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Everything posted by CuriousByNature

  1. That's hilarious. Well done ?
  2. At least until 2101 so I can say I've lived in three different centuries - and judging by how things have gone so far, also be a virgin in three different centuries.... ???
  3. Perhaps distance, time, and the realities of a pandemic have made the heart grow fonder...
  4. I think we can all see ourselves in your shoes to some degree with respect to spelling, math errors, autocorrect, etc. Misspeaking is the worst, though... in a history presentation in university I was comparing the 1948 formation of the nation of Israel with the establishment of Israel in Biblical times. Multiple times I spoke of ancient Israel having hostile Genitals for neighbours. The professor later asked if there was any particular problem I had with pronouncing 'Gentiles'. I answered that I felt I should just shrink away in embarrassment, and without missing a beat, he said, 'or maybe just rise to the occassion'. ?
  5. Have you tried adding the tomato paste with the beef to caramelize the paste, rather than mixing it with the other liquids? Or even to the hot pot once the meat is removed, and caramelize it before adding the extra liquid?
  6. This where a calculator watch could have come in so handy. I never thought I would ever say that.
  7. I wish I could offer advice based on experience, but the fact is, I have never had a romantic relationship or encounter with anyone, male or female. But I imagine there are as many types of relationships as there are people, whether gay or straight. No doubt people will generalize about one demographic over another, but there are always those individuals/couples who will not fit within those generalizations. The nature and character of a relationship with one person may be opposite to another one had that person had chosen someone else. There are too many variables that make up a relationship to draw any firm correlatons or causations, but you raise some interesting considerations for sure. But what do I know? I've never even been on a date ?
  8. Maybe he screens clients by how well they can compose a short essay. Don't forget to include a thesis statement in the first paragraph...
  9. Last one for tonight.... Joe Penny from Riptide, and later, Jake and the Fatman. He did not play the Fatman. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_CJiMltRI5UQ/S9yDrZYJuoI/AAAAAAAATfs/IZmtMs-bppg/s400/joe+penny.jpg
  10. Well, now that I know how to post images I can't seem to stop - LOL. Sasha Mitchell from Dallas and some 90s sitcom as well.
  11. Lee Horsely from the 80s show, Matt Houston.
  12. And Anthony Addabbo from a few soap operas in the 90s.... passed away in 2016.http://soapphotos.altervista.org/guidinglight/gljim.jpg
  13. Was in a few shows as a guest in the 90s, but probably best remembered for those Diet Coke commercials....http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_Y6e2zYdNeI/UTx9bfmBKvI/AAAAAAAARTs/JkFMOn8sl4A/s1600/Vanous_Lucky3.jpg
  14. In this case, given that he isn't actually a fallen angel but only plays one in a show, I would assume it is not sacreligious at all. ?
  15. Let's try this again. Tom Ellis from Lucifer....
  16. Thanks Still doesn't work with my phone, but will try my tablet...
  17. I must be a complete doorknob. Whenever I copy an image address and paste it into the image-link icon, I get an error message... ?
  18. He looks like a happy guy. Nice to see someone smiling so much.
  19. That sounds awesome. But my palate isn't refined enough to be worthy of Michelin-starred meals.
  20. Or if he is a member of a mendicant order and had taken a vow of poverty...
  21. Prior to Covid I had hoped to travel to NYC, and the following masseur in Queens caught my eye when I was scanning through Rentmasseur. He seemed very nice via messaging, for what that may be worth, but I never made it to NYC to meet him. Not sure if others here have had any experiences with his massages. https://rentmasseur.com/FABRONN
  22. If he considers his body to only be 'average' then he's either very modest or delusional. If that is indeed an 'average' body then I'm in way worse shape than I ever realized! Yikes...
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