Its also hard to compare the two countries because of the population size differences. I don't know how effective our response would be if our population was 350 million. As for the borders, I hope Trudeau will not back down under pressure from Trump to reopen. Not until the USA significantly flattens its curve. All of our hard work to contain and manage the crisis could be for nothing if the borders open too soon.
  21. For added umami flavour I like to chop a portabello mushroom quite finely like you are making a duxelle, and saute in olive oil with a bit of thyme and garlic. Let it cool and add it to the meat mixture.
  22. I think he, or someone with the same photos, advertises on Planet Romeo from Dubai.
  23. I'm somewhat surprised when I hear about people of faith using extraordinary and invasive means to remain alive for the longest possible time. Particularly when most people of faith believe there is something more beyond this life. I've seen both sides - those who do everything possible to remain living, despite the pain and weakness of a terminal illness, and those who only request comfort care and accept that their existence in this realm is drawing to a close. Of course it is never a simple choice, as other people will no doubt be affected by the decision, one way or another. Im not sure how I would respond if the time comes for me to make that decision, but one elderly woman of profound faith once told me that death is nothing to fear because it is the one thing we know that each of us will one day experience. No exceptions. I thought there was some wisdom in those words, regardless of a person's religious belief or unbelief.
  24. I have done a number of cruises on mid-range lines like Princess, Holland America, etc. My favourite line by far was Celebrity, particularly for the food. But I've only done one because of their exorbitant single supplement rates. While many lines have supplements of around 50% to 75%, I am usually quoted 125% to 150% by Celebrity. I dont understand how a line can justify charging more than 100% extra for a single traveler. It would be cheaper to pretend I'm traveling with someone when I book, and then just show up alone. And that, gentlemen, is my rant for the day.
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